"Ding!" At this moment, Li Lin's elf watch rang.She turned her head to Kaguya and said, "It's a call from the Alliance!"

It's no secret that Hui Ye and Li Lin got together, which is not a secret in the eyes of some interested people. Li Lin suspects that the alliance may use his identity and the relationship between the two to threaten Hui Ye to do something!

For example, sending himself to do some tasks, so that Kaguya is also involved.

Chapter 531 The alliance that wants to kill with a knife -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

For example, sending himself to do some tasks, so that Kaguya is also involved.

Now that the Alliance is calling me, I don't even have to think about it because I want to stop Ho-oh myself, but is this possible! ?

"Take it!" Hui Ye sneered, many politicians are evil, they will never rush in front, the first one to escape is them, and the one who rushes in the front is always the one who is used by them!

However, after the incident, the credit will be taken away by these despicable and shameless people!

"Lilin Tianwang, you are in Yuanzhu City now!?" The person on the other end of the phone, Hui Ye, had seen it before. He was the parliamentary president of the Chengdu Alliance. Hui Ye had never met him, but he probably wouldn't be a good person. ...

"Yes, President of the Palace Council!" Li Lin's tone was not too respectful. If it weren't for Kaguya's journey to be smoother, she would not want to be the king of this alliance!

Maybe in the eyes of some people, the king's position is very noble, but for today's Li Lin, it's really nothing!When your vision is bigger, your mind is different!

She doesn't care about the gods and horses of the heavenly king, you must know that she is now the beast trainer of Darkrai!What's more, the current Kaguya's relationship with the alliance is not very good...

"Then why don't you hurry up and solve the matter in Yuanzhu City!? As the king of the alliance, you are duty-bound to do this!" Councilor Emiya gave orders to Li Lin with righteous words...

Li Lin sneered when he heard the words: "I'm afraid you've lost your mind, and now it's King Feng! If you dare to come here now, I will never shirk!"

"What's your attitude towards you!? Do you want to be the king of heaven?!" When the president of Wei Gong heard Li Lin's words, he was instantly furious. It had been a long time since no one had spoken to him like this!

"Let me tell you!" Hui Ye put the elf watch in Li Lin's hand on his side: "I don't care who you are, before giving orders to others, consider whether you can do it yourself! It's not up to you to be the King of Heaven! If you feel that the distance is too far, I will help you pass the word to King Ho, and let him come to find you in person!"

"You..." Before the President of the Emiya could finish speaking, Kaguya was the first to hang up the phone!

This kind of immortal is the most annoying!

Sooner or later I will destroy them!

"Is this okay!?" Tou Zi looked at Li Lin worriedly, everyone's relationship was still quite good, and she was also worried that Li Lin would be punished for it.

"Aren't I on the front line!?" Li Lin laughed lightly: "And the position of Heavenly King is not that I can't sit if he doesn't let me sit in 2.3!"

"Don't worry! It's not over yet!" Hui Ye patted Tou Zi's shoulder. If this happens, Hui Ye will benefit a lot!Ho-oh was supposed to be one of the biggest obstacles for Kaguya to overthrow the existing alliance, but now it looks like this obstacle is going to disappear!

Will Ho-oh part ways with the Alliance! ?Probably!

"En! But will the culprit really show up!?" Li Lin looked at Kaguya worriedly. Could it be that Minajun really did this alone! ?

"Just wait and see!" Hui Ye shook his head calmly, but fortunately, King Feng didn't harm too many lives, all he did was set fire to the house!We will see if the alliance will subsidize it at that time!Don't make them homeless! ?Surface work still needs to be done! .

Text Chapter 532 Lila's Arrival

Suddenly, Suicune, who was standing beside Arturia, turned his head to one side and looked into the distance.

"What's wrong!? Someone is here?!" Arturia asked, the mastermind behind the scenes finally came on stage! ?

Before Sui-jun could reply, a Thunder Emperor brought a man in a suit to Kaguya and the others. He first gave Ho-king a respectful look, and then jumped off the Thunder Emperor.

For her, both Kaguya and Lilin have an impression, the high-level Interpol - Lila!

Hui Ye even knew that she was sent by the alliance to monitor her. Well, Luo Tianyi couldn't hide all this!It's just that Kaguya pretended not to know before! !Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that this time she actually showed up on her own initiative!

"Hello, Lilin Tianwang! Dr. Kaguya!" Lila's face was a little anxious, it seemed that she was aroused by Ho-wang!

"Hello, Minister Lila!" Li Lin didn't give Lila a face, but his attitude wouldn't be too good either.

People who can come to Yuanzhu City in person at this moment will not be too bad 14...Except for those who have other plans, and Lila can get Lei Huang's approval, it will definitely not hurt Feng Wang, Even if Lila wanted to do it, Lei Huang would not agree to it!The Three Holy Beasts will not betray Phoenix King!Maybe they can't betray either!

Kaguya nodded nonchalantly to Lila, he still had a little understanding of this woman, she was one of the few humans who had entered the Ultimate Cave!This uniform is quite capable. For some uniforms, it has a different flavor. Why don't you go back and make a set for Lilin and Xiaolan? !

It's just that they don't seem to be Lila's type, and they don't know if they can wear such a flavor!

Lila didn't pay much attention to Kaguya's eyes. In fact, she had seen too many people looking at her with such eyes!What's more, Kaguya is still the kind of lecherous man, which can be seen from so many girls following him...

"Ho-king is angry, I need your help to calm Ho-king's anger!" Lila said seriously to Kaguya and the others.

Hearing her words, Kaguya smiled noncommittally and asked, "When Celebi had an accident before, you should have been nearby, right?"

Lila's pupils shrank when she heard Kaguya's words, but she quickly recovered and admitted, "That's true, and thanks to your help, Celebi was able to be rescued safely!"

"Is that really the case!?" Hui Ye gave Lila a meaningful look, but he didn't say much. It's good that Lila came out this time. After all, what she has to face now is life. God, once the fire is put down, there is a good chance that she won't even be able to keep her ashes!

There are not many managers who can rush to the front line!Just at this point, Hui Ye's dissatisfaction with her before disappeared in a flash, but it wasn't enough for the other party to persuade him to help!

Maybe she is just a cannon fodder!

In the hearts of those alliance bosses, anyone is a chess piece, and an existence that can be discarded at will!

Looking at Hui Ye's eyes, Lila knew that her previous behavior had been discovered by Hui Ye, but at this moment she obviously couldn't think about it, instead she bowed to Hui Ye and said, "Please also ask Dr. Hui Ye. You can help me to calm the anger of Ho-wang, otherwise the consequences of things will be unimaginable, and even the whole world will be in dire straits!"

Chapter 532 The Arrival of Lila -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Looking at Hui Ye's eyes, Lila knew that her previous behavior had been discovered by Hui Ye, but at this moment she obviously couldn't think about it, instead she bowed to Hui Ye and said, "Please also ask Dr. Hui Ye. You can help me to calm the anger of Ho-wang, otherwise the consequences of things will be unimaginable, and even the whole world will be in dire straits!"

"So what?! I've watched too much!" The corner of Hui Ye's mouth twitched slightly. He had seen too many things in his previous life. Every day at seven o'clock, people all over the world were in dire straits.

"You..." Lila was in a tangle when she saw Kaguya who couldn't get in. According to her judgment, Kaguya should belong to the kind of people who are eager to help others!How could it be like this, her brain is very flexible, and it is in the interests of some people to break up with the alliance. Could it be that he is really related to the Xiao organization? !

"When you risked your life to quell the anger of King Ho, where is the initiator of all this?! What obligation do I have to do these things?!" Kaguya said lightly: "It's fine to say that I'm afraid of death, or that I don't A little self-consciousness is fine, this matter itself has nothing to do with me!"

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