At most, the (beaf) vitality of the entire forest was emptied by Celebi, and Celebi's own vitality was exhausted, right? !

When Celebi has almost destroyed the forest, it will lose its position, and it should die immediately...

Kaguya hurriedly got into the big hole bombarded by Ladias, and also followed by Ladias and the dragon spirit.

It's just that the "monster" has healed itself before they drilled in for a long time!

In this forest, this Celebi might really be undefeated! ?

"Tianyi, analyze it for me!" Hui Ye frowned slightly and looked at a sphere in front of him. It was an object wrapped by countless vines, and a faint green light was constantly released from it!

Chapter 494 Entering the Inside of the Monster-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Tianyi, analyze it for me!" Hui Ye frowned slightly and looked at a sphere in front of him. It was an object wrapped by countless vines, and a faint green light was constantly released from it!

Looking at the terrifying green light accompanied by traces of death, Kaguya felt a little bit of fear in her heart.

"Well, Celebi just said that you just need to lean over!" Luo Tianyi on the other end of the phone relayed Celebi's words.

Hearing Celebi's words, Kaguya didn't hesitate any more, he believed that his Pokémon would not harm him!

The Pokémon who knows Celebi best is Celebi!

Kaguya, wearing steel armor, stretched out her hand, tried to push aside the rattan on the outside, and rescued Celebi inside, and was besieged by green and purple lights.

"Zizzi!" Even the electronic equipment on the steel armor lost its response in a short period of time, flickering on and off!

"Fuck! What the hell is going on?! Is Celebi trying to trick me?!" Hui Ye felt unhappy for a while, this steel armor can be repaired if it is broken, isn't it a matter of money? Today's Kaguya has money!

It's just that Celebi makes Kaguya very upset. This is his own Pokémon, right? !

However, it was clear that Kaguya had misunderstood Celebi!Soon the steel armor returned to its original state, and it didn't seem to have changed much. The only change was that it used a lot of electricity, and it was completely filled in just that moment!

This is simply unbelievable, but Kaguya has no time to worry about it. He hugged Celebi with both hands and wanted to take the opportunity to pull it out.

It's just that Celebi's surroundings seem to be pulled by an invisible energy. Even if Kaguya's power is no longer inferior to that of ordinary Pokémon, Celebi can't be rescued completely for a while. If you use too much strength , Celebi is very likely to die... After all, Celebi is almost famous now!

"Celebi! Wake up quickly!" Hui Ye shouted, but unfortunately this Celebi is not like Hui Ye, and people don't know him at all!

At the same time, countless vines were entangled in the position where he, the dragon spirit and Ladias were.

Form is in jeopardy!

(Some people say that I've been in trouble recently, at least I don't admit it. Anyway, I didn't realize it myself. Many things are quite useful, right? For example, the meeting between Chaomeng and Sakagi, and the meeting between Kaguya and Sakagi are all meaningful Yes, as for the plot of the God Beast, the main thing is to build goodwill, the main line is to overthrow the alliance, and the God Beast is an indispensable force... Well! Maybe I don’t know Feilu’s habits very well?

As for someone asking me to write more about the interaction between Pokémon and the protagonist, to be honest, some people like to watch it, and some people don’t like to watch it. If I can, I also like to write about this kind of writing, it’s easy to write!However, this kind of chapter subscription is really not high!The author can only write according to the preferences of the readers!

Recently, the author has been reflecting, maybe I am really not suitable for writing a book!Began to doubt life!Although I gained a lot from writing a book, I lost even more, and my life became extremely unhealthy. I didn't have time to take care of my girlfriend, and ran away with others. My brother asked me to go out for a while. Both rose two hundred degrees!The operation I just had... and the heart disease has also recurred!

During the Chinese New Year, when a group of relatives boasted that they earned tens of millions last year, they could only tremble in the sidelines...not even relatives!

Of course, the author doesn't mean to be miserable, this path is chosen by the author himself, I just want to tell everyone that I have really worked hard!Thank you guys for supporting me so far...

As for the girl's strength is too strong, well, anyway, there is no distinction between each other, isn't it! ?Trusting other men is better than trusting your own girl!Is your wife's money not yours? !This is also the strength of the protagonist in disguise! ).

Text Chapter 495 Foodie Celebi

"Radias, use the dragon claw, and Xiaobu uses the bite!" Seeing the countless vines starting to wrap around him, Kaguya ordered the two Pokémon directly. The pulling force was too great!

Fortunately, this thing doesn't absorb Kaguya's physical strength like the wonderful frog flower, otherwise they are doomed to tragedy. The forest god is a strong officer, but it is not invincible. It can only extract the vitality of the forest at most. !

Otherwise, just absorbing life force would be enough to kill Kaguya and the others!

It's just that Celebi didn't seem to be moved. Those vines stretched out to Kaguya a lot faster. Fortunately, Ladias and the Dragon Spirit helped, otherwise Kaguya would be wrapped in zongzi at the moment!Maybe the only mummy in the Pokémon world!

Seeing that he couldn't wake up Celebi, Kaguya was a little depressed, but he quickly thought of a way, a tree fruit appeared in Huiye's hands, which is usually Celebi's favorite food The tree fruit, and it was specially planted by Kaguya's Sherabbit, it is very delicious, sometimes even Kaguya and his girls like to eat one!

Celebi is really talented as a fruit farmer... The fruit trees in the small world are taken care of by her very well!

Sure enough, at the moment when the tree fruit appeared, the vines that stretched out to him were obviously stagnant, and the tentacles on its head also moved obviously, Kaguya's face was happy when he saw it, it seems that this Celebi is also a Only foodies! !

That's the case with my own Celebi. If I wasn't its trainer, it came out of the Pokémon eggs given by the system, and its intimacy was full, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat these fruit. !

If other Pokémon want to eat these good tree fruits, Celebi will turn his face, it is all the fruit trees contracted by it!

Only Kaguya can do it!

Kaguya hurriedly took out two more fruits and placed them beside Celebi, trying to wake them up quickly!

"Bi!" The miracle really happened, Celebi seemed to have recovered a little bit of clarity, and the vines that originally wrapped it gradually faded away.Kaguya tugged hard and actually took Celebi out.

"Great, Celebi!" Kaguya looked at Celebi in a weak state, and didn't know if it would hit the street like the original!

"Bi!" Celebi weakly took the fruit that Kaguya handed over and took a sip: "Bi (you have the smell of other Celebi!?)"

"Well, I got the approval of other Celebi!" Hui Ye nodded. This is his way of gaining goodwill. As for why Celebi could sense it, Hui Ye didn't even think about it. It was a matter of course. Haven't you noticed the dream too! ?Celebi can do the same!

This is effective for ordinary divine beasts, but for the same clan, in such a similar situation, the other party should be able to detect it!

"Bi (Is that so!?)" Celebi didn't have too much doubt, he would not admit to this feeling, and then his eyes were sad again: "Is the outside seriously damaged! ?"

"It's a little bit, try this one! It should be useful to you!" After saying that, Hui Ye took out a fairy bean without hesitation. With Celebi taking care of the fairy bean, Hui Ye also has a lot of fairy beans. Beans... give a few out, but it's not a big problem!Not a waste!

Seeing the fairy beans in Hui Ye's hands, Celebi's eyes flashed a little, and he could see that it was a good thing, but he still shook his head and refused: "Bi (No need, I don't have any more. Saved! You still keep it, the life force of this forest is exhausted because of me!)"

Celebi naturally knows nothing about his own body!

It knows that it can't do it, and at the same time it is blaming itself for destroying this forest, and it is also guilty. This is not its original intention, but it is indeed what it did!

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