In the game, the user of the user reduces the maximum HP by 12 and puts the target into a cursed state.A Pokémon in this state loses 14 of its maximum HP at the end of each round, and the state disappears after leaving the field.

However, this is a real battle, and some things cannot be calculated with numerical values ​​at all. For example, when facing the divine beast, let countless ghost-type Pokémon use the curse, is this really okay! ?Obviously not possible!When the strength reaches a certain level, the curse will have no effect at all!

Unless the other party is also a beast...

As Gengar's eyes emitted a red light, Super Ladias obviously felt uncomfortable for a while, and the curse began to be launched, but Gengar also lost his fighting ability and fell to the street!

"How is it?! Are you okay?" Kaguya looked at Ladias with concern. In fact, it was very simple to break the curse. Just return to the Pokémon Ball, and the cursed state can be solved!

This situation is naturally no problem in a normal Gym Festival, but the rules of this battle are that neither side can replace Pokémon!

Kaguya took a deep look at the opposite Komatsu, maybe the other party had already prepared this tactic to deal with Ladias, this is indeed despicable enough, but it is understandable!After all, it was a rule that Kaguya agreed to!

"Hmm!" Ladias shook his head directly. It could indeed feel its physical strength disappearing bit by bit, but the speed wasn't very fast. It was within its tolerance. This is also the result of the fact that Geng Gui's level after mega evolution is not very close to it, otherwise, even if it is a curse, Ladias will not suffer the slightest damage!

Komatsu stared at Rudias, the tactic was successful, but he didn't know if it was useful to Rudias, and how much it would work!

"Why is that gym trainer replacing Pokémon so slowly!" Artoria is still a newbie in Pokémon combat, but she has a good habit of asking if she doesn't understand, unlike Ya Yi I understand, but I have to pretend that I understand very well!

"He is dragging time. Gengar's curse has already taken effect. Every time delay is not good for Ladias, and it will consume its physical strength! I believe that in the future, Komatsu will also fight for a long time with Ladias!" Li Lin deserves to be the king of the alliance, and there is absolutely nothing to say about his tactical literacy.

Hearing Li Lin's explanation, Arturia frowned slightly, and after a long time, she said, "How despicable!!" As a knight, she didn't like this kind of behavior very much, it violated the rules of knighthood !

She classified Komatsu as a despicable villain in her heart!

Chapter 516 Lady Luck Loves Me! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

She classified Komatsu as a despicable villain in her heart!

In fact, there is no way for Komatsu, he has to find a way to deal with Ladias, otherwise a Ladias is not something he can handle!

"Come out! Death Coffin!" Komatsu pressed the time and released his second Pokémon!

Grim Reaper's coffin is shaped like a coffin, the coffin is made up of yellow and blue, its pupils are red, and the beige mask on its head is like a mask carried by its progenitor, and has teeth that its progenitor does not yet have. .Its smirk looks like it's laughing at humans, and four soul-like, gray hands stick out from its slit coffin.

The level of this Death God's coffin is already extremely high, and it constantly emits a strong ominous aura towards its surroundings... Visually, it already has the level of a champion!

"It's the Coffin of Death!?" To be honest, Kaguya has very few Pokémon that she hates, and this Coffin of Death is one of them. Except for vampires and mummies, not many people will like coffins!Kaguya is no exception, or does everyone in the Great Celestial Dynasty have such a taboo?

Of course, in the Great Celestial Dynasty, you may not even be able to use a coffin. Sometimes a tomb may cost a dozen or two hundred thousand dollars. Death is also a luxury... The land is really too expensive. !

Hui Ye said that he didn't know how his body was disposed of in his previous life. According to the situation at home, although he was cremated, he couldn't buy a better "feng shui treasure land", right? !Throw it directly into the sea! ?There aren't even mass graves these days! ?

"Ladias, I don't like it very much, use the full power of the dragon wave!" Kaguya waved at Ladias.....

"Hmm!" In fact, Ladias hates death coffins!The opponent's body has a strong ominous aura, making it extremely uncomfortable as a supernatural beast!

What's more, it is now in a cursed state, and its stamina is still disappearing!Even if its physical strength is long, Ladias is eager to end the battle!

Komatsu never thought that the super big meat shield he originally used to delay time would cause Ladias' full attack (the double resistance of the death coffin is very high!)!This is the Pokémon enshrined in the Bell Tower!It is the backbone of the entire force!

It's a pity that this time, he borrowed the wrong Pokémon!

"Use to defend!" Komatsu 5.5 said hastily, the speed of Death's Coffin is very slow, so he had to choose this way of hard resistance!

"Boom!" The powerful wave of the dragon hit the body of the Death God's coffin, producing a lot of energy fluctuations.

Everyone is waiting curiously to see if they can hold the wave of the dragon that strikes like a broken bamboo!It's all about luck!

"Hey, it seems that Goddess of Luck loves me!" Kaguya sighed with sincerity when she discovered the situation sooner than everyone else!There is no problem with this sentence, even if the chain sometimes falls off, but most of the time Kaguya's luck is very good, and ordinary people can't get the god-level lottery system!

It's just that his words made everyone else skeptical. Are you sure that Lady Luck loves you! ?You are a disaster, okay? ? .

Text Chapter 517 Shameless Tactics

Kaguya's current behavior is indeed a little shameless and shameless. From his point of view, his own luck is indeed quite good.

However, from the perspective of others, Kaguya is a total trouble, no matter where you go, there will be problems!

They don't know the name of the primary school student of the Shinigami, or they will definitely think that Kaguya is a special match for him!

This is simply a disaster!

"Death God's Coffin!" Komatsu called out anxiously, this is not his Pokémon, but his father's, but due to the relationship he has been in contact with since childhood, he can still command!

"Radias, use the dragon's breath!" Kaguya wouldn't give too many chances to the coffin of the Death God, it's what he wants to do to beat the drowning dog!

"Hmm!" In the blink of an eye, countless dragon-type energy gathered in Ladias' small mouth, and powerful energy blurted out from Ladias' small mouth.

"The coffin of the god of death, use the same fate!" Komatsu secretly said that it was not good, and quickly commanded the coffin of the god of death.From the previous attack of Ladias, he can also see that this Ladias is not something that the coffin of death can deal with!

Perhaps, after the mega evolution, Geng Gui's strength is not weaker than 14 in the death coffin!

Komatsu chose the tactic of perishing together.

Hearing Komatsu's order, Kaguya's mouth twitched. He felt full of malice. All of this was aimed at Ladias. First, it was a curse and then the same fate. Too much! ?

Sure enough, the ghost system is really troublesome!

"Oh!" At the moment when the dragon breath hit the death coffin, Ladias also let out a painful cry, but it did not lose its fighting ability because of it!

"How about Ladias!" Kaguya asked the panting Ladias, the death coffin should have lost its ability to fight, and the same fate also played a role, consuming a lot of Ladias' physical strength!

"Hmm!" Ladias shook his head. He hated this feeling. If he was stronger, he would be able to break free whether it was a curse or the same fate. It would not have any effect on himself, and would not It will be as embarrassing as it is now!

"The Coffin of Death has lost its ability to fight, do you still want to delay time!?" Kaguya urged Komatsu when she saw Ladias like this. The cunning and vicious behavior of the other party was really despised by him. Men, you should be tough!

Komatsu glanced at Kaguya and said, "The referee hasn't judged the outcome yet!?"

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