Fradali and Sakagi didn't know that they had already helped Kaguya in disguise. As long as Kaguya defeated this Phantom, the other Kaguya wouldn't care!Kaguya really cares about this champion!

I don't know what prizes can be drawn!

Huan Yu took a deep breath, and then took out another Pokémon—the Ice Elf!

This made Kaguya surprised at first, and then felt it was right. Even Yulongdu's lineup is not all dragon-type Pokémon. Not a real Dragon-type Pokémon!

This also in disguise prevents the opponent's targeting!

"Ice elf uses boulders!" Huan Yu commanded to the ice elf. In fact, he doesn't have much confidence now!His two ace fast dragons have been defeated, and the other one has been restrained by fire-breathing dragon X!

"Spray flames!" With just one blow, Charizard X made the ice elves lose their ability to fight. In such a situation, many people began to secretly guess that this is going to be swept away, right? !

You know, this is the Quartz Conference finals!There has never been a sweep of the finals in history!



I don't know who led the way, and the audience at the scene also began to join in the fun. Although the spike is not as good as the evenly matched battle, it is also very good to sweep the spike all the way!They will witness something unprecedented!

Huan Yu's face was ashen, he felt humiliated!

But what else could he do? !This fire-breathing dragon is like a big devil standing in front of him, he doesn't have much resistance at all!

He believes that his combat command ability should not be worse than Kaguya, or even better than Kaguya, but now, no matter how good he is, it is useless!

Magic Feather regretted coming to participate in the Quartz Conference!He used to think that the second place was the biggest loser!

However, now he is even more miserable than the ordinary second place, he is about to face the second place plus sweep!

However, the tragic thing continues, he still has two Pokémon!

"Come out, Battle Dragon with Two Axes!" Huan Yu was a little depressed, maybe the atmosphere at the scene affected him!

However, Kaguya didn't mean to pity his opponent: "You are a good Pokémon trainer, if you hadn't met me, then you would have been the champion of this Quartz Tournament! So I will use my strongest strength to defeat you. This is respect for your opponent!"

Well, Kaguya's words are very contagious, and I don't know if other people believe it, anyway, Kaguya won't believe her own words!

Huan Yu wanted to vomit blood when she heard Kaguya's words, MMP!What does it mean to respect me, so beat me with the strongest strength! ?I don't want to be respected, okay? !I don't want to be swept away at all!

Spike!The Double Axe Fighting Dragon was swept away by the fire-breathing dragon X with a dragon tail in another round and lost its ability to fight!

Magic Feather has the last Pokémon left!

"Please, Lucario!" Huan Yu said to Lucario in the depths of his heart, and then the evolution keystone in his hand began to emit a dazzling light!

Lucario mega evolved!

This also made many people at the scene excited again!

Chapter 387 The audience requests a sweep! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

This also made many people at the scene excited again!

Mega evolution versus mega evolution, this should be very interesting, very suspenseful, right? !

However, some people have begun to mourning for Huan Yu!

"Unfortunately, his last Pokémon was Lucario, which was so restrained by the fire-breathing dragon! Although that fire-breathing dragon has gone through five battles, its physical strength has not been greatly affected. The odds of winning are almost zero!" This is a fairer conversation from mother-in-law Chrysanthemum!

Yu Longdu smiled bitterly: "Huan Yu is indeed very talented, but it's a pity that he met Kaguya! But this is also good, let him understand that there are people outside the world and there are heavens!"

In fact, he didn't agree with sniping Kaguya from the very beginning, because the success rate is too small!

Now, it's good to let Huan Yu suffer!

"Hmph..." Xiba was sullen, after all, Huan Yu was the one who defeated Xijie!However, there is still a little bit of happiness in his heart. Hui Ye has swept Huan Yu like this. If it is against Xijie, I am afraid it will be more ruthless, right?

"The champion belongs to Kaguya, isn't this a thing that was destined a long time ago!? What's there to say?! What should be concerned about now is the Rockets!" Li Lin waved his hand and glanced at the same time. A tree at a glance!

For some reason, she always felt that Kazuki was a strange person!

"They should be starting soon, and we should go out too!" Ke Na nodded, as if he agreed with Li Lin's words. In fact, during this time, she and Li Lin were very close, and in the eyes of many people, they were considered a group of people. !

However, they themselves know that the relationship between the two is actually not good at all!Just because of Kaguya's relationship, there is a little common topic!However, the two did not clarify this matter!


"Super Lucario and Charizard X?! What a pity! Then the Rockets should be here soon!?" A man with a baseball cap on the edge of the field muttered.

The man's figure is very slender, no one can see what his face looks like, the hair almost covers half of his face... At least the nose and the shape above the nose cannot be seen clearly, all 420 parts are covered by the hair hidden!

Kaguya is also very interested in fighting with Super Lucario, and Lucario Kaguya also has it, but Kaguya's Lucario mega evolution method is different from the normal one!

His Lucario is the god of desert death!

This is naturally not something that other Lucarios can match!

"Fire-breathing dragons use jet flames!" Kaguya also had to admit that this Super Lucario did have two strokes, for example, the previous flame vortex was broken away by it!

"Wave missiles!" Lucario also condensed his own skills in his hands!

The skills of both sides produced a big explosion in mid-air!

"Dragon Claw!!" Fire-breathing Dragon X's claws snapped!

(PS: Some people say that Kirbymon is too weak after eating the meat ball fruit, okay! The devil fruit without the weakness of sea water is itself very buggy! If you don’t cut it, it will be a bit difficult, but the quasi-god will not be a card Compared to the full potential of the beast, the devil fruit can also be awakened, can't it!?

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