"This is related to the fact that the alliance wanted you to become the king of the United States. Originally, this position was already set by others! It turned out that you were one, and now that person is trying to trouble you! Shirona wants you to come. Don't irritate her now!" Although Kaguya was going to be troubled by others, she didn't seem to be worried by the appearance of Yew!

"Cattleya?!" Kaguya asked back.The Four Heavenly Kings of Hezhong are the only ones missing, but she should be just a stubborn and willful eldest lady now!

And it is said that Cattleya's superpower is very powerful and talented. According to Nazi, Cattleya's superpower is not inferior to her!

It's just that Cattleya can't completely control it. With the change of mood, 700 will also go berserk!

The default statement is quite suitable for Cattleya. There must be a transaction between the Cattleya family and the Hezhong region, but the current Cattleya has not completely controlled her superpowers!

"It looks like you know her!" Yew didn't say much after that. She wasn't worried because Cattleya Kaguya would get hurt, and there was a superpower at home!

According to Nazi, her superpower was on par with Cattleya before, but now she has surpassed Cattleya by a lot.

And although Kadelia's super power is not as good as Cattleya's, with other abilities, Kaguya's personal combat power will not be inferior to Cattleya, not to mention Pokémon!In the end, the tragedy will only be Cattleya!

"Well, a stubborn and willful eldest lady with a very serious princess illness!" Hui Ye curled her lips. To be honest, this kind of woman is really not easy to provoke. The powerful person is not scary, but it is the powerful and beautiful woman who is scary. madman!

Cattleya is obviously such a lunatic! Who knows if she will come up with something! ?

People with superpowers also go berserk, everyone's runaway looks are different, and Kaguya's is a push girl... Thinking of this, Kaguya still has something to do with her! .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why don't you go on a trip early?!" Yew didn't want Hui Ye to cause trouble, and now Hui Ye has a lot of trouble!If you can provoke less, please provoke a little less!

Moreover, Cattleya and Shirona have a very good relationship. Yew doesn't want her little man to hurt her best friend's friend, which will be embarrassing in the future!

"It's not impossible, it's just that I made an appointment with Xiao Mao and the others to see Dr. Kongmu together! It's not good to change the time arbitrarily now!?" Lost in a small world at night!

As for the plane, there is a plane going to the Chengdu area in the afternoon, which is very convenient!But it would be good to book a private jet when you have the money. The flight attendants and pilots don't need to prepare. If Luo Tianyi exists, she can do anything!

What's more, with the technologies in the hands of Hui Ye and Luo Tianyi, it is possible to transform a private jet into a fully automatic and intelligent control!No one could do this in Hui Ye's previous life, but for Hui Ye and Luo Tianyi, it couldn't be easier!

It is still necessary to buy a private jet. Kaguya himself, although he does not need these very much, he can sit on Ladias wherever he wants, but he still has a harem!

"Then I'll help you book your tickets!?" Yew looked at Kaguya expectantly!

Her performance made Kaguya tangled: "Why do I feel like you want me to leave quickly!? It's not because of Cattleya, right?!"

Don't look at the yew, who is usually very considerate and never causes trouble for Hui Ye. She is very grand in front of outsiders, and she also maintains a good image of a big sister in front of Hui Ye's women, but when there are only two people, Yew is still very attached to Kaguya!

She cherishes every moment they have together!It's just that he seems to be impatiently waiting for Kaguya to leave!

This made Kaguya unexpected!

Have you changed your mind? !

That's definitely not possible!

Because of other things? !

Hui Ye's words made Yew's face turn red, and then she looked at Hui Ye complainingly: "Did you take Nana's fat times! 々‖?"

Yew's words made Kaguya stunned for a moment. How did Yew know about this? !It doesn't make sense! ?It seems that no one will know about this except himself and Shirona!It's impossible for Shirona to tell others such a shameful thing, right? !

If this matter is put on anyone's body, they will not tell others, even if they are the best best friends!

"So it's true?!" Yew gave a look at Hui Ye, who hated that iron was not steel. She admitted that Shirona was indeed very good. Strength is indeed the dream lover in many people's hearts, but Kaguya's behavior is too pig brother! ? !

Chapter 1 Sirona's request -->> (page 2/[-]), please click the next page to continue reading.

"So it's true?!" Yew gave a look at Hui Ye, who hated that iron was not steel. She admitted that Shirona was indeed very good. Strength is indeed the dream lover in many people's hearts, but Kaguya's behavior is too pig brother! ? !

"This is an accident!" Hui Ye spread his hands: "How did you know?!"

Yew Shan glanced at Kaguya angrily: "It's not because of Cattleya! Some time ago, Cattleya was very annoyed because you robbed her of her position as the king of heaven. After all, she is one year younger than you! Nana! The relationship with her is very good, and I have said a lot for you, which makes Cattleya very puzzled, and when she can't ask anything, she hypnotizes Nana and knows these things..."

"Damn, she hypnotized Hirona directly!" Hui Ye couldn't help but swear, knowing that a trainer of Hirona's level has extremely strong willpower, and it is impossible for ordinary people to hypnotize her. Especially in the case of asking for very important information, this will cause resistance, which will affect the effect of hypnosis!

Unless it is a super-powered beast of the level of Chaomeng, other people want to hypnotize Xirona, and Kaguya thinks it is impossible!

What's more, Shirona is still the eldest lady of the temple family, with super restraint, and can even contact the god of space and the god of time!

"Nana completely treats Cattleya as her sister, and has no defense against her at all, only to find out about you and Nana. Now Cattleya wants to defeat you even more, proving that you are just a liar and not worthy of Na at all. Na!" Yew said with a wry smile.

"Sirona isn't angry!?" Kaguya asked curiously, if this kind of thing were her own, she would definitely turn her face, even if the other party was her best friend!If Nazi used hypnosis on herself, Kaguya would also promise that she would punish her severely, well, she would be unable to get out of bed for several days!

Yew nodded: ".~ Cattleya is just a child with a temper, she doesn't understand these ways of the world at all, of course Nana won't be angry with her!"

"This is a disease that can be cured!" Hui Ye knew in her heart that Cattleya had a serious princess disease. "And it seems that I shouldn't run away!? Doesn't that prove that I'm afraid of her?!"

"If you really beat her, there may be even more trouble!" Yew said angrily, she naturally knew the strength of Kaguya, Cattleya's talent was very good, and Pokémon was also very good, but facing the Today's Kaguya doesn't have a high winning rate!Yew is full of confidence in his little man!

"Hey, forget it, can't I run away!?" Hui Ye sighed silently, the person who can't be provoked the most in the world is a psychopath!If Cattleya is really defeated, big troubles may really come in the future. How can he ask the terminal patient of princess disease to be rational? !It's impossible for me to kill (too good) her! ?

Moreover, this is probably what Hirona asked him to do! ?

Kaguya still understands this, she should be embarrassed to speak, so she told Yew!At the same time, Shirona still hopes that she can let Cattleya a little bit!

Well, in order to win Xirona's favor, Kaguya finally decided to hide!There doesn't seem to be any shame in that either!

It's not like he can't beat Cattleya!Just don't want to fight with a woman!Hui Ye comforted himself silently in his heart!

(PS: A patient with advanced princess disease, it’s about time for the young lady Cattleya to appear. In fact, regardless of some reasons, Cattleya is still very cute, and I personally like Cattleya a lot. Cattleya chased Hui The scene of running around the world at night, the author finds it interesting to think about it! It is still very good to adjust it!).

Chapter 439 The Dirty Cattleya

In the end, Hui Ye still chose to compromise, whether it was Yew or Shirona's face, Hui Ye would still give it!Isn't it just hiding from Cattleya! ?If you can't provoke him, you can't hide! ?

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