As the water arrow turtle stood up, Kaguya and the others were seeing his full face, Xiao Mao couldn't help swallowing, this is really big!

Chapter 333 Battle of the Water Arrow Turtle -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

As the water arrow turtle stood up, Kaguya and the others were seeing his full face, Xiao Mao couldn't help swallowing, this is really big!

He had never seen such a huge Pokémon before!

Is this really just a water arrow turtle! ?

This can already be compared to the huge stinger jellyfish back then, right? !

Xiao Huang had seen the huge fast dragon before. Judging from its size, the giant fast dragon was bigger than the water arrow turtle.

The Super Frog Flower, which was originally a small giant, looked very petite in front of this water arrow turtle!

"Crazy Plants!" Kaguya ordered to Miaohuahua, he wanted to win this battle!Water arrow turtles, come to the bowl!

As Kaguya's words fell, countless vines and branches spread wildly from its body, swept away towards the water arrow turtle, and gradually wrapped around its body!

"Kamei!" The water arrow turtle frowned, and it could clearly feel that this was not a so-called crazy plant, it was much stronger than a crazy plant, and it was even absorbing its own physical strength!

The water arrow turtle roared, and stretched out its claws to frantically tear at the vines and branches that were constantly absorbing its own strength.

"It's so scary?!" Whether it was the skill range of Hui Yemiao Fanahua or the huge waves caused by the water arrow turtle's movement, Xiao Mao couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It seems that the distance between myself and Kaguya is really getting farther and farther!

Looking at the seemingly inexhaustible vines, the water arrow turtle was also a little annoyed, and the two gun barrels with a thickness of 407 to [-] meters on the back also began to frantically gather water elements, and then two A huge water column sprayed towards the place where Miao Frog Flower was.

"Wooden Ingot Wall" Hui Ye commanded faintly!

I saw a plant growing at a very fast speed in front of the wonderful frog flower, forming a wooden shield, which blocked the two huge water cannons of the water arrow turtle for the wonderful frog flower!

"This is!?" Xiao Mao was a little stunned at the moment, this was another skill he didn't know, and he swore that he had never seen such a skill before. Could it be that Hui Ye created it himself? !This defense is a bit high!It can stop such a water cannon!


The battle by the sea soon caught the attention of Ash and his party in the deep mountains.

"This is!?" Xiao Zhi looked at the others in a daze, what's going on? !Is the movement a bit loud?Shouldn't Kaguya be fighting? !

Shiba also frowned. In the forest, they couldn't see the tall figure of the water arrow turtle, but the fluctuation of the battle spread here, and he also thought that it might be Kaguya fighting, but again Who can fight him like this? !

Could it be that Kaguya's trouble-making aura broke out again? !Another unknown incident was involved with him? !What a disaster star indeed! .

Main Text Chapter [-] Kaguya's Progress

The huge water column hit the wooden ingot wall temporarily created by the wonderful frog flower, causing countless water splashes. It has become a vast ocean!

Kaguya also looked solemnly in the direction of Miaowahua, after all, this was the first time he had let Miaowahua use the wooden nail wall to defend against other Pokémon!And it's a water-based trick like a water cannon, so Hui Ye felt a little nervous in his heart!

Fortunately, Kaguya won the bet!The wooden nail wall really blocked the super powerful trick of the water cannon, which also made Hui Ye secretly relieved. In normal battles, he really did not miss any fainting moves. For this reason, Hui Ye felt in his heart. There is a little bit of pressure!

If this goes on for a long time, this may become a dream in Kaguya's heart!

Although there are many young people who are not wrong, Kaguya also hopes that his fighting skills will become better and better!

"Good job, Miao froghua uses Daqingtian!" Hui Ye immediately ordered to Miao froghua.

When fighting in the wild, the weather has a huge impact on the battle!

Although Da Qingtian could not bring the skill increase to the grass-type Pokémon, it has a huge impact on the water arrow turtle, and the power of the water-type skills will be greatly reduced.

With the use of the sunny day, the sky became a lot clearer in an instant, and the sun hanging high in the sky looked bigger than before!Even the whole air is a lot hotter.

The water arrow turtle saw the bright sunny day of the wonderful frog flower, and a glimmer of admiration flashed in his eyes. At least Kaguya's performance was satisfactory, but it did not directly use the rain.The weather skills in real battles are not directly covered as in the game, but are determined by the strength and level of the Pokémon on both sides!Unless there are Pokémon with the characteristics of their own weather like Kyogre, Gulaton, and Riftza...

The current Blastoise is very interested in Kaguya's performance. Whether it is the previous "Crazy Plant. 〃Plant" or the subsequent wooden nail wall, the performance of Miao Frog Flower is very good. It wants to see this How powerful is the Miao Frog Flower!

"Very good, in such an environment, the water skills can be weakened a lot!" Xiao Mao also secretly praised, during this period of time, Hui Ye's growth is really great, even his grandfather, Dr. Happy with Kaguya's progress!

"It doesn't seem to be very serious!" Hui Ye frowned slightly. With the age and fighting talent of this water arrow turtle, it is not wrong to use Prayer for Rain in such a situation, but looking at the water arrow turtle, It doesn't seem to mean that.

Water Arrow Turtle What does this mean! ?If it is said that the Frog Flower in normal state may indeed not be the opponent of Blastoise, but the level of the Frog Flower with mega evolution is not inferior to the Frog Flower too much!There is even an advantage in attributes, is this a test for me! ?

"Miaowahua uses the technique of wooden figures!" Kaguya ordered to Miaowahua after a slight hesitation.

"Wooden man art?!" Xiao Mao, who was standing beside Hui Ye, was stunned, what kind of skill is this? ?Why had he never heard of these skills? !

Could it be that he has fallen behind? !

I saw that along with the accumulated strength of the wonderful frog flower, a huge tree stump appeared in front of it, and then the tree stump continued to grow and change its appearance, and gradually turned into the appearance of a wooden man.

This directly exceeded everyone's expectations, and the wonderful frog flower turned out a wooden man nearly 10 meters high!

Although, the height of this wooden man is still incomparable with the water arrow turtle's height of nearly [-] meters, but it is also very big!

Chapter 1 Kaguya's Progress-->>(page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

Although, the height of this wooden man is still incomparable with the water arrow turtle's height of nearly [-] meters, but it is also very big!

Xiaomao said that in such a short period of time that he and Hui Ye were out, his vision had undergone earth-shaking changes. He never knew that Pokémon's skills could still be used in this way!

Even the well-informed dreamer was stunned when he saw the wonderful frog flower, and it found that there seemed to be a lot of interesting things happening with Kaguya!

As for the fact that Hui Ye wants to conquer these water arrow turtles, Kamy turtles and Jenny turtles, Dream will not care. I wish someone could come in and play with me!

After planting the tree of the beginning of the world in the small world, the fate of Dream and Kaguya can be considered to be completely combined.As long as Kaguya doesn't do anything too inhumane, Dream won't care about this kind of shit!

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