"Uh!" Ke Na was said by Kaguya, and she didn't know what to say. She couldn't say it, it's okay to work without effort! ? !

"Anyway, I will challenge the Silver Conference next!" Hui Ye stared at Yulongdu and said, he needs to pass this information to the alliance!

"So is the next accident going to happen in the Chengdu area?" Yu Longdu was about to cry, but he was actually the champion of the Chengdu area now!

According to what Kaguya has done in the past, wherever he goes, things will happen!And it's getting bigger and bigger!

When he was at the Quartz Conference before, the Quartz Conference was attacked by the Rockets. Now, even when he is on vacation in the Orange Islands, he will also encounter the battle of the beasts. This is a professional person!

Now Hui Ye is going to participate in the Silver Conference, and the Chengdu area may not be calm after that. This is an opportunity and a challenge for Du who just took office!

"I'm not a bastard! In fact, you can also pay attention, in fact, I'm not the only one every time something happens!" Hui Ye said meaningfully...

Yu Longdu stopped talking for a moment, he naturally knew who Hui Ye was talking about, he already knew this, but Xiaozhi has a special identity, so he naturally wouldn't talk about Xiaozhi, but thinking about it, it seems that Xiaozhi's The guy is quite good at doing things, even more than what Kaguya did in 3.5, but the quality is not as high as Kaguya!

The main reason is that Kaguya's record is too dazzling!

"I will report your matter to the Alliance truthfully!" Yu Longdu said helplessly after thinking about it. This matter is not something he can decide, he is just an executor!Well, an executor with a certain right of independent thinking!

Kaguya nodded: "By the way, I did a lot of work at the Quartz Conference last time, and this time I helped Lugia to quell this disaster. Isn't the alliance expressing it!?"

Du's face darkened instantly, this guy actually wants to go to the alliance for benefits? !How can there be so many benefits? !

However, Hui Ye did have some merits in doing so, but he was suppressed by the people above, this is not something he can decide! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Are you really doing this well?!" Cona asked Kaguya, looking at Yu Longdu's back as he left the fast dragon, and asked Kaguya. She could see that this guy was really the guy who was crossing the air!

Hearing this, Hui Ye shrugged: "What's wrong with that?! There must always be one person as the messenger, and I can't let you do it!"

Kona smiled and didn't say anything. She could see that her brother-in-law was not so simple, even more hidden than anyone else!

Think about it, in fact, if it weren't for the urgent matter at the beginning, who would have seen that Kaguya had so many powerful Pokémon in her hands! ?

Now everyone knows that compared to the ability to cultivate Pokémon, no one can compare to Kaguya, and there are even some people who want Kaguya to help them cultivate Pokémon!

Especially the playboys of those big families, they even want to use their power to coerce Kaguya to cultivate Pokémon for them!

At their level, although Pokémon are not particularly useful, but with powerful Pokémon, they can still bring certain benefits to them more or less!

There are even people who plan to tie Kaguya and coerce him to hand over his ability to cultivate Pokémon, but for the time being, they are stopped by the people in their family!

After all, the alliance hasn't given Kaguya a certainty yet!What's more, there is a Dr. Big Wood behind Kaguya. If they take it by force, they don't know what will happen by then!


In the days that followed, Kaguya's life seemed to calm down again, and the order to make Kaguya the king of the United States suddenly became irrelevant.

However, Kaguya knew that this was nothing but the tranquility before the storm!

The previous remarks about the Xiao organization are still being discussed on the Internet. Although the alliance has been qualitative, many of the previous remarks of the Xiao organization have expressed the hearts of most poor people!

Because these things really happened!

At the same time, Hui Ye also asked Luo Tianyi to use the alias of Xiao Organization - Lu Xun on the Internet, and began to publish various articles on the Internet, and novels such as Wandering and Shouting appeared in the Pokémon world in the form of adaptations!

This is not difficult for Luo Tianyi at all. She stores almost everything in Hui Ye's previous life, even about Arturia, she has it, but she didn't say it!

Mr. Lu Xun, a mentor-level figure, was instantly well-known in the Pokémon world. Even if the alliance wanted to block him, there was no way to do it. The Internet is simply the world of the organization!

No one is their opponent!

Even though the Alliance has recruited countless computer experts, there is still no information about the Akatsuki organization. Let alone tracking down their information, you should be thankful that your website will not crash!

Mr. Lu Xun has even become the character the Alliance wants to eliminate the most!


In Luzi Town, Hezhong District, on the third day after the Lugia incident, Kaguya and the others came back!For Kaguya, this is their home!

It was also the earliest bond he came to this world.

"Some people now know that you are an orphan, and they all say that you are their child. What do you think about this?!" Yew looked at Kaguya slightly cautiously.

Chapter 1 was missed by Cattleya -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Some people now know that you are an orphan, and they all say that you are their child. What do you think about this?!" Yew looked at Kaguya slightly cautiously.

She and her father once thought of helping Kaguya find her biological parents, but they were all rejected by Kaguya!

It seems that Kaguya doesn't have much of a cold for her biological parents!

Only Kaguya knows where he has parents! ?He is a transmigrator!It's not the kind of soul wear, but the system directly turned him into a four-year-old child in order to allow him to better integrate into this world!

He has no parents!

"Let them go! I don't have any parents!" Hui Ye sneered.

Seeing Kaguya's appearance like this, Yew didn't say anything about it, but changed the subject and said, "By the way, Shirona asked me to ask you one thing!"

Hui Ye raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. Since losing to Shirona, the two have never seen each other again, but there is still a connection between them. Before the Quartz Conference, Shirona encouraged herself, and when she won the After winning the championship, she also came to congratulate herself. Just after the Lugia incident not long ago, she also called herself!

After all, she is a woman who has been given fat times by herself!

It's just, why did she ask Yew to ask her own business again! ?

Although the two have known each other since childhood!

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