"Kamei!" The water arrow turtle's eyes lit up after seeing the wooden man. It's very curious how the frog flower does this. This evolutionary power seems to be a bit powerful and terrifying!

Without the slightest hesitation, the water arrow turtle's fist exuded a dazzling white light, and at the same time it exuded a slight chill, freezing fist!It's not only water skills!

The huge fist attacked the wooden man like an overwhelming force.

".~Block it!" At this moment, Kaguya also ignited the desire to fight. These wood traps and Miao Frog Flowers have always been known, but they have not been used to deceive people's eyes and ears!

Now that he has met such an opponent, Kaguya doesn't plan to hide his clumsiness!Just a dry!

Today's Kaguya has gradually figured it out. With his current strength, if he wants to fight against the alliance, it is purely an egg to hit a stone, even if his Pokémon are in their peak state, unless the dream reaches the height of the God of Creation. , otherwise it would be impossible to overthrow the alliance!

However, with Hui Ye's current strength and the connections he has, as long as he doesn't do too much things, there won't be anything too big!But now Hui Ye has reached an extreme, if it goes against the sky like this, I am afraid that many people will be moved!

Even now, people from those big families (Wang Nuo's) covet their own things very much!

[-]% profit, it will make people take risks, [-]% profit, it dares to trample all the laws of the world, [-]% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even risking Danger of being hanged!

This sentence, in the Pokémon world, also applies to the Pokémon world.

Some people do bad things for powerful and gifted Pokémon!

Kaguya's Pokémon has been coveted by many people!It's just that the power behind Kaguya is also good, that's why those families didn't do it.

However, Hui Ye is not afraid of them, he intends to make the water a little more turbid, which seems to be a very interesting thing!

Although I am worried that this will cause trouble for Dr. Oki and Yew!But there is always something to face, isn't it? !Using these in an environment like this can even come up with a better excuse! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facing this frozen fist with a strong destructive aura, the wooden figurine faced the difficulty under the control of the wonderful frog flower, and two large green energy balls also appeared in both hands!It exudes a strong grass-type scent. Although Miaohuahua can't make balls, the skill of energy ball can still be used!

"Boom!" The two behemoths collided together, and the continued power collision in their hands caused countless air waves, and even the entire sea was churning!

It seems that such battles are not for ordinary people or Pokémon to participate in.

Although the height and size of the wooden figurine of the wonderful frog is much worse than that of the water arrow turtle, its power is also not to be underestimated!

"What is this?" Xiaozhi and his party had already seen the cliff near the cliff, looking at the water arrow turtle nearly [-] meters high, then looked at the wooden figure more than [-] meters high, and Hui Ye not far away, they A flash of horror flashed in my heart!

"This water arrow turtle should be the water arrow turtle we met near Red Lotus Island, right?" Although Xiaozhi and his party did not get the crimson badge, they passed by Red Lotus Island and encountered this huge turtle. Water Arrow Turtle...

Shiba also looked at the battle between Blastoise and Brilliant Frog in horror: "This Squid Turtle may have reached the level of a lord-level Pokémon, but what kind of skill does this Brilliant Frog use 647!? Yes! New skill research?!"

It's no wonder that he was so surprised, whether it's the level of the frog flower or the water arrow turtle has surpassed his Pokémon!

In the past, the King of Heaven was already a figure standing at the top of the human race. Even if he had some background in many families, the King of Heaven was definitely not weak, but when facing Kaguya, Sheba felt it for the first time. powerless...

"We don't know!" Xiaozhi was also very entangled. Kaguya seemed to hide it so deeply that he had never seen these skills before!

He subconsciously released his Frog Seed from the Poké Ball: "Miao Frog Seed, look at the strength of that Frog Flower, can you use this skill?!" Obviously, this wooden man technique The shock brought to them is too great!It turns out that grass-type skills can also be used like this!

Miao Frog Seed also looked at Miao Frog Flower who was fighting the water arrow turtle with a stunned expression. Unlike Xiaozhi and the others, Miao Frog Seed recognized at a glance that this same kind was the one who had been beaten into the hospital by himself. The Frog Seeds!

How is it's body? !And the strength has become so terrifying? !Is this the power of evolution! ?

For a long time, Xiaozhi's wonderful frog seeds are reluctant to evolve. It thinks that once it evolves, it will affect its sensitivity and speed, but after seeing Kaguya's wonderful frog seeds, the wonderful frog seeds feel that it seems too much. Younger!

What is the need for agility and speed for such a wonderful frog flower? !Just use it as a spell machine gun...

The thinking of Frog Seeds has undergone earth-shaking changes!It takes Hui Ye's wonderful frog flower as its idol, and it deeply knows that it cannot do this in the state of wonderful frog seed, and only evolves into wonderful frog flower!

Wonderful Frog Seed also knows that although Xiaozhi's mouth is saying that he does not force himself to evolve, but his heart wants to evolve by himself, but he has always been tolerant of himself, and the little fire dragon has evolved into a fire-breathing dragon!Fully enjoy the convenience brought by evolution!

Although it doesn't want to admit it, but among Ash's Pokémon, it is indeed the first fire-breathing dragon in terms of combat power!Although the current fire-breathing dragon does not listen to Ash's orders!

Sometimes a thought changes, and just a moment is enough to change its life!

After a little hesitation, the body of the wonderful frog seeds exudes a dazzling white light, which is the light of evolution!

Chapter 1 Shocked!The Frog Seed has evolved! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

After a little hesitation, the body of the wonderful frog seeds exudes a dazzling white light, which is the light of evolution!

"This is it!?" Xiaozhi was stunned when he saw the appearance of the wonderful frog seeds. After all, among his Pokémon, there were two Pokémon that were killed and unwilling to evolve, one was Pikachu, and the other was Frog Seeds!

The level (befb) of the Brilliant Frog Seeds has already met the requirements of evolution. Xiaozhi didn't force them before, but he didn't expect that the Brilliant Frog Seeds would evolve at this moment!

Hui Ye wouldn't know that because of his wonderful frog flower's battle, the wonderful frog seed changed his mind and chose to evolve. All he thought at the moment was to defeat the water arrow turtle in front of him!Then kill them all in one go!

"Miaowahua uses the wooden dragon technique!" Using the wooden man technique for a long time has also caused a considerable impact on the physical strength of Miaowahua. Magic!The large-scale use of wooden tunnels is extremely exhausting!

"Bana!" Hearing Kaguya's order, while Miaowahua was manipulating the wooden man and the water arrow tortoise to fight recklessly, a tree appeared on the ground again, turning into the shape of a dragon, constantly getting bigger and longer. , rolled towards the water arrow turtle, with the help of the wooden man, the wooden dragon easily wrapped around the water arrow turtle's bloated body, madly absorbing its physical strength!

Originally because of the long-term use of the wooden man technique, Miaowahua instantly felt that her physical strength had recovered a lot!This wooden dragon technique absorbs physical strength much faster than the arrival of the tree world.

The water arrow turtle clearly felt that his physical strength was losing frantically, and this wooden dragon was weird!

We must get rid of this wooden dragon quickly!

In desperation, the water arrow turtle had to indent his head and limbs into the turtle shell, and then the entire huge turtle shell spun!

Spin at high speed!

Water Arrow Turtle is indeed a Pokémon with a lot of combat experience!I quickly thought of a way to break free from the wooden dragon!

At this time, the entire sea surface and the mountain behind were shaken by the violent reaction of the water arrow turtle!

"Have you made a tortoise!?" Hui Ye sneered, and then said to the wonderful frog flower who had recovered a lot of physical strength: "Sunshine flames!"

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