"Have you heard of the Ultimate Cave!?!" Reshiram hesitated and said to Kaguya.

"It turned out to be the ultimate hole!" Hui Ye's face changed when he heard the words, he never thought that this matter was actually related to the ultimate hole!

The concept of the ultimate hole was proposed in the Pokemon Sun and Moon version!When Kaguya crossed over, the animated version of the sun and moon version had just started, but Kaguya still played the game!

There are also people in the Pokémon world who are researching the Ultimate Cave!

The first person to discover the ultimate hole was Dr. Moen from the 417 Foundation of the Ethereum Foundation.Although the reason for the formation of the ultimate hole is not yet clear, it is certain that the power of Cosmog can be used to open the ultimate hole.

Currently at the Space Research Institute in the Alola region, Dr. Barnett is working on theories about the ultimate hole.

Those who have passed through the Ultra Hole are called Fall. Fall's body will have a special energy that will attract the ultimate beast.Some people will lose their memories before entering the Ultra Cave. The Ultra Beasts who pass through the Ultra Cave from the Ultra Space and come to the Pokémon World will have a special aura like that of the Overlord Pokémon. The aura seems to gradually disappear with time.

In the Alola region, Solgaleo and Lunaara, known as the god of the sun and the moon, seem to be the ultimate beasts that came to the world of Pokémon a long time ago!You must know that this is also a proper first-level god!They are also very powerful!

However, this is just some theory!At present, humans know very little about the concept of the ultimate hole.

Moreover, if these extreme beasts come from other worlds, why would the gods of the Pokémon world turn a blind eye? !You must know that when Deoxys entered the atmosphere, he was chased and killed by the god of the sky!Is this bullying? !

Or they have already acted! ?

These are all doubts! .

Text Chapter 433 Gains from Battle

Reshiram was not surprised why Kaguya knew about the Ultimate Cave, the man he chose was really unusual!It makes sense to know a lot more than a normal human being!

And humans have indeed begun to study the ultimate hole!

"What does this have to do with the Ultimate Cave?!" Hui Ye was both curious and fearful!

"Ultimate Cave first appeared about a few hundred years ago. At that time, it attracted the attention of many gods. In order to explore the Ultimate Cave, many Pokémon entered, and many of them were strong, the God of the Sea. There are Pokémon such as Lugia, Rigakuza, Phantasma, and Radias, but only this Lugia has returned alive!" There was still a hint of worry in Reshiram's words!

The god of the sea, Lugia and Korakuza are first-level gods with the same strength. As a result, Korakuza did not come back, and Lugia also behaved wrong after returning, and there was a phenomenon of darkness and corruption!

It becomes not itself, and it cannot suppress the thoughts in its heart that it wants to destroy, so it will seal itself!

"Then what exactly is over there in the Ultimate Cave?!" Kaguya remembered that there was an ultimate alien beast called Necrozma, and its race value was 754!Terrifying push!

Moreover, there are a large number of alien beasts in the Alola region, and the strength of those alien beasts may have the strength of a third-level god! ?

In the absence of Arceus, Kaguya doesn't know any beasts that are Necrozma's opponents! Mewtwo after mega evolution?!Or return to the original Guradon and Kyoka? !Or is it a super crack empty seat? !

Kaguya expressed his concern, Rikuza had already died!At that time, could that crack empty seat be able to mega-evolve! ?

Before he knew it, there was a little bit of fear in his heart, he didn't want to die, there were so many girls around him, and life had just begun!

This is also human nature!

"Then what happened to the Ultimate Cave! 々.?" Kaguya forcibly steadied his mind and asked.

"Temporarily suppressed, but don't be careless!" Reshiram's words gave Kaguya a little bit of confidence. As long as he is given a period of time, he may not be able to supernatural!

What Kaguya lacks now is time!

Also, it is said that the Ultimate Cave is a passageway connecting two worlds, so is it possible to return to the previous world? ?

"En!" Along with the opening of the Lugia Sealing Ceremony, the prompt sound of the god-level lottery system also came over!

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of calming the anger of the three gods and getting a chance to win a high-level lottery!"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of sealing Dark Lugia and getting a chance to win a god-level lottery!"

Looking at the system prompt, Hui Ye couldn't help but pouted, although he had a chance to draw a lottery, but now he can't start the lottery at all!

So far, he has accumulated three intermediate lottery chances, one advanced lottery, and two god-level lottery chances!

It's a pity that we have to wait until Kaguya starts traveling again before we can draw again!

It seems to be starting to go to the Chengdu area!

Rockets! ?How are you going to deal with me! ?

Kaguya now knows that the current Rockets are definitely taking him as a confidant. After all, his performance in the horrific incident at the Quartz Conference was really outstanding!

However, now he has a life-saving trump card!

Chapter 433 Gains from Battle -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

However, now he has a life-saving trump card!

What about Deoxys? !

At the same time, Kaguya's Pokémon level has been rapidly improved again!

This time, the act of looting experience points clearly allowed them to earn it.

Charizard: Level 86

Dragon Spirit: Level 82

Tyrannosaurus: Level 91 has officially entered the ranks of the third-level god level!

Fast Dragon: Level 76

Ladias: Level 78 (the level before mega, the growth cycle of gods is slow, and the experience points required are far more than other Pokémon!)

Fossil Pterodactyl: Level 67 is already close to its limit, you know, its talent is also the level of the king!

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