Hui Ye sighed silently: "After all, someone has caused me such a big trouble, and there is nothing I can do~ˇ!"

"It seems that you have admitted it!" Sakagi said with a rare playfulness on his face.

Kaguya shook her head with a wry smile and said, "Even if I don't admit it, aren't you so sure?" Sometimes even Kaguya is tangled, and Sakagi seems to be biting himself as the leader of the Akatsuki organization all the time. Kai, even if he used a puppet before and replaced the dream with himself, this could not dispel Sakagi's suspicion!

This is such a bummer!

"This is an intuition!" The corners of Sakagi's mouth were also slightly upturned, obviously he was very satisfied with Kaguya's attitude, at least Kaguya also showed sincerity in front of him!I think that Hui Ye is the leader of Xiao's organization and Hui Ye admits in front of him that this is not the same concept. This time, Hui Ye finally shows a cooperative attitude!

Well, the child has finally grown up!This makes Sakagi very satisfied!

"Intuition? Do you also believe in intuition?" Sakagi's words made Kaguya very depressed. At least in Kaguya's view, these people who could become a party boss don't look like the kind of people who rely on intuition to eat!

After all, Sakagi is not like those people who rely on their ancestors' meals. It is all his credit that he can bring the Rockets to this level!

Chapter 732 Conversation with Sakagi -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

After all, Sakagi is not like those people who rely on their ancestors' meals. It is all his credit that he can bring the Rockets to this level!

"Intuition is very useful, and my intuition has saved my life countless times!" Sakagi said forcefully. These days, relying on intuition can be so confident and confident, there is no one but him!

"Really?" Hui Ye's mouth twitched involuntarily. It seemed that his ability to conceal his identity was really weak, and he couldn't even resist his intuition.So angry!

"Are you for the Plasma team?" Sakagi asked suddenly, changing the subject.

"Well, I have to know your attitude!" Kaguya nodded slightly, maybe before he was reborn, he didn't have much affection for Sakagi, but in this world, he investigated a lot of information about Sakagi through his own means. It also made Kaguya very fancy to Sakagi!

It would be great if they could cooperate, otherwise there would be big trouble!

"I made a decision before I saw you!" Sakagi's mouth filled with a smile, and then he said with a startled expression: "The Plasma team will not succeed! They are relying on Zekrom's absolute strength to find those big players. Trouble for families and corrupt officials! This will only make people panic! Even if the alliance is overthrown, it will be the civilians who suffer in the end! And that N will not be your opponent!"

"Haha! What is the main reason in your eyes!?" Kaguya understood what Sakagi meant, and then he smiled. The people of the plasma team should not know that they were Reshiram's training. Family!But Sakagi knows that Lugia, Dream, Reshiram, Chao Meng, and Narades, his lineup here is indeed terrifying!

Sakagi is undoubtedly the one who knows the existence of Chaomeng the most besides himself. He obviously knows that Chaomeng is definitely on his side, so the strength and weakness are obvious!

"." Is the reason important? "Sakagi murmured, and then said: "Actually, I have noticed you before you set off on your trip. I know more about you than you can imagine!This makes me willing to support you. As for that N, although he has been approved by Zekrom, he is really too tender!Even in the plasma team, he doesn't really have the right to speak! "

"Akroma and Kuiqisi?" Kaguya asked back. The two were deeply hidden, and even N was played around by the two. I'm afraid this is one of the reasons why Sakagi is optimistic about him. Will allow his allies to be marionettes under the control of others!

From this point of view, that (Qian Zhao) N is actually quite pitiful!Even if he becomes Zekrom's trainer, he still cannot truly control his own destiny!This is the most tragic super animal trainer in history, right?

"You sure know!" Sakagi's face showed an expression like that, and he was not too surprised, because Kaguya always behaved like she knew a lot of things.

"Know a little bit!" Kaguya shrugged: "Although I feel like I made this call in vain, I am still very happy! I hope we don't become rivals, you are one of the few people I am optimistic about!"

Sakagi listened to Kaguya's words, but his face was full of black lines. He was told by someone much younger than himself that I was optimistic about you, what a pain in the ass!This goddamn bastard!

"Actually, we have another way of getting along!" Suddenly Sakagi said. .

Chapter 734 Sakagi Has a Daughter?

"Another way to get along?" Kaguya asked in a tangled manner. He didn't think Sakagi would consider himself his subordinate, and he was even less likely to become Sakagi's subordinate. He really couldn't find this other way of getting along!

"What do you think of the current Rockets?" Sakagi asked after deliberation.

"Not bad. After removing most of the worms, Team Rocket's style has improved a lot! Although there are still some small problems, it is now more like a decent organization than the Alliance!" Hui Ye nodded slightly, right and wrong, It's often the people who are powerful. Obviously, in the eyes of the alliance, both the Rockets and the Xiao organization are evil organizations, probably affecting their interests, right?

"Is that so? I'm quite honored. When an organization is about to expand, there are bound to be problems of one kind or another, and there will be a lot of rabble. It seems that I have passed this stage!" Sakagi's face revealed With endless pride, this is also his pride!Although he inherited the Rockets from his mother, for Sakagi, it is like a son.

"Uh! What exactly do you want to say?" Kaguya looked at Sakagi speechlessly, could it be that he asked himself this question just to pretend?His Akatsuki organization is only 970 short, and it will definitely be more successful than the Rockets in the future. This is his admiration for certain ideas and his trust in Mewtwo!

Now the Xiao organization has begun to carry out the construction of the bottom layer, which is all in charge of Chaomeng!Kaguya also believes in Chaomeng's ability, and this is also thanks to Sakagi's design of Chaomeng when he was too clever!No matter in terms of scientific research or management, Chaomeng has abilities far beyond human beings. Well, Mei No. [-] is just so awesome! (The earliest name of Chaomeng is known to those who have played in the first generation! I feel old! People who have played the original version are also old!)

"How about I give you Team Rocket?" Sakagi said the shocking news without hesitation.

The current Rockets team is recognized as the largest organization other than the league. Although it is an evil organization, no one will underestimate him!Although the influence in the Kanto area has declined somewhat, the Rockets regained control of the underground forces in the Kanto area not long ago!Other teams (bibf) such as the Fire Rock Team, Water Fleet, Plasma Team, and Flare Team cannot compare with Team Rocket!

And Sakagi now says that he wants to give the Rockets to himself, how frustrating this is! ?

"Don't use this to deceive me! I'm not that stupid!" Kaguya looked at Sakagi with the look of you teasing me. Fortunately, the young master could recognize the situation, otherwise he would be deceived !Such a big piece of cake, it is very difficult not to be moved!Almost got scammed!

Sakagi shook his head and said, "Do you see me as someone who cheated with the future of the Rockets?"

"Uh... what exactly are you trying to say?" Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and it seems that deceiving herself is really not good for Sakagi. Their cooperation now is quite successful!Although it is a bit embarrassing, it is also very harmonious.Sakagi doesn't have to do this, and his anger is not so easy to bear!

"I'm not too young, and it's time to train successors. The Rockets were left by my mother at the beginning, with my mother's unwillingness and resentment, and also the love she gave me. I naturally don't want the Rockets The team is cut off in my hands! So, I am optimistic about you!" Sakagi looked at Kaguya with a sassy look, I am optimistic about you!

This made Kaguya's face darken, and why did Sakagi become so unreasonable, but he still asked: "Don't you have children?! This kind of thing should be family-style, right? After all, it's your mother. handed down!"

Chapter 734 Sakagi Has a Daughter? -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

This made Kaguya's face darken, and why did Sakagi become so unreasonable, but he still asked: "Don't you have children?! This kind of thing should be family-style, right? After all, it's your mother. handed down!"

Although the Rockets are good, Kaguya also wants it very much. This will become a great help for him, but looking at Sakagi's appearance, the Rockets have a special meaning for him. He is not a gentleman, but he is not a villain either!

"Child?" Sakagi felt depressed when he mentioned the child, "If I had a son, I would pass the Rockets on to him, but unfortunately I only have one daughter. To protect her, I have protected her since she was a child. She does everything. I don't know! I don't even know I'm her father!"

"So?" Hui Ye looked at Sakagi in surprise. He seemed to understand Sakagi's thoughts. As the boss of Team Rocket, he must have many mortal enemies. If he wants to protect his daughter, he must hide her. There are also Damaranch and the others who behave in the same way.

This may be the best protection for their children, but it is a pain for both the children and the parents!Children do not know who their parents are, and mothers cannot recognize their children!

"Don't have a son?!" Kaguya looked at Sakagi with a erratic expression, it seems that Xiaoyin does not exist in this world!

"What kind of look are you looking at? Actually, for me, it's better for my daughter! I just hope she can live a peaceful life, some burdens are too heavy!" Sakagi said sternly.

"Is the burden too heavy!?" Kaguya was also silent. He even thought about his future children. I'm afraid they will have to carry a lot of things. Do they want to learn from Sakagi?However, he quickly dismissed this idea. If his children were to be raised by others, and if he couldn't recognize each other, he would be making a revolution. He never had any idea of ​​giving up his family for everyone!

Isn't it a matter of child safety?The big deal is to give each of your children a standard protection at the level of a beast!He still doesn't believe that there are still people who can hurt them at that time!It's a problem if they don't make a fuss!

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