"You!" Lila took a deep breath. What Kaguya said was indeed correct. All of this itself has nothing to do with Kaguya, and even the mastermind behind the scenes may have something to do with the Alliance. The Alliance cannot get away from this matter.

Naturally, the alliance would not tell her about these shady stories, but as an excellent Interpol, she could also infer one or two.

Whether it is the current Hoo incident or the previous Celebi incident and Lugia incident, the alliance is secretly playing a role!Even in the birth of Mewtwo, the Alliance played a disgraceful role, but what could she do? !

"I'm sorry, sorry for disturbing you!" Lila, who understood, gave Kaguya a salute again, perhaps because the magnitude was too large, or because her clothes were a little disheveled because of her anxious rush, Kaguya even saw through her neckline. Something that shouldn't be seen.

"Pink..." Rao Shi Hui Ye couldn't calm down more or less at this moment, this is the most pink Hui Ye has ever seen, I didn't expect this Miss Lila to let herself see such a different scene!Shouldn't this be bleached? ?

Lila didn't seem to notice Kaguya's eyes, instead she sat on Lei Huang's body again and let him run towards Feng Wang with her.

"King Feng, please calm your anger, all this has nothing to do with these people, please let them go!" She was also the first person to question King Feng!

In the face of Lila's behavior, the people of the Bell Tower showed a trace of disdain. Are you still thinking of becoming a hero at this time! ?who do you think You Are? !How about getting the approval of Lei Huang? !Is that Feng Wang? !

The world has never lacked people who want to be called heroes, but most of them have become martyrs!

Just when everyone thought that Ho-oh would give Lila a sip of flame without hesitation, Ho-oh didn't do it.

For Lila, it also knows the woman who once entered the ultimate cave!

That place is a place that even it dare not enter easily. The God of the Sea was not much weaker than it, but now it is almost on the street!Feng Wang thinks that there is a threat to the world, and Lila may play a huge role in the future, so he specially sent three holy beasts to protect Lila. (Explain why Lila can have the Three Holy Beasts...)

If it were an ordinary person, Feng Wang might just hit him with a flame, but Lila, it wouldn't do that! .

Chapter 533 Appearance of the Monster!

Lila doesn't seem to know her speciality, but she still ran out resolutely and stopped at the front, her courage is commendable!

She really wanted to go up and persuade King Ho to quell its anger and give humans another chance, but she found that she couldn't speak for a while, and couldn't even move, as if she had been immobilized Under control, nothing can move.

Of course, her safety can still be guaranteed, Lei Huang is standing by her side, and those fires have cleverly avoided her!

After Feng Wang glanced at her, he ignored her and turned his eyes to the sky, as if he was waiting for something.

As time went by, King Ho's face became more and more gloomy. It was waiting for the alliance to give it an explanation. However, except for this little girl, no one came.The person who should explain to himself the most did not come!What about the senior officials of the alliance now! ?Now the president of the alliance! ?

"It's not the way to go on like this!" After a long time, Arturia also began to speak, although those people did not have too many casualties, but almost the entire Yuanzhu City was annihilated by the fire. If it continues like this, King Ho will still I don't know where to vent my anger!

In fact, in Hui Ye's eyes, Feng Wang is still very good now. It is better to set fire to the house or something. It is better than killing people. At most some property losses, these alliances will eventually subsidize them. They are still relatively rich. For example, Shilufu Company is actually half controlled by the Alliance, and the Pokémon Ball is monopolized by the Alliance. It can be said that the Alliance is much richer than the old Mi in Kaguya's previous life!

"They are already here!" Hui Ye was looking around, Luo Tianyi had already given himself a signal before, it was a high-tech crime again!But this is biology!But these people are really disgusting!

"En? ¨〃!" All the girls looked at Hui Ye suspiciously.

Howang over there seemed to have noticed a difference, and turned his eyes to the side abruptly, only to see a big bird flying from the horizon. This bird was extremely strange and looked a bit like a flame bird. Its feathers are white, with some scales and horns, and its body size is also larger than a normal flame bird, but its head is even more strange, and it is so similar to Feng Wang, but this is a Black turkey head!

"What kind of monster is this!?" This was the voice of everyone at the moment, even Li Lin didn't know the identity of the other party.What kind of Pokémon is this! ?

"Huh!? It's so weird!? It should be the flame bird, but why does it still have the aura of Lugia and Ho-king!" The dream sitting on Kaguya's shoulder was also stunned at the moment, as the world The manager of the founding tree, Dream has the genes of all Pokémon in the world except for some mythical beasts, and he can feel that this big bird is different!

Kaguya also threw an exploration technique at the big bird thoughtfully, and then showed a strange face, the technology of the Pokémon world is really powerful: "This was originally a flame bird, but after passing through Loki After the sub-gene's culture medium was conditioned, its physique changed, and coupled with the influence of Ho-oh's flames, a genetic mutation occurred, and it became the current state!"

Originally, with the physique of the flame bird, it was absolutely unable to resist the flame of Ho-wang!Although both sides are gods, there is a huge gap between the third-level god and the first-level god. Without Lugia's genes, it can't bear it at all.

Then Lugia was just an incidental! ?Kaguya's face was a little weird.

"However, such a monster can't exist at all!!" The dream is a little tangled, and the phenomenon of genetic mutation is not without it, but when it reaches a certain level, the world will be limited. This is the rule set by Arceus at the beginning!

Chapter 533 The Appearance of a Monster! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

"However, such a monster can't exist at all!!" The dream is a little tangled, and the phenomenon of genetic mutation is not without it, but when it reaches a certain level, the world will be limited. This is the rule set by Arceus at the beginning!

Therefore, the weapons of man do not have much influence on the true god.

The birth of Mewtwo is a special case, or perhaps its birth is something destined.

"It should be because of some special reason!?" Kaguya is not sure about this matter. In this regard, the dream is more authoritative than himself, and he doesn't even understand it. How can he explain it? !

There is no such monster in the original Pokémon. Could it be that he has caused many Pokémon to mutate, causing the world to change? !

Or is this the credit of the god-level lottery system? !

Well, the nagging system looks very nagging, but it is actually quite powerful. It is only stingy with itself, but it is very good for Kaguya's sister, and the gods and beasts will give it away as soon as they say it!

Kaguya even believed that when she pushed Mei, Touko, and Arturia, there would be at least three more divine beasts in their team...

Sometimes Hui Ye even suspects that this is not a god-level lottery system at all, or it is simply called the strongest heroine system!

Fortunately, as the male lead, Kaguya, relying on self-improvement and the nagging system's rubbish lottery, he has achieved what he is today. If he talks too much, he will be in tears!

Well, this is just a little bit of ranting!In fact, the system is still very powerful, isn't it? ?Apart from being out of touch and not giving away his powerful divine beast, there is nothing wrong with it!Even Pokémon upgrades are easily solved!

(Does anyone feel that the recent plot of Phoenix King is a bit dull!? This is a completely self-original plot, whether it is an animated version, a comic, or a plot that has never been seen in fan fiction. I hope everyone can give the author some support. This is It’s a bold attempt, and (Zhao Zhao) is not following the same old routine, but it’s actually much easier to write like that! Following the plot, the author can write two chapters in an hour, and now a chapter in three hours...

And today's dullness is also to set off how evil the alliance is, and the necessity for Kaguya to overthrow the alliance!Moreover, Feng Wang was on the side of the alliance when he held a meeting, so it was necessary for Hui Ye to pull Feng Wang into his camp.

Some things cannot be explained clearly by words alone. After all, Kaguya is not Naruto who has the strongest mouth, otherwise the alliance was established with the hard work of King Feng, why would he help you! ?

Of course, if you give opinions to the author of Pujie, Pujie is still grateful to these master readers. It is better to give opinions than to delete the book directly. This proves that my book still has a little status in your heart!The author will also be unintentionally out of control, and everyone needs to give their opinions together! ).

Chapter 534 The Protagonist Is Pretending to Be Pretentious!

"Aww!" Feng Wang looked angrily at the copycat with his own aura in front of him, and yelled angrily, it has never seen anyone who is not afraid of death and dares to pretend to be himself! (The dream that looks like the tree of the beginning of the world has transformed into the Phoenix King, but the dream is a special case, right!? The dream that merges with the tree of the beginning of the world is second only to the setting of the nagging author The existence of Arceus!)

Cunning villain!

In his rage, Ho-oh did not hesitate to shoot flames at the "four dislikes"!The blazing high temperature almost distorted the entire space.

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