Yulongdu said helplessly: "This is true, after all, I just came from the Quartz Plateau, which is already the fastest speed, that is, I always hold the meeting on the back of the fast dragon!" Forgot to point to my red non-mainstream hairstyle, it's really messy!

"Okay, then tell me what you're here for this time!?!" Hui Ye chose to get straight to the point, anyway, now a Yulongdu is really not in his eyes...

After this war, Kaguya's main force level has achieved a qualitative leap!

Du looked at Kaguya with a mysterious look on his face: "Do you want to be the king of the Hezhong region!?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

"Heavenly King in the Hezhong area!?" Hui Ye looked at Yulongdu in amazement. I have to say that the alliance's idea is crazy. It is more or less exaggerated to let a boy under 16 years old be the King of Heaven!

Although, he does have such ability, as long as Kaguya is willing, he can become the youngest king in the history of the league in minutes!

"Yes, as long as you want, you can become the Dragon King in the Hezhong area. You should already have this qualification now, right?!" When talking about the Dragon King, Yu Longdu's eyes were a little weird, and one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. , Kaguya is also a Dragon-type Pokémon master... This is extremely rare!

Hui Ye curled her lips when she heard the words, Heavenly King! ?It seems that he does have six dragon-type Pokémon above the level of the king in his hands. To some extent, he seems to be qualified to become the king of the dragon-type!


"No merit, no reward, isn't the king of heaven so easy to be?" Hui Ye said to Du, and he had a little idea in his heart!

It seems that the position of the king in the original work belongs to Cattleya, and she is also a lost woman!

Unexpectedly, the alliance would want to be this king by itself!

Today, the king of the Hezhong area is not easy to be at all!

Although Akatsuki's people were not discovered, Reshiram actually appeared!

This criminal is clearly defined as a criminal in the United States!

Reshiram has appeared, so is Zekrom still far away? ?

It can be said that the current United States area is one of the most dangerous areas!

"Haha, in fact, it's just like us, maintaining law and order, and fighting against evil!" Yu Longdu smiled awkwardly, and he had to admit that the location was indeed a fire pit!

(Well, the author has a genetic heart disease. Since he started writing novels, he has been going to bed late and getting up late, which has completely disrupted the rhythm of life. Since the day before yesterday, his heart has become extremely uncomfortable, and he has been hospitalized for examination today. En author There is no other meaning, and there is no idea of ​​​​continuing updates. There are still some manuscripts, but I hope everyone can give a full subscription. The doctor is very expensive... Maybe I am really writing a book with my life! Dear readers, thank you for the small one Get something!).

Text Chapter [-] Heavenly King? !Not interested in!

"Fighting evil!? Haha!" Hui Ye sneered, if the King of Heaven could really fight evil, he would arrest all those corrupt officials in minutes!

Yu Longdu looked embarrassed, what do you mean? !Why do I feel very uncomfortable when I hear these two words!

"Actually, it's just a little more difficult than ordinary people!" Yu Longdu was very embarrassed. He found that the person in front of him was not a rookie who didn't understand anything!And it's very cunning, where the hell is this weirdo!

"Haha!" Hui Ye continued to smile, wanting him to be the king of the alliance, is this possible! ?Not to mention that he doesn't want to be a dog's leg to the Alliance, but the Alliance wants the people he and Xiao organize to bite the dog!

What's more, the god-level lottery system will not allow Hui Ye to be the king of heaven and not travel!

"Forty Eighty"

So far, he has accumulated two god-level lottery draws, one high-level lottery draw, and three intermediate-level lottery draws. If he doesn't travel, this dog system will not give himself a lottery again until he travels!

And the lottery is the most core part of the god-level lottery system. Kaguya can't bear to lose it now. Who knows what will be drawn in the future? !The legendary pan peaches have come out, will ginseng fruit be far behind? ?

This is the guarantee that Hui Ye will become stronger. If possible, Hui Ye will also want to go to the other side of the Ultimate Cave to take a look. If there is such a potential threat, if you don’t understand it, Hui Ye will not. assured!

"Hey, you have to know that becoming the king of the alliance is the most suitable path for you now. After all, your strength is no longer suitable for the unsupervised mode of the past!" The alliance is almost always used to the powerful people. It is not good to let them join other organizations!

As for what to do after they are absorbed, I don't know, it may be to take empty wages, or it may be to let them die, kill them without knowing it, who knows! ?

You will never understand how dark politics can be!

I don't know how many excellent Pokémon trainers have died at the hands of these people!

"Hehe, I'm not interested yet, I'll talk about it when I've finished visiting all the areas!" Hui Ye chuckled, in fact, he didn't have to finish so many places. In Hui Ye's opinion, if he could finish his journey The edge area is already considered lucky!

"The Alliance Conference is nothing challenging for you!" Yu Longdu understood Hui Ye's feelings completely. After all, he also came here in the same way back then, but he didn't have the crushing ability like Hui Ye!After all, the growth cycle of dragon Pokémon is very long!But now he is here on behalf of the alliance, and as a lecturer for the alliance, Yulongdu will naturally say something that will help him negotiate!

"Zifeiyu Anzhiyu's joy!" Hui Ye smiled softly, he knew that his relationship with the alliance was going to be more delicate!

However, he will not regret it!

As a transmigrator, as an open-minded man, if everything was to be restrained by the alliance, wouldn't he be the weakest transmigrator in history? !

Don't look at which other traversers are not the existence of seconds! ?

It is the other people who have traveled to the world of Pokémon, who only have one of the three gods and dare to run to threaten the alliance, and although Kaguya doesn't have the three gods at the moment, he has Reshiram and Dream. The alliance threat, the readers can't stand it!

This is not cool at all!

Yulongdu listened to Hui Ye's words, his face darkened again, Zi Feiyu An Zhiyu's joy! ?What words are these! ?

Chapter 1 Heavenly King? !Not interested in! -->>(page 2/[-]), please click next page to continue reading.

Yulongdu listened to Hui Ye's words, his face darkened again, Zi Feiyu An Zhiyu's joy! ?What words are these! ?

It sounds like it is full of force, but after listening carefully, it seems that I am being looked down upon!Where on earth did Kaguya learn so many swear words! ?

"Kui Ye, don't you plan to be the King of Heaven?!" Cona looked at Hui Ye, she naturally saw the alliance's sinister intentions, but if Hui Ye did not agree, there might be more troubles in the future!

When it comes to unrest, the Alliance always wants to keep them in their own hands!

"Do you think I should do it!?" Hui Ye glanced at Kena speechlessly, this auntie didn't know what was going on! ?If you don't help yourself think about it, aren't you afraid of Xiaolan being a widow! ?

You didn't provoke Kona, did you? !

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