"This damn brat!" Shui Wutong next to Fradali saw Hui Ye's figure and gnashed his teeth for a while. Some time ago, he suffered a dull loss in Hui Ye's hands!The power in the hands has also declined a lot!

(PS: A few days ago, I got the combat effects of Dragon's Fury and Tornado wrong, sorry, although Xiao Pujie is also a professional pocket fan, but occasionally I get confused... well, sorry!!).

Text Chapter 386 Powerful Ritian!

Sakagi glanced at Vladali and at Shuiwutong, and shook his head secretly. His thoughts on Kaguya have always been weird, even if Chao Meng ran away from Kaguya's hands, Sakagi didn't blame Kaguya!

As the leader of Team Rocket, and as one of the best heroes in the world of Pokémon, Sakagi still has this kind of bearing!

However, this is just that!He would not deliberately target Hui Ye, but he would not fight lightning for Hui Ye, so when Fradali and Shui Wutong asked to deal with Hui Ye, he agreed without thinking at all!

I can't blame Sakagi for this, it can only be said that Kaguya really attracts hatred!

Before you know it, Kaguya has attracted the hatred of so many bosses!


On the battlefield, "Hurry up, Kuailong!" Huan Yu has confidence in "[-]"'s own Kuailong, no matter how powerful Hui Ye's fire-breathing dragon is!It is also impossible to defeat his own Kuailong so easily!

"Roar!" With Kuailong's deafening roar, it stood up again!Huanyu's Kuailong set his eyes on the fire-breathing dragon with burning eyes. Its battle suit is very thick, and it rarely suffers this kind of loss from other Pokémon!It's just unbearable!

"Spray flame!" Kaguya snorted softly.

Fire-breathing dragon X spewed out the hot and faint blue flames, and hit the body of the fast dragon head-on!

This flame seems to be able to burn everything in this world!

Rao is that the fast dragon can be immune to half of the fire damage, and it was seriously injured by the fire-breathing dragon!

The fast dragon was knocked down again by the jet flame, but this time the fire-breathing dragon did not stop its attack. The blue flame seemed to be endless, falling on the fast dragon, and many flames even fell on the fast dragon. On the ground, the ground was melted by this high temperature...

"Quick Dragon! Hurry up and dodge!" Huan Yu was also taken aback when he saw the flame of the fire-breathing dragon X. The temperature and power of the flame had far surpassed that of the fire-breathing dragon!

Huan Yu also used the power of Yulong on the fast dragon!

This time, the fast dragon has risen!He just flew up while being attacked by the jet flame of the fire-breathing dragon, and flew high into the sky!

"This blood volume is really thick!" Hui Ye pouted and sighed slightly, this fast dragon is indeed one of the most difficult opponents he has ever encountered!But that's all!

You know, the level of the fire-breathing dragon has even surpassed the limit of a champion!Ordinary Pokémon can't stop it so many times!

If it weren't for Kuailong's rough skin and thick flesh, he would have fallen down long ago!

"Kailong uses reverse scales!" Huan Yu didn't care about what would happen in the later stage at this moment, and directed the fast dragon to launch an attack with all his strength!

"Purgatory!" An energy wave and a flame shot out from their respective big mouths, and the two energies collided in the air. After a little stalemate, the flame gradually began to crush the energy emitted by the reverse scale!

This is already the strongest move that Huan Yu can use!

Seeing such a situation, even Du felt sorry for his junior!

Chapter 386 The mighty Ritian! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

Seeing such a situation, even Du felt sorry for his junior!

"Your descendant is not bad, but you just met Kaguya!" This is what Grandma Chrysanthemum said to Huan Yu!

Yulongdu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "It is true, it has only been less than half a year to travel, Dr. Hui Ye already has the same strength as us, all he lacks is the ability to command the battle, but with the level of Pokémon, there is no How many people can do what to him!"

However, Du will not admit that Kaguya is stronger than himself!As the new champion in Chengdu, he has his own pride!

Kaguya wants to defeat herself, well, it's still [-] years away!

"However, is it really okay for him to release the fire-breathing dragon like this!?" Kona's eyes were full of worry, but she didn't tell Kaguya anything. If the Rockets attacked while the fire-breathing dragon was tired, this would be a problem. Not for an accident! ?

Everyone knows that Kaguya's fire-breathing dragon has great scientific research value!Not only the evil organization wants to study, but also the alliance!

"Who knows!?" Li Lin's eyes were full of playfulness, Kaguya clearly knew about this, but still used his hole cards, why! ?Will Kaguya make a fool of himself? ?According to Lilin and Kaguya's relationship for nearly a month, it shouldn't be possible!

What is he calculating! ?Or is Kaguya bold enough to use her Pokémon as bait!Could it be that the fire-breathing dragon is not Kaguya's trump card! ?So what is it! ?

Li Lin is full of curiosity about Kaguya!This man is like a mystery, and people can't help but want to understand!


"The last throw on the earth!" I saw the fire-breathing dragon rushing towards the fast dragon at an extremely fast speed, without giving the fast dragon a chance to react at all, grabbed its body, rushed directly into the sky, and then grabbed the fast dragon. The dragon circled in the air a few times, forming a phantom of the earth, and then brought the fast dragon down from the sky. The extremely fast dive speed and the acceleration of free fall, the two Pokémon hit the ground together!

Of course, the fire-breathing dragon will not find the fast dragon to die together. The fast dragon is not qualified yet, and it will not be so muddled. Just when the two sides are about to touch the ground, the fire-breathing dragon X bounces away violently, and finally hits the ground. Only the fast dragon!

After a fierce battle with the fast dragon, the fire-breathing dragon X began to breathe slightly. Of course, this is not evidence that his physical strength has dropped a lot. The fire-breathing dragon X has a lot of physical strength, it is just that it has ended the warm-up exercise!Less than one-fifth of the stamina was consumed!

If Huan Yu knew that his fast dragon was just a warm-up object, he would probably be pissed off!

However, this is indeed the case. Kaguya never regards Huan Yu as his opponent from beginning to end!

"Kuailong lost the ability to fight! Huanyu player please replace the magic 0.0 Pokémon!" The referee announced the result after investigating the situation of Kuailong!Finally, there is a Pokémon that is not instantly killed, so excited!


"Let's make a move!" Sakagi said after a moment of silence...

"No! Wait a minute, it's a pretty good battle now, let's watch the battle!" Fradari stopped. The battle data of the Charizard is important information for studying the evolution of Pokémon Mega, so it must not be missed!

"Well, that's fine! Then wait until the end of the game, and Damaranch will come on stage before taking action!" Sakagi pondered for a while and said.

After all, he came to seek their alliance by himself, so he should accommodate a little bit!And he also wants to see the strength of Charizard X! .

Chapter 387 Audience Requests to Sweep!

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