Also, is it really difficult for Kaguya to level up?Didn't you see that even Ladias has reached a certain level now?

Now Ladias is truly a god!

So will Ladios be far behind?

For that level of powerhouse, Hirona has already tried, just like facing Lucario at the beginning, even she has no temper!

I believe it will take less than a year for Ladios to reach that level.

The more she came into contact with Kaguya 2.5, the more Sirona felt the specialness of Kaguya.

Of course, it is not that she has no ability to resist at all. As her relationship with Palkia deepens, she even feels that she can turn to Palkia for help when necessary, and the God of Space will come to help herself.

It's not that Hirona feels too good about herself, but it seems that it's really possible!

But, summoning Palkia during the battle with Kaguya, I'm afraid it's enough to eat!

"Is that so?" Cattleya tilted her head helplessly. Her strength relies more on unreasonable superpower bonuses and her own powerful superpower Pokémon. In terms of combat, she is more powerful than Hirona. Much weaker.

Facing Kaguya like this, she has nothing to do! .

Chapter 787 The Rockets Are Back

"Then release your last Pokémon!" Kaguya looked at each other with her arms folded. This was also the last 3V3 battle. Sometimes he had to tangle with each other. It was really tragic, it should be said to be with himself The opponents encountered are full of tragedy!

Whether it's Tao Naomu or the girl in front of her, her personal abilities are actually pretty good. If you don't meet yourself, you might not be able to get a higher ranking.

But there is no way, who let himself be an open-hung!

Suzuyo took a deep breath and took out his last Pokémon: Nine Tails!It should be said that it is not the ordinary nine tails, but the nine tails of the Alola region.

Different from the usual nine-tailed, this nine-tailed fur is light blue, and the part where the tail connects to the body is a slightly darker blue.Compared to other regions, the hair on the head of the Nine-Tails, which looks like Alola, has become longer and more flowing, and the tail is also more fluffy and flowing.

"Have you ever been to the Alola region? You are really lucky!" Kaguya took a deep look at the 19-year-old Kyuubi of Alola, and a hint of envy flashed in his eyes. In his opinion, Many Pokmon in the Alola area are more like reset versions of many common Pokmon, and this Nine-Tails is obviously the most outstanding Pokmon reset!

At least it's much better than the coconut palm tree. The coconut palm tree in its normal state is already ugly enough. I didn't expect the coconut palm tree in the Alola area to be even uglier. Isn't it afraid of breaking the neck with such a long neck?

If the opponent has been focusing on attacking its neck, then no matter how powerful it is, it is useless.

Humans can't live after a broken neck, so what about Pokémon?Kaguya doesn't know, I believe most Pokémon can't survive, right?

Coconut egg tree should not be either!

The most important thing is, don't you feel troublesome with such a long neck? !Giraffes have long necks in order to eat taller leaves, so what is the purpose of your grass-type Pokémon? Extend their necks higher in order to scramble to expose their heads for photosynthesis?

However, I still like the Ice Nine-Tailed Kaguya, especially the ice-type plus the fairy-type attribute, which is simply the nemesis of the dragon-type Pokémon, and all of the two most restrained dragon-type attributes are gathered all at once!

And this is the only Pokémon with a combination of attributes, which means that there is only one combination of Ice-type and Fairy-type Pokémon.

There is simply no one left!

"Looks like you really know! I won't lose this time!" Suzudai looked at Kaguya with a burning gaze. This time it should be possible, right?

"Sister Yew, what is the Alola area?" Xiao Huang and others on the side have been caught by the ice nine tails. Fortunately, they also have a professional Dr. Yew!

Although it is not a local Elf Doctor in Alola, the knowledge that Yew knows is not comparable to that of ordinary people!

In addition to Shirona, the other girls also turned their attention. They were also curious about what the Alola area was like, and the ice nine tails were too beautiful, right?

"The Alola region is composed of islands with a warm climate. The Alola region is centered on 4 islands rich in natural resources and 1 artificial island. Island, Ether Paradise, Coconut Island, each island has a Pokémon guardian!

Strictly speaking, there is no alliance in the Alola region, but it is somewhat similar to the Orange Islands!The island tour is a ritual developed independently in the Alola region.During their respective trials, each captain will lead.At the end of the test, the trainer will have a break-in battle with the Overlord Pokémon.The final test of each island is a big test, and it is a Pokémon battle against the island king or island queen who rules the island.

There are many special Pokémon there, if you have time, you can also let Kaguya take you there to play! ' Dr. Yew explained to several people.

Chapter 787 The Rockets Are Back-->>(page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

There are many special Pokémon there, if you have time, you can also let Kaguya take you there to play! ' Dr. Yew explained to several people.

"Dr. Kukui has been working on promoting the establishment of the Alola Regional Alliance over the years, and has also traveled to various regions several times to learn from and seek help, but it has not been very smooth!" Xirona also added at this time.

Dr. Kukui also sought her help, but she was helpless in the face of such a request, even if she wanted to help the other party, there was nothing she could do, not to mention that the temple family itself did not join the WTO!

"Is that so? It should be very interesting there!" A flash of brilliance flashed in Artoria's eyes when she looked at the Ice Nine-Tails. For some reason, she seemed to prefer this type of Pokémon.Just like Suicune.

"There will be a chance! But it's not very peaceful there recently!" Yew comforted Artoria, although Artoria's strength is very good now, with the protection of Suicune, it is still relatively good wherever she goes. It's safe, but there's no guarantee that those evil organizations won't do anything to them!

Once they are in danger, even Kaguya will feel a headache!

This is not good news!


"Since you have a special nine-tailed, then let me show my nine-tails too!" Kaguya silently took back his Ladios. Although he said that his attributes were restrained, he still believed that Ladios could Defeat the opponent's!

It's just that Kaguya's evil taste came, he wanted to show his Kyuubi in front of 883 people.

"Eh?!" Suzuyo looked stunned, didn't you still look like you were invincible before?Why the sudden change of Pokémon?

Does it change so quickly?

Can you still have fun! ?

After all, you are also a man recognized by Miss Shirona, do you want to be so shameless.

It was only very soon that this idea was buried in her mind, Kaguya's nine tails are indeed very different!

Different from the usual nine-tails and his own nine-tails, this one seems to be a bit stronger, with a bigger head, and a bit more evil looking. Even the skin color is also orange-red, and its nine huge tails are fluttering in the wind. , looks majestic!

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