"It's that one!" Kaguya pretended to be high and pointed to the Hezhong area that was getting farther and farther away.

"So it has already taken a fancy to you?" Cattleya's eyes widened, why every time she saw Hui Ye's pretentious picture, she felt unhappy for a while, but still a little happy!It feels so weird! !

Chapter 739 Draw again -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"So it has already taken a fancy to you?" Cattleya's eyes widened, why every time she saw Hui Ye's pretentious picture, she felt unhappy for a while, but still a little happy!It feels so weird! !

"Yeah! Otherwise, it wouldn't have come to save me!" Hui Ye pursed his lips and smiled, thinking that when he was in the Kanto region, he didn't even have divine beasts, and now there are so many divine beasts here all of a sudden, if not for the fact that these divine beasts were all at the kindergarten level , Kaguya absolutely wants to say, (bhfi) he is already invincible!

"Humph! What a jerk!" Cattleya snorted, but didn't say anything. She really wanted to ask Hui Ye what else he was hiding, but she didn't know how to ask, and it seemed that she didn't have the right to ask!


"The system will help me start the system lottery!" Before she knew it, Kaguya had saved two more advanced lottery chances and two intermediate lottery chances!He didn't think about it at home before, but now he can draw a lottery to try his luck when he is bored.

"Ding, conduct an intermediate lottery, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Pizza Hut Food Summoning Technique!"

"Ding, conduct an intermediate lottery, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Evil Emperor Relic!"

"Ding, conduct a high-level lottery, congratulations to the host for getting a share of Sunshine True Fire!"

"Ding, conduct a high-level lottery, congratulations to the host for getting an Earth Spirit Orb!"

This thing seems to be not bad. The legend of the Evil Emperor Relic has the true essence of the evil emperors of the past dynasties. This is a good thing, but the evil emperors of the past dynasties have not used it, and there are evil thoughts of the evil emperors of the past dynasties. It is not something that ordinary people can use!

This thing is of no use to Kaguya, or the effect may not be great!But it is useful to the Nine Lamas. No matter how powerful the evil emperors of the past dynasties are, can they be evil over the Nine Lamas?Kaguya is not at all worried that the Kurama will be polluted by these evil thoughts!This would even be the best tonic for the Kurama!

As for the true fire of the sun, it was naturally used by the winged dragon of the sun god!This is also a great tonic for it!It is believed that with the nourishment of the true fire of the sun, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God may soon be able to form a fighting force!

The problem lies in the earth spirit bead. This thing is indeed a good thing. The energy contained in it is huge. At the beginning, Hui Ye had drawn a water spirit bead, which gave Hui Ye a great help, not only for himself The cultivation of the water-type Pokémon has been accelerated a lot. The water-type Pokémon in the small world grows faster than ordinary Pokémon, and after a long time, there is a chance to break through the limit of their own talent.

But the problem is that there are no earth-type Pokémon in the Pokémon world!This is a huge question!He suddenly thought of Bangira's appearance. Could it be good for rock-type Pokémon? It seems possible!

In any case, this thing is definitely good for itself!It's good to be strong, isn't it?

As for the so-called Pizza Hut food summoning technique, it was directly ignored by Hui Ye. He had used the KFC take-out family bucket summoning technique before, and he hadn't used it a few times. The food cooked by Luo Tianyi was better than them. Too much! .

Text Chapter 740 Goodbye Dr. Oki

Hui Ye didn't know if his appetite was tricked by Luo Tianyi. Many foods that he thought were extremely delicious in his previous life have become justsoso in his eyes now! Maybe it's good to try something new once in a while, but if you really want him If you eat it for a long time, it will definitely not be possible!

After handing the Evil Emperor Relic to the Kurama, the Sun God Fire to the Sun God's Winged Dragon, and throwing the Earth Spirit Orb into the small world and letting it fend for itself, Kaguya also relaxed, and turned to Shirona, Cattleya chatted, and as for Arturia, she performed her so-called knightly duties very well—listen quietly...

About half a day later, the plane landed in Joban City in the Kanto region. It would only take half a day to walk from here to Zhenxin Town, not to mention that Xiao Mao and the others were already waiting here!

"You guys came really fast enough, I thought you wouldn't come back until the Silver Conference was about to start!" Xiaomao said very coquettishly, wearing his sunglasses.

"I haven't had anything to do recently, not to mention that almost all of my Pokémon are left there! Naturally, there are many people who help me train!" Kaguya chuckled.

"Is that so? Then my grandpa may be disappointed! He still wants to use your relationship to obtain some legendary Pokémon data! After all, you know his character! You have so many legendary Pokémon , He has already been moved!" Xiaomao naturally understood what it meant for many people to help Huiye train Pokémon, but he didn't say much, and he didn't even think about the deep meaning!

Constant battles, if you don't consider the accumulation of incurable dark wounds and the spiritual haggard of Pokémon, it is indeed of great benefit to Pokémon!

Except for a very small number of Pokémon that can be upgraded by eating, sleeping, and lying down, most Pokémon still need a lot of battles and training to become powerful!

"I can help with a small amount of information, but if it's a little deeper, I can't!" Kaguya thought for a while and said, after all, Dr. Damu is not the so-called doctor of the Alliance, and there is nothing wrong with giving certain information to Dr. Damu. No way!

What's more, when he set off for a trip, Dr. Damu shielded himself from the wind and rain. In his heart, he not only regarded Dr. Damu as his teacher, but also a grandfather-like existence!As long as you can help Dr. Damu, there is no problem in helping him as much as possible!

What's more, Dr. Damu's eight achievements are only the data of his curious beasts!

There's nothing wrong with that!

"That's great! Grandpa felt a little awkward before, and I don't know how to talk to you! Although those Pokémon are your Pokémon, they are legendary Pokémon after all, different from ordinary Pokémon! Many people I don’t even like that my information is in the hands of others, let alone those legendary Pokémon!” Xiaomao said happily, in fact, although he also wanted to be an excellent Pokémon trainer, he seemed to think in his heart. To be a great researcher!

It's just that he's a little confused!What exactly does he want!But he is still young and has time to think about everything!

"That's true, but data such as height and weight are all right!" Kaguya said after a moment of indifference, just take it for a medical examination!

Thinking about the fact that I had to have a medical examination after graduating from a university in my previous life, but I didn't even know the results of my own examination after spending the money. This feeling is really special...


A few people took Xiaomao's sports car and came to Zhenxin Town very quickly. Nothing has changed here from a year ago!

"My grandfather is doing a research, so I didn't come to meet you!" Although the relationship between the few people is very good, and the status of Dr. Damu is also very high, Xiaomao still explained, after all, Shirona is the champion of the Shenao region. And Cattleya is also the new king of the Hezhong area. Of course, this king has not been officially appointed!

"It's okay, I know this institute very well!" Hui Ye waved his hand quickly, he was someone who lived here for a while!What's more, how can the teacher come out to greet him?He is not one of those people who, after "successful and famous", went back to the former school to pretend to be compulsive, demanding that the school must highlight his high-strength style, and even his own teacher did not recognize him!

Chapter 740 Goodbye Dr. Oki-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"It's okay, I know this institute very well!" Hui Ye waved his hand quickly, he was someone who lived here for a while!What's more, how can the teacher come out to greet him?He is not one of those people who, after "successful and famous", went back to the former school to pretend to be compulsive, demanding that the school must highlight his high-strength style, and even his own teacher did not recognize him!

"I'm also a student of Teacher Damu!" Shirona narrowed her eyes and responded.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

As for Cattleya, well, she is more like a little follower, a small follower behind Shirona!

"Alright then! Please come in!" Xiaomao nodded slightly to Arturia again, he didn't even know where Kaguya found this middle-aged girl, but she could feel at ease with such a girl by her side!


When a few people entered the research institute, they found that Dr. Damu was beating something crazy on a piece of equipment!Don't look at him as a regional doctor, in fact, for the computer industry, Dr. Damu is involved, and he invented the Pokémon illustrations!

Seemingly aware of the arrival of someone, Dr. Damu didn't turn his head, and said without a pause in his hands: "Kui Ye, you guys are here!"


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