However, Bishas seems to have a lot less control over Celebi, and it doesn't seem to follow Bishas's command!

Seeing this, Artoria clenched her silver teeth, and then she seemed to have made up her mind and shouted to Kaguya: "Kai Ye lend me that armor, and I'll save Celebi!"

In the end, she still couldn't bear to see Celebi suffer, maybe she was a kind woman herself, or maybe it had a lot to do with Kaguya's Celebi!

However, Arturia also needs to ensure her own safety. Even if she can transform into armor, it seems that Kaguya's armor is better!

Listening to Artoria's words, Kaguya shook her head: "Leave this matter to me'~!"

Soon, Kaguya had another steel armor on her body, and this time the steel armor was much stronger than the previous one at the Quartz Conference.

"What is he doing!?" Damu Xuecheng looked at Kaguya with a stunned expression, and he couldn't help but ask in the end!

What kind of disciple have you accepted! ?Why is there still such behavior? !

"Ah?! This is Kaguya's armor. It's really cool. He often fights with people from those evil organizations. Those organizations sometimes even attack him. He almost had problems several times, so he specially made them. Such a set of armor!" Xiaozhi said with a natural look, of course, this is also an excuse for Kaguya to go out!

Well, advanced prosthetics configured for self-protection!Everyone has nothing to say about this, who made Kaguya so capable of causing trouble? !

"Boom!" Then Kaguya floated in mid-air using the steel armor's anti-gravity system under the horrified eyes of everyone.

"This can fly!?" Damu Xuecheng couldn't help swallowing. Is technology so powerful after forty years! ?

Xiao Zhi was also speechless: "Actually, this is the second time I've seen it, it couldn't fly before!"

Chapter 493 The Violent Celebi -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Xiao Zhi was also speechless: "Actually, this is the second time I've seen it, it couldn't fly before!"

"Tianyi, help me find where Celebi is!" After putting on the steel armor, Kaguya felt more or less confident. This armor is destined to be incomparable with Tony Stark's steel armor. Tony Stark is so good.

Even if Hui Ye and Luo Tianyi's technology is not inferior to Tony Stark, or even better, but the Stark Group is the leading arms company, there are many things that Tony Stark can get, Kaguya couldn't do it!

Even though Hui Ye understands the principle of the Ark Reactor, he and Luo Tianyi still haven't completely made it, it looks like it's using, um, electricity...

It is indeed quite chatty to use, even more chatty than his system, but Kaguya and the others have no choice. Fortunately, the battery they developed is much better than other batteries!

Five minutes of charging, two hours of use, it's not an advertisement at all, it's a fact!

"No problem Kaguya!" With the steel armor on the outside, Luo Tianyi can also analyze it better. The technology on this is much better than Pokémon technology!

"Flaming Bird, Xiaobu, please draw your attention and attract hatred!" Kaguya watched the countless forests turn to ashes, and even a lot of Pokémon died because it was too late to escape, and hurriedly said to the two Pokémon .

"Hey!" Xiao Bu agreed without hesitation, and at the same time, he used the wave of the dragon on the ".~monster"!

The flame bird first glanced at Hui Ye, then looked at his little master, and after seeing Xiao Lan nodded, he started to use the jet flame. After all, Hui Ye is not its Pokémon trainer!

The attack of the two Pokémon was very powerful, hitting the monster's body directly, and the body composed of trees and vines was punched in the blink of an eye.

"Good opportunity, Hui Ye!" At the same time, Luo Tianyi's voice also fell into Hui Ye's ears, and along with an analysis chart about monsters also appeared in front of Hui Ye's eyes: "Celebi Here, according to the analysis, the current Celebi does not have too much power, as long as you bring it out, all this will be over!"

"No problem!" Hui Ye smiled faintly, the art master was bold!Now he is quite confident in himself...

Just when Kaguya was about to rush over, the openings that were originally hit by the jet flames and the wave of the dragon (Zhao Nuo's) had already been repaired and perfected by countless vertical bars, and no loopholes could be seen.

"Xiaobu, continue to ask you guys!" Hui Ye, wearing steel armor, is not good enough to take out the Pokémon, so he shouted to the dragon spirit beside him, and then took the lead in flying over Celebi's direction, and at the same time When facing the rattan attacking you, don't forget to hit a few shots!Even if it can't be compared with the genuine one, it can't be too much worse, can it? ?

"So handsome!" Several people couldn't help but sighed as they watched Kaguya knock down a cane with one shot!

Kaguya is so handsome!

Some people even thought of wanting this kind of steel armor. If it wasn't Kaguya, it wouldn't be given to outsiders, unless it was their own woman...

"Celebi, kill them quickly!" Bixias also yelled hysterically!He believes that Celebi is invincible, and he does not allow anyone to sabotage his actions! .

Chapter 494 Entering the Monster

"Bi!" Celebi's empty eyes once again exuded infinite divine power, which is truly burning life!

The "Monster" started to use its destructive death light to shoot Kaguya and the others.

Just as Kaguya was about to flee, a destructive death light offset the "light", Kaguya looked back, and saw that Suijun was still standing there majestic not far away, and Ladias didn't know where he was. When has he appeared by Kaguya's side!

The destructive light of death before is exactly what Suicune used, and it seems that it has escaped the control of the dark ball... and the beast is worthy of being a beast.

If it were another Pokémon, if it had been controlled by the dark ball to fight for so long, it would have died long ago!

These mythical beasts really cannot be inferred by common sense!

"Have you solved it!?" Kaguya asked Ladias.

"No problem, I helped it break free, but Suicune's lifespan may be weakened a lot!" Ladias replied through telepathy truthfully.

Kaguya nodded secretly, still able to fight, this is the embodiment of the strength and durability of the divine beast... 453

"It's Celebi now, I need a quick fight, and I need your help!" Kaguya shouted to Ladias and Suicune.

"No problem!" At the same time as Rudias responded, the flame bird in the sky suddenly took advantage of this opportunity, and a jet of flame opened the channel for Kaguya and the others again, and Rudias rushed with Kaguya. past.

"Radias, Dragon's Breath!" Kaguya pointed to a spot on the monster and said to Radias. This is near where Celebi is. As long as he penetrates here, he can kill Celebi. rescued!

"Hmm!" Without hesitation, Ladias sprayed the dragon's breath in the direction Kaguya pointed. There is a way that Kaguya will hit wherever Kaguya points. There are no such cute Pokémon anymore. !

As long as it doesn't often transform into various two-dimensional girls, it will be better...

"Boom!" Ladias easily punched a big hole in the monster. The monster's strength looked good, but after all, it was just a product made by Celebi.

How strong can this be? !

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