In a previous life, Mr. Lu Xun gave up medicine to pursue literature, and used his pen to criticize reality. He wanted to use this to scold the servile Chinese people at that time!The effect is not bad, at least Hui Ye thinks that Mr. Lu Xun's articles are well-known for eternity. When he is reading, he hates memorizing ancient poems, hates memorizing those beautiful prose, but he does not dislike memorizing Mr. Lu Xun's articles at all!

As for some people saying that Mr. Lu Xun's articles are outdated by the times and should be removed from the textbooks, isn't this fucking brain kicked by a donkey? !Or where are you from collie? !Don't you think people's servility is not strong enough now? ?There are more and more people worshiping foreigners, so should Mr. Lu Xun's articles be vigorously promoted, okay? ! .

Chapter 550 Guang'er is sick? !

Hui Ye himself admires Mr. Lu Xun very much. Many literati are extremely talented, but have no backbone, and Mr. Lu Xun is undoubtedly the kind of literati!He will not be arty like others, but cursed a future with the pen in his hand!

This is also the reason why Hui Ye asked Luo Tianyi to use Mr. Lu Xun as a pseudonym. Obviously, he can choose from many pseudonyms, such as Lanling Xiaoxiao Shengma...

As for a pseudonym like Qiwu Qingying, Huiye would not choose it. He has seen the author before, and he is so handsome. Even Huiye himself is too embarrassed to offend. The gap between himself and Qiwu Qingying is too great big!It's just that this author can rely on his face to make a living, but he wants to come out with code words. He deserves to go to the streets, he can only get that pitiful manuscript fee every month, and he still has to live a life of instant noodles every day!

"I haven't met Mr. Lu Xun in four, five, three, and I haven't thought about it for the time being!" Kaguya's answer was very good, he didn't say that he wouldn't join the Akatsuki organization, save the trouble If it is exposed in the future, I will be slapped in the face!

Kaguya likes to slap other people's face, but doesn't like to slap her own!

"Why?! Isn't the Xiao organization very good?!" The female student looked at Kaguya with a puzzled look on her face. She felt that the purpose of the Xiao organization was very good, and what Mr. Lu Xun said was very reasonable.

"emmmmmm!..." Hui Ye didn't know how to answer this question anymore, he certainly felt that what Mr. Lu Xun said was right, after all he was the one who asked Luo Tianyi to pass it on, but he couldn't expose it in public, This is a matter of position, he can't reveal his true identity yet!

The revolution needs more people to act. As for him, he should be an unknown behind-the-scenes worker for the time being!

"Actually, this kind of thinking of yours is very dangerous, be careful to be locked in a small dark room!" Hui Ye threatened her sister, and it was strange to say it, but a gymnasium academy is highly respected, this is the rhythm of death? !Some things have to keep a low profile, don't you know? !

The little girl was silent, she seemed to be talking a lot when she was excited just now!

These topics are usually forbidden by the owner of the Ami Pavilion!

Some things just can't be said, even if you think it's really good!

"By the way, where did the owner of the Ami Pavilion go?!" Hui Ye deftly changed the topic, he naturally couldn't tell the little girl, this is a little fan of "Mr. Lu Xun", a girl with such an attitude, It still makes Hui Ye very happy!

A single spark can start a prairie fire, and this future may really be realized!

"Ah!? The owner of the pavilion went to the Glorious Lighthouse to take care of Guang'er! How about I take you there!" The little girl also wanted to break the topic and said to a few people.

That's a topic that can't be talked about!

"Guang'er?!" Yayi asked suspiciously, but in her heart she excluded Ami from being a rival in love. It looked like a nickname for her boyfriend!

It should be Miss Ami's boyfriend who is ill, and she is taking care of him!

Ya Yi has a big brain, and quickly guessed what she thought was right!

"Yes, Guang'er is sick!" When the girl mentioned that Guang'er was a little lost, she was sick like a mountain. This time, Guang'er's illness was really serious!

You must know that Guang'er has a great effect on the entire Onion City!Everyone can't live without it!

Guanghui Lighthouse, also known as Shallow Lighthouse, is a landmark building in Shallow City. It is located in the east of Shallow City. The lighthouse uses the lights of electric dragons for navigation. Even if other electric lighthouses are built, this tower is still not used. Demolition, as a symbol of prayer for safety.

Chapter 550 Guang'er Is Sick? ! -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

Guanghui Lighthouse, also known as Shallow Lighthouse, is a landmark building in Shallow City. It is located in the east of Shallow City. The lighthouse uses the lights of electric dragons for navigation. Even if other electric lighthouses are built, this tower is still not used. Demolition, as a symbol of prayer for safety.

Guang'er is the electric dragon that illuminates the lighthouse, and it is sick in both the game and the animation!

However, Hui Ye was still quite curious as to how high the level of this light was. After all, the light of the electric dragon was also limited. To be used as the light of the beacon, the ordinary electric dragon could not do it at all!

In fact, Kaguya himself is quite optimistic about the Electric Pokémon like Dianlong. Besides a "Pichu", he doesn't have any real Electric Pokémon yet! !

If possible, he also wants to get a relatively good Electric-type Pokémon!It's just that I never liked it! !

The average talent of the electric dragon is not low, and it is still a Pokémon that has been determined to undergo mega evolution. After mega evolution, it even has dragon attributes!This makes the Electric Dragon, in the eyes of many people, one of the strongest electric-type Pokémon besides the beast...

At present, human beings do not have much research on the mega electric dragon. Do you want to get a mega evolution stone of the electric dragon as soon as possible? !

Hey, electric-type Pokémon are still too hard to find, it would be great if we could catch Zekrom too...

This idea is dangerous...

However, I really need to find a main Pokémon of the electricity system!

"Then please take us there!" Hui Ye still has a good impression of this kind little girl. Well, people who can agree with Lu Xun's theory are generally not too bad...

Led by the little girl, a few people walked towards the Glorious Lighthouse. This lighthouse seems to be a bit old!

Due to the problem of the electric dragon not being able to emit light, they didn't notice the glorious lighthouse yesterday, and they didn't really see the whole picture of the glorious lighthouse until now...

"The Glorious Lighthouse has existed for more than a hundred years. It looks a little old on the outside, but it has been repaired several times inside! It also has an elevator inside! This is the most important building in our Onion City!" The little girl faced Several people kept introducing, their faces filled with pride!

"So the electric dragon has existed for hundreds of years?!" Kaguya asked curiously. Years, more than ten years of lifespan, and Vulcan moths are almost thousands of years of 5.8 lifespan, not to mention the beast!Meng Meng usually looks cute, but in fact he is an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years!

And Naradas is already over a hundred years old...

(The main force of the electric system has always been hard to figure out. Do you guys have any recommendations!? It’s impossible for the fantasy boss to pretend that he is just a Pichu?! In fact, I still liked the electric beast at the beginning. But the Electric Shock Monster is really ugly! As for the others, I really can’t think of them. The punctual pat and the negative pat can be sold as cute, but unfortunately they are a little weaker, and there is no shortage of cute ones!

The conductive flying squirrel also looks pretty good!

Others are really hard to find a good-looking and powerful electric-type Pokémon!

How about Lei Huang? !Hey hey? !Arceus of the Thunder Slate! ? ).

Text Chapter 551 Ami

Age is not the factor that determines the power of Pokémon, just like Ladias has lived for hundreds of years, she is still just a girl, and Dream, the great god who can't even remember her own age, is still just a girl. child……

Yes, it's just a child!

So how long can you live? !Live forever!

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