"Well, that's about it! You can think about it, but it's not very urgent!" Sakagi nodded slightly, no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that Kaguya would be more hopeful to inherit his Rocket Team. This is also an investment. It's just that his investment is a bit big this time, but he is really optimistic about Kaguya!

This world is about to undergo a huge change, and the person who caused this change is Kaguya!

"Hey, then your daughter!" Kaguya asked subconsciously again.He was curious about what Sakagi's daughter looked like.

"What are you doing? You already have so many women, why don't you still want to hit my daughter? I advise you to give up your heart!" Sakagi's soul as a daughter-in-law is burning! .

Chapter 735 Mewtwo is actually pretty good

"Uh? That's not what I meant!" Hui Ye blinked, why did this person's attitude suddenly become so big!He didn't say what to do with Sakagi's daughter, did he need to be so excited?

"Hmph, you should die! My daughter is already pitiful enough, and I will never interfere with her choice!" Sakagi snorted coldly, Kaguya has too many women, and he is definitely not a good person. The choice of the son-in-law, even if he broke up with Kaguya, he would not let Kaguya have any unreasonable thoughts about his daughter!

"But I really don't think so!" Hui Ye said dumbfounded, is his reputation so bad now?I think I was a good citizen back then!

I don't know when, it became notorious!How to do!So angry!Is there any way to save one's own reputation? ?

"It's best if you don't! I advise you not to think about those things you shouldn't think about!" Sakagi snorted coldly, and then said, "What are you going to do about Team Plasma's provocation?!"

"I don't really care about other organizations. The Akatsuki organization will make a speech later, let them muddy the water first! It's not easy to be an early bird!" Kaguya chuckled, he didn't know what to use for N It is also a poor man to treat him with such an attitude, at least he has not yet escaped the fate of being a puppet!

"That's right, I'll just watch your show!" Sakagi's mouth raised a smile, whether it's Kaguya or the plasma team over there, they are all engaged in this kind of thing now, maybe he himself The world that I and my mother expected will really come!At that time, it will be time for him to atone for his sins!

In order to develop the Rockets over the years, he has done too many things that should not be done. He will not regret these Sakagi, but these sins must be washed away by himself...

"En!" Hui Ye nodded slightly and hung up the phone. The result of the call was good, at least there was no problem with his ally. As for the boss of the Rockets, let's talk about it later!

In fact, in Kaguya's eyes, it seems more appropriate for Chaomeng to be the boss of the Rockets. To a certain extent, Chaomeng is the child of Sakagi and Mengmeng.Chaomeng's early education work was also done by Sakagi. Although this education was a complete failure, Sakagi really looked like a father and son to Chaomeng!

Thinking about it now, it is fortunate that Sakagi doesn't have a son, just a daughter, otherwise the son would probably have been educated like that in the early days of Chao Meng!

And the grievances and grievances between Chaomeng and Sakagi are not clear to ordinary people. At least when they met last time, it can be seen that the relationship between Chaomeng and Sakagi is not as bad as the outside world imagined!Even their own feelings for each other are also very strange!

Mewtwo is the first heir to the Rockets!

After finishing the call with Sakagi, Mr. Lu Xun made another remarks on the Internet, "We know that the organization will not regard such a major thing as a revolution as a kind of competition. If the plasma team can lead the people to a better world, we will How about admitting that you won?!"

Such a wave of voices stirred up a thousand waves, and instantly spread the reputation of the Xiao organization in various regions!Many people think that the Xiao organization is sincerely seeking benefits for the people!Many people have expressed their desire to join the Xiao organization!

The Plasma team did not make any further announcements!Of course, the most headaches are the people of the alliance. Neither the Akatsuki organization nor the Plasma team seem to take them seriously. How can the people of the alliance endure this! ?

After a little hesitation, the Alliance issued a wanted request for the Plasma team, obviously planning to attack the Plasma team first!


Chapter 735 Chaomeng is actually quite good -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.


"There is a message from the alliance asking if we are involved in the action against the Plasma team!" During the meal, Yew gave a message to Kaguya.

"Aiming at the Plasma team?!" Kaguya's face showed a clear look, the current Kaguya is not so easy to knead, if you can win the support of Kaguya, it is best, if not, then they also There is no way, it would be even more tragic to really force Kaguya into the opponent's camp!

"Are you going to participate?" Kaguya looked at Cattleya, who was eating cheese. This woman seems to be the king of the Hezhong area, right? !Just about to take office!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"You don't need to look at me! It is more important for the alliance to appease you than to start a war with the plasma team! After all, your strength is absolutely terrifying no matter where you go!" Cattleya glanced at Kaguya: " I have not received additional instructions!"

"Is that so?" Hui Ye touched his chin: "Do you think the people from the Plasma team will come to me to trouble me?" After all, he is also a member of the alliance now, and the gym is not so easy to open!

The Hezhong area is also the base camp of the Plasma team. If you think about it carefully, they may really come to trouble yourself!

"It's not so, the relationship between you and Chaomeng can still be guessed by many people, plus the Lugia family, fantasy, what is the plasma team? If they don't want to die, they won't come to you. Trouble, you It's okay to keep it in the middle!" Speaking of which, there was such a strange look in Yew's eyes, Zekrom and Reshiram were rivals, but now they have become a competition between the two in such a way, which is really true A little weird!

0 .............  

Moreover, compared to Zekrom's trainer, Kaguya, Reshiram's trainer, seems to have lost his way, and the beasts come one after another. When Zekrom's trainer finds out about this, he may have to I vomited blood!

The gap between the two sides is really too big!

"Neutral!?" Kaguya nodded slightly, then stopped talking.

"But there will be exceptions. Maybe you want to remain neutral, but the other party won't give you such a chance!" Suddenly Shirona said.

"Don't give me such a chance?" Hui Ye looked at Shirona suspiciously, shouldn't the people of the Plasma team kill like this?And he learned from the news that only Reshiram could roughly detect Zekrom's location, but Zekrom could not!Even the Plasma team didn't even know he was Reshiram's trainer!

"For example, they mistakenly want to take your friends or someone important to you!" Sirona thinks she knows Kaguya better. I care very much! .

Text Chapter 736 Xiaozhi's Growth

Hearing Xirona's reminder, Kaguya was instantly silent. The Plasma Team would indeed not come to trouble him, but it was difficult to ensure the safety of those around him, especially the Plasma Team itself did not know that those people were related to Kaguya. Down!

"This is indeed a trouble! But it is impossible for me to post information on the Internet, saying that so-and-so is my person, you better show me the highlights of the photo?" Hui Ye looked at several people speechlessly, and said helplessly.

I originally thought that having the plasma team to help him attract firepower would have a good effect. After all, everyone has the same enemy, but now it seems that the plasma team is a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, you may hurt yourself!Damn, so angry!

"Actually, this is also a good idea. At least in this way, your reputation will be resounding!" Cattleya teased "[-]" from the side, anyway, she is not afraid that the plasma team will trouble her family!She didn't particularly like those people in the family, and even the so-called relatives in the family were the first to treat her coldly!

If it weren't for the fact that their talents were too terrifying, I'm afraid they wouldn't tolerate them, and would have wiped out their "scourge" long ago?On the contrary, she still prefers the atmosphere in Luzi Town, which has a very warm feeling!These people in the family treat themselves very well, much better than those "relatives"!

And the people in the town don't have the same attitude that others see themselves as snakes and scorpions!When you go out by yourself, you will greet you warmly when you see yourself, and even invite yourself to eat fruit, drink drinks, etc.!

This gap is really too big!

This caused Cattleya to become increasingly dissatisfied with her family.

"Haha! The reputation is loud! But some relationships are also exposed!" Kaguya said awkwardly, there are some things that need to be hidden!For example, Ami's identity is very embarrassing now, and although Dawu has clearly expressed his support for himself, they need to really hide it now!If the Alliance knew that they were standing in line, it would probably have a big impact on them!

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