However, this lineup is really strong enough!

Kaguya stood aside and looked a little dazzled!

He and Reshiram were mixed in this group of Lugia, and they seemed to be a little out of tune!

"Everyone, please!" Rogia (still using Rogia to call Rogia in the Chengdu area, other Rogia are soy sauce!) said to his compatriots...

"Ow..." Along with other Lugias, they began to gather energy, and at the same time used aerial blasting against the dark Lugias!

The scene is extremely spectacular, like the most dazzling fireworks!

"Then let's go too! Staggered flames!" Kaguya said to Reshiram, a first-level divine beast with two exclusive skills!This is relatively rare among most first-level gods!

It’s just that many people know that Reshiram and Zekrom are in a hostile relationship in 2.9, but they don’t know that the skills of the two Pokémon complement each other...

There are even rumors that they were detached from a Pokémon whose remains became Kyurem!

"Roar..." Reshiram prepared his long-established flames to shoot at Dark Lugia!

At the same time, the Pokémon who hid before Kaguya also seized the opportunity to spray their skills on the place where Dark Lugia was!

Dark Lugia has already become a turtle in a urn, so there should be a lot of experience points for a first-level god, right?

"Boom boom boom..." Countless energy waves impacted on the dark barrier propped up by Dark Rogia, instantly breaking the dark barrier and hitting Dark Rogia's body. .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under various attacks, Rao is the dark Lugia, no matter how powerful it is, it can't bear it at the moment!

The Lugias didn't dare to underestimate them, they kept attacking the dark Lugias with aerial blasts, and they didn't seem to stop!

"It won't die, will it?" Hui Ye couldn't help swallowing. Although he is not the heart of the Virgin, it would be a pity if such an existence standing at the top of a first-level god dies!

Do you want to try to conquer it yourself? !After all, he is also a high-level thug!

Can you just tame it yourself?

Although Kaguya has confidence in herself, she is not blind!

Reshiram sees that [-]% of himself has a great relationship with his rebirth and the god-level lottery system, which should be regarded as the welfare of the transmigrators!

Dreaming of choosing yourself has something to do with your superpowers, and maybe other small worlds have also contributed a lot!

As for Ladias and Ladios, in addition to the natural intimacy of superpowers, they should also be a life-saving grace for them. Pokémon will actually be grateful to humans because the other party has saved them, and even follow humans!

The same is true for the Mirage who owns Emperor Yan. Once upon a time, that Mirage was just an ordinary police officer. Because of certain things, he rescued the injured Emperor Yan, and then became a policeman by chance and coincidence. Emperor Yan's trainer!

After that, his status skyrocketed like a rocket, becoming a new star among Interpol!

As for the fact that he wants to tame Dark Lugia, Kaguya doesn't have much confidence, it's fine if this guy doesn't want to kill him!

Even if it is reluctantly sent into the small world, there is no guarantee that Dark Lugia will not rebel, but the Pokémon in his own small world will be tragic!

In Kaguya, only Reshiram can confront Dark Lugia!

Reshiram glanced at Kaguya angrily: "It won't die so easily, even after reaching a first-level god, it will almost never die! Otherwise, it wouldn't have taken the initiative to ask to seal itself!"

Kaguya was obviously stunned for a moment, it seems that he didn't know about this before, will a first-level god die! ?Should be!In the original book, Xiaozhi has encountered a first-level god, which is almost tragic!

However, Hui Ye guessed another possibility, such as the divine beast of this level, it is possible to die, but it can be reborn! ?

Just like in the legend, Reshiram and Zekrom died together, and now they have reappeared in front of the world! (Slightly modify the setting! It seems to be sleeping in the original book!)

And other mythical beasts almost died more than once!

However, it is clear that their lives are very hard!

Especially the sacred beasts, the god of life like Ho-oh, as long as there is life, it will exist!

This is the mystery of the priesthood!

"Ow~" With a cry of Dark Lugia, it finally temporarily lost the ability to resist!

Dark Lugia's huge body slowly fell from the air, and the dark feathers were shot down by countless aerial blasts, but they did not completely dissipate, but accompanied by Dark Lugia, slowly falling in the air!

Chapter 1 Everything comes from the ultimate hole! ? -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Dark Lugia's huge body slowly fell from the air, and the dark feathers were shot down by countless aerial blasts, but they did not completely dissipate, but accompanied by Dark Lugia, slowly falling in the air!

If you look at it yourself, the current dark Lugia is really miserable, it is covered with scars, and even blood is constantly bleeding in some places!

All the Lugias stopped attacking one after another and watched this scene silently. This Lugia used to be their respected patriarch, but fell into the darkness for some special reasons, so they had to attack the dark Lugia, And seal it!

Soon after that, a magic circle similar to a hexagram appeared on the ocean, and the holy light surrounded the dark Lugia...

Looking at this scene, Hui Ye had to sigh with emotion that these divine beasts are really hidden, even with such a seal. It seems that he was a frog at the bottom of a well before, and he still knows too little!

Watching the Lugias hold the sealing ceremony, Kaguya asked Reshiram, "Do you know why this Lugia became like this?"

He could feel that after this battle, his relationship with Reshiram became even closer!

Reshiram was silent for a while when he heard Kaguya's words. He hesitated. At first, he thought that this matter had nothing to do with Kaguya. As his own trainer, in addition to building a real world, the most important thing was to build a real world. It's still fighting Zekrom!

It is very happy to be able to defeat Zekrom!

This is its mission!It is also the fate of both parties!

However, after seeing Kaguya's ability, Reshiram has more or less confidence, maybe it's time to imagine what will happen next!

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