In fact, he really wanted to say something: I am procrastinating on my own, why do you tell me to hurry up? !

However, Komatsu didn't say it either. Although this is a tactic, it is indeed not very aboveboard!

No matter what, Rudias has to be defeated, right? !Otherwise, they haven't even defeated a Pokémon, doesn't it seem that they are very weak! ?Even if the opponent is a divine beast!

After all, Ladias is not a real "divine beast" either! (Achieving the level of a beast...)

After all, the referee is also the referee here in the gym. After it was "confirmed" that the coffin of the god of death really lost its fighting ability, the referee gave the verdict.

"These people are really despicable!" At this time, even Touzi began to doubt Komatsu's character!

Xiaolan said quietly from the side: "Sometimes, it is possible that people don't want to do this, but they are forced by the environment! This is all possible! Of course, this gym trainer is really bad!"

Chapter 517 Shameless tactics -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Xiaolan said quietly from the side: "Sometimes, it is possible that people don't want to do this, but they are forced by the environment! This is all possible! Of course, this gym trainer is really bad!"

At this time, Komatsu represented not only himself, nor the gym in Yuanzhu City, but also the Lingling Pagoda where he was located!

Even if you are despicable and shameless at this moment, there is no way!

"However, if he still doesn't defeat Ladias by this means, it will be even more embarrassing!" Li Lin smiled meaningfully, but she was very optimistic that Kaguya would sweep Komatsu. of.

After all, Hui Ye is a professional face slapper!Anyone who offends him is destined to be slapped in the face with red and swollen faces!


Naturally, Komatsu would not notice the conversation between Li Lin and the others. Now he needs to fight without distractions. After dragging out the time, he released his last Pokémon again: "Then please, Dark Night Demon. spirit!"

"Is it the demon of the night!?" Hui Ye didn't have much resistance to the demon of the night, or that he only resisted the coffin!

This is another relatively powerful ghost-type Pokémon, with extremely high resistance and powerful attacks, and its weaknesses are probably speed and stamina!

However, this is also relative. Kaguya found that the night demon's level was already level 81, and he had stepped into the ranks of quasi-sacred beasts, not much worse than the mega-evolved Ladias!

"Can we continue!?" Kaguya asked Rudias.Although the Pokémon cannot be replaced in battle, it can also be taken back. The big deal is that Ladias has lost!

"Well (don't, he annoyed me!)" Although Ladias lost a lot of physical strength, he still looked at the demon of the night opposite him with full of fighting spirit!Since the beginning of the battle, it has felt full of malice from the opponent, how can Ladias endure it! ?Is it bullying? !

Seeing this, Kaguya chuckled, he knew Ladias well, this time it was really angry!

"The night demon uses the will-o'-the-wisp!" Xiao Song took the lead in attacking, and as his words fell, the night demon released many fireballs from his hands to Ladias. This kind of flame is very strange.

"Fuck! Ladias, hurry up and dodge!" Kaguya kept scolding in her heart, this Komatsu was just too frantic!This is the rhythm that makes Ladias burn!

Even though Ladias has consumed a lot of physical strength, its speed is still very fast. Under Kaguya's quick reaction, it can evade these fireball attacks, and then it feels a familiar energy blessing. on myself!

Kaguya's super power!Ladias is naturally no stranger, it knows what Kaguya means!

Soon, Ladias sent out a powerful super power to the night demon, sweeping the whole dark night in. It seems that Kaguya did not give an order, but in fact it was completed through super power. instruct.

Komatsu can't hear at all!

"Komatsu, he is a super power user!" The elders of the Bell Tower standing behind Xiaomatsu couldn't sit still!If Kaguya swept their bell tower, wouldn't their bell tower be very shameless in the future? !

Even if the opponent is a mythical beast, Ladias, the same is true!

Looking at the elder who spoke, Kaguya frowned, watching chess without saying a word is a real gentleman, this guy is really a villain! .

Chapter 518 I, Kaguya, like face slaps the most!

Kaguya doesn't care what the other party's difficulties are, anyway, the other party has offended him!

Hui Ye is not a gentleman, nor does he intend to be a gentleman, at best he just does not intend to be a villain!Help others when you can!

Even in order to overthrow the alliance's rule, the most important reason is Kaguya's self-protection. The power in his hands is too powerful. If he shows it, I'm afraid no one can calm down. Night has been remembered!

When Komatsu heard the elder's words, he remembered that Kaguya is still a superpower. It seems that Kaguya has started to use superpowers now!This had a great impact on him, and he didn't even know what skills Kaguya asked Ladias to use.

As for the shameful act of reminding, Komatsu ignored it!The dignity of the Bell Tower may have been lost in his hands!

"The Dark Night Demon uses the Freezing Light on Ladias!" Komatsu quickly gave the order to the Dark Night Demon.

A light blue light shot out from the mouth of the night demon, but before the light hit Ladias, several figures of Ladias appeared - freezing rays!

That freezing light was just a detached figure that hit Ladias!

Then, before Komatsu could react, a mist ball was spit out by Ladias, hitting the Night Demon head-on, knocking it several meters away!

Under normal circumstances, Hui Ye doesn't like to use this kind of superpower. It's too cheating. Of course, it's also related to the fact that it consumes a lot of physical strength. After all, Hui Ye is not Nazi. No practice superpowers!

His current superpowers are a by-product of doing good physical and mental things with Nazi!

However, at this moment, Kaguya must also sigh, when he uses his super powers, he is really strong!To briefly enhance the strength of Ladias, and to fight it intimately, everything can be responded to at the fastest speed, not even to say...

"The last supernatural power〃"! "Kaguya silently commanded Ladias through his thoughts, and then saw Ladias's originally clear eyes flashing a red light, and an invisible and invisible attack landed on the Night Demon Spirit. See that the other party has continued action.

The scene became extremely dull. Most of the people here were from the Ring Tower. Originally, they were waiting for Komatsu to defeat Kaguya to prove the strength of their Ring Tower, but they didn't expect to turn into this!

The best trainer of their generation, Komatsu, has become so weak in front of Kaguya. You must know that the Pokémon used by Komatsu is not just his Night Demon but his grandfather's Pokémon!

This is among the top existences in the entire Bell Tower, but now when facing Kaguya and his Ladias, they seem helpless, and even use despicable tricks, but it is still the same!

Where did they put the face of the Bell Tower! ?

There are so many people watching!Especially the five Ibrahimovic sisters, the two sides are in a competitive relationship!How does this make their face? !

Phoenix King and Rogia may not have a competitive relationship, and the relationship between the two is not bad. However, human beings have a direct competitive relationship. What is the better name for Rogia's power?! It seems that some people say it is the sea soul clan, but the author checked the Internet, and there is no such statement!), they all have their own interests, and they all hope that they can overwhelm each other !

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