Hui Ye pointed to Ami's photo and said to the girls, "Look!"

"What?! Are we going to help you identify whether those girls are good-looking!?" Mei's jealousy went away quickly, and came quickly... Well, you read that right, she and the average person are indeed reversed!

She loves to act like a baby with Kaguya from time to time, which makes Kaguya very helpless, but she also enjoys it, and the feeling of being with Mei is very similar to that kind of first love ~ feeling!

"No, this Ami looks pretty good, but he's not as good-looking as you!" Hui Ye quickly expressed his loyalty, and immediately coaxed the girls into ecstasy. Now he is a super old driver, regardless of theoretical knowledge or practical ability , Kaguya - is the strongest king level!

People in the rivers and lakes are called: Hui · Pickup Master · Ye!

Good things to say, Kaguya will never fall.

Otherwise, how could he not overturn the car with so many girls? !

Opening a harem is risky, and you can't do it without a little ability!

"Look at this photo!" Kaguya said, pointing to Ami on the computer.

"What's wrong with this photo!? Isn't it just sitting on a small magnet?! As a steel gym trainer, it is normal for her to have a few small magnets!?" Li Lin took the photo, and her sisters They looked at it carefully and asked.

She didn't find anything strange!

Ami's appearance is still quite good, she belongs to the girl next door, the type of Xiaojiabiyu, it should be quite suitable for Huiye's appetite!

"That's right! Although Yuetui is very eye-catching, it's still not as good as Kameizlei's level!" Mei also began to hurt Ami.

Last time Huiye didn't even date Kameizlei from her hometown. This Ami's figure is still a little worse than Kameizelei's, and what should be lost is still to be lost. Although she herself doesn't have such a heavenly body Yue Tui, but she has one thing that she can look down on all the girls, that pair of turbulent Yue Xiong makes many girls envy and hate!

Mei has the confidence to say these words!

"That's not the point!" A black line clearly appeared on Hui Ye's forehead. When did this girl start this talent? !Could it be that she has really become a legendary niece! ?

Under the doubtful eyes of the girls, he pointed to the photo and said, "The point is on the screws of Magneto! You can take out the pictures of Magneto and compare them!"

Arturia really pulled out the little magnet's picture book to compare it, and then Jiao's "swipe" turned red! !

Then the other girls also understood what Kaguya meant.




The girls started to complain about Kaguya, but the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more active, at least the possibility of Ami is extremely low!

If Kaguya's actions just now were known to Ami, neither of them would even be friends!This is how life and death enemies should be!It is impossible to become a friend of Guan Bao!Death is also impossible!


It was almost noon the next day, and Kaguya took his girls to the gym to challenge Ami...

Chapter 549 Mr. Lu Xun's Fan -->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

It was almost noon the next day, and Kaguya took his girls to the gym to challenge Ami...

They don't need to hurry, and they don't have to deliberately "get up early" and sleep until they wake up naturally, it's already very late!

However, when they came to the Light Yellow Taoist Hall, it was the students here who came out!

"I'm sorry, the owner of the museum is not here!" The student girl looked at Hui Ye apologetically, and then focused her eyes on Li Lin: "Are you the King of Li Lin?!"

Li Lin said that he was so excited that someone finally recognized him!

Usually walking outside, there are many more people who recognize Kaguya than people who recognize her. How can this make her feel like a king in Chengdu? !

You know, this is the Chengdu area!It's my sister's home!

Although Hui Ye is her man, and the more famous he is, the happier she will be, but she doesn't want to be too far behind in Hui Ye! !

For example, when Yulongdu and the others are wandering outside, they will be recognized from time to time, but she is not, and her popularity is not as high as that of Kaguya!Sometimes it is she herself who doubts that she is not a fake king! ?

"Yes, hello!" Li Lin glanced at Kaguya proudly, look, there are still people who know my sister!

Then the student girl quickly turned her eyes to Kaguya, and said to Kaguya with a look of admiration: "Then you are Dr. Kaguya?! You are my idol! If you hadn't calmed down King Ho's anger, Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Li Lin's face froze instantly, your sister, do you recognize yourself just to recognize Kaguya! ?

She felt that her daughter was in pain!Asshole!

However, Hui Ye couldn't be happy either. This is nothing to be proud of. If the other party is really his little fan girl, he won't even recognize himself. It needs to be confirmed after Li Lin.

This only brought a family crisis to myself!

"Actually nothing, this is what I should do!" Hui Ye waved his hand lightly, showing the demeanor of a big guy!

"No, at least we don't think so!" The student shook his head repeatedly, and then showed a gossip expression: "I heard that Mr. Lu Xun said he wanted to invite you to join the Xiao organization, have you met?! What is he like? The person?! Isn't he very handsome?! He looks gentle!? And will you join the Akatsuki organization!?"


Now even Ya Yi understood what the female student meant. The feelings are the drunkard's intentions, not the wine!She should not be a fan of Hui Ye, but a fan of Lu Xun.

As for what was said before, it's just a foreshadowing.

Seeing such a situation, Hui Ye could only sigh silently. At the same time, he also felt that Mr. Lu Xun still had a big position on the Internet, and now he has fans.

Hui Ye is proud of this. After all, Mr. Lu Xun is also Luo Tianyi's vest, and Luo Tianyi's is his own!

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