"Yes! Long time no see!"

"Mr. Damu, long time no see!" Hirona also bowed to Dr. Damu in a salute. Hirona has always been grateful for the help this teacher has given her!

Perhaps in the original work, Shirona has always taken care of Xiaozhi, and it has something to do with this!

"Yo, it's Hirona! You wait a moment, I'll be ready soon!" Hearing Hirona's voice, Dr. Ogi showed a knowing smile on his face!After all, this is his outstanding disciple!It's just that he is a little weird in his heart. Why did Kaguya get mixed up with Shirona again?

This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

As Hirona's teacher, Dr. Damu deeply understands that even though Hirona is only valiant in battle, she is usually more like a family girl, but she is extremely proud in her heart!

I just didn't expect that Kaguya seems to have soaked Hirona in her hands!What the hell is going on with this guy?The improvement of combat command ability may not be much, but the ability to pick up girls is such a big improvement!Asshole! !If he spent his energy on picking up girls to study battles, I'm afraid Kaguya would have been invincible long ago, right?

Well, it looks like this bastard is invincible now!

(The nagging mood is a little bad, probably the ex-girlfriend, the one who just broke up, who used to travel poorly in Sichuan and Tibet...full of green grasslands! Turn the table!!).

Chapter 741 Everything Understands

Dr. Damu said that his heart is a little tired!This wonderful disciple of myself has chosen the entire Yulong family!This is something he has never done before!This is not based on how good Kaguya's combat command ability is, but on the strong strength!

He had watched all the videos of Kaguya challenging the Yulong family. Dr. Damu also noticed a lot of weaknesses, but even if he knew these weaknesses, he couldn't do anything to him!The level gap is too big!

With such a disciple, Dr. Oki also felt a headache. Although as a disciple, he caught up with and even surpassed his teacher, and his teacher should feel happy and proud, but Kaguya like this really didn't make him happy. Not long!Even Kaguya didn't put much energy into the study of combat, there was an illusion that you were surpassed by "[-]" me before I contributed any effort!

After being tired for a while, Dr. Damu quickly completed the work at hand. After putting on a smile, he greeted a few people: "I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

"It's okay, you're busy!" Hui Ye said quickly.

"En! Please come with me!" Dr. Ogi glanced at Arturia and Cattleya again, and once again praised Kaguya's female predestined relationship. He thought that his female predestined relationship was also good, but he didn't like it. It was Kaguya's means to keep them all by his side. Just one chrysanthemum gave him a headache, and Kaguya seemed to be even better than the blue!

Every woman around him is not an ordinary woman, so can his kidneys stand it?

"Here are some documents that I can come up with, please accept them!" Hui Ye didn't wait for Dr. Damu to speak, and directly took out a document and handed it to Dr. Damu!

"The legendary Pokémon information?! This is really great!" Dr. Oki's eyes lit up when he took the information, and there was an urge to look up the information directly. It wasn't that important to Kaguya, but it was extraordinary to him!This is his first real information about the beast!

"Well, I can't give too much! After all, they are also very resistant to being studied by humans!" Hui Ye spread his hands, even if he knew that Dr. Damu was not a bad person, there were some things that Hui Ye couldn't help!

"No, I understand that, Kaguya, your thoughts are right! The legendary Pokémon are the protectors and managers of this planet, and we should be in awe of them!" Dr. Damu shook his head again and again. : "Unfortunately, not many people see these things clearly!"

"Those people will take it upon themselves sooner or later!" Hui Ye naturally understood who Dr. Damu was referring to, and in fact these people could not be recognized by the divine beast!Even if N can be recognized by Zekrom, it is not that he is not in awe of the divine beasts!

At this point, Sakagi is much better!He once wanted to create a super dream, and he had the idea of ​​controlling the beasts, but after the failure, he understood this and was approved by Deoxys!No one else can compare to him!

Or that those people are too ambitious!There is almost no possibility of realization!And Sakagi already felt that he was about to succeed!He has also found someone who is like-minded with him!

"It's terrifying that more people and Pokémon will be implicated!" Dr. Damu said with infinite sighs on his face. In fact, once such a problem occurs, it is the common people who will suffer the most!

The scene was silent for a moment, and Cattleya suddenly said: "So, Dr. Damu, are you not optimistic about the alliance!?" This is not because she is loyal to the alliance, but she wants to hear the old man's views on the major forces. This seems to have a taste of pointing the country.

"The alliance? It's been more than a hundred years since the alliance was established. I don't know what research the alliance has done in these years. Its heritage is definitely not comparable to ordinary organizations or individuals! They are still up to now. I didn't show the real cards!" Dr. Damu said after being silent for a while: "As far as I know, in the past few years, those researchers in the alliance have also carried out evil experiments in that area! Even some families The research results were also taken away by the alliance!"

"Is that so?" Cattleya nodded slightly but didn't say anything. She wasn't stupid, so she naturally understood what Dr. Damu meant.

Chapter 741 Everything is understood -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Is that so?" Cattleya nodded slightly but didn't say anything. She wasn't stupid, so she naturally understood what Dr. Damu meant.

If you only deal with one first-level god, like Zekrom, the alliance can also deal with it!

Kaguya has long understood this point, otherwise he would have escaped!

God is indeed powerful, but he is not omnipotent!Of course, it would be different if it could affect other gods, or gods with powerful functions!

"But let N try the water!" Kaguya chuckled, just as he and Sakagi said before, he never took N, the opponent of destiny, as one thing!

That guy is more of a jumping beam clown a lot of the time!

"And there are some things, haven't you already seen it!" Then Dr. Damu gave Kaguya another meaningful look.

"You mean that experiment!" Kaguya asked back with narrowed eyes.

"It should be that experiment!" Dr. Damu nodded slightly and admitted.

"Since you know, why didn't you say it earlier?" Hui Ye quickly asked back, those experiments in Zhanlan City had hurt the lives of countless Pokémon.

Dr. Damu smiled bitterly: "I guessed it only after the fact, what's more, what's the use of saying it? Even with my current status, no one will believe it, and even those people are not allowed to believe it by ordinary people. !"

Kaguya now understands that Dr. Oki's status is indeed very high. There is nothing wrong with him, but he has no choice but to face the powerful alliance of 4.7. Even all the families do not allow Dr. Oki to say these things!

This seems to be the acquiescence of many families!

"Then, do you understand his identity?" Kaguya said again, pointing to something.

"This is a deal!" Dr. Damu smiled bitterly: "But that boy is a good boy, he is innocent!"

Hui Ye didn't ask any more questions. I'm afraid there is some kind of deal behind this. Maybe the alliance has something in the hands of Dr. Damu. Otherwise, he may really be killed by the alliance, and even facilitate Dr. Damu in many things!

Sometimes life is full of helplessness, and Dr. Oki may have been looking for someone who can change the future! .

Text Chapter 742 The latest trend of the alliance

If you really look at it this way, all this seems to make sense! Dr. Oki himself had seen himself in the Celebi incident, and he had left a deep impression on him, perhaps it was from Since then, Dr. Oki has regarded himself as someone who can change the world!So waiting for my own appearance!

So he chose to compromise at the beginning, and no one knew about his appearance except Dr. Damu, who had traveled back decades!This is also the character that Dr. Ogi has been waiting for!

"I seem to understand everything!" Hui Ye sighed softly. Although Dr. Damu had a purpose for his own good, he also had no selfishness, not to mention that he was sincere and good to himself!The gap that might have appeared did not appear!

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