If the ordinary nine-tails and ice nine-tails are noble and elegant, then this nine-tailed is a bit ferocious and looks a bit evil!

"This child was rescued by me from an evil organization. It seems that it has become like this because of the experiments of those organizations! Well, it seems that it was born like this!" Hui Yetian shamelessly took the blame for an evil organization!

This made some doubtful people suddenly realize that some people who knew the inside story focused their attention on the Rockets! .

Chapter 788 Pot Comes from the Sky

Now both the league officials and the audience have subconsciously recognized Kaguya's words, the Rockets!This is their style!There is nothing the wicked Rockets can do!

In particular, the people of the alliance have recognized Kaguya's words. Not long ago, the Rockets conducted a horrific experiment in the Lake of Wrath, and the only successful experiment at that time was a red carp dragon, which is now in the process of In the hands of the champion!

So what's not to believe? !

The color of this nine-tailed is different from the ordinary nine-tailed at first glance, but the skin color is more like six-tailed, which is similar to the tyrannical carp dragon that crossed. It has also evolved, but it is not complete!

That's it!

The next thing doesn't need Kaguya's explanation at all!There are many people who know something and think they know the whole truth!

It seems that Kaguya, the Lake of Wrath, did not take action at the beginning, but subdued such a nine-tailed!

Although this nine-tailed is not as noble and gorgeous as the other nine-tails, it seems to be more suitable for fighting than the other nine-tails!

I don't know if this speculation is true!

In particular, Yulongdu, who was maintaining order on the side, had a pain in his face when he saw Kaguya's nine tails. He thought of his own red tyrannical carp dragon. Even he didn't find a perfect way to control the red tyrannosaurus dragon!

Just isolate it and keep your Pokémon on guard!This is also hard work!

The current red tyrannosaurus has not only not become his help, but has become a hot potato, and he can't throw it away even if he wants to throw it away!

And they have to spend a lot of energy to deal with it!

It's just beeping a dog!

I shouldn't have felt that this red tyrannical carp dragon was good at first, but agreed to Kaguya's request to take it in!

With this energy, what kind of Pokémon does he not? !

And Kaguya's Nine-Tails doesn't look as good as the usual Nine-Tails, let alone compared to the Nine-Tails in Alola's state, but it seems that the strength will be very good, and the most important thing is that the Nine-Tails seem to obey Hui. Words of the night!

This made Yulongdu feel like he was about to cry!

Damn it!How can there be such a big gap between people?


Sakagi, who is far away in Manjin City, was also watching Kaguya's battle. After all, he is an ally and a junior he likes. Sakagi will naturally pay more attention. Watching Kaguya's battle when he has nothing to do is also a solution. The lonely way!

It's just that Kaguya's words made Sakagi stunned!

The Rockets have carried out messy experiments. That's right. Most of those people have also been excluded from the Rockets. After the bloodbath and changes, the Rockets are now well-organized. Sakagi thinks that it is much cleaner than the league. Weiguang is much more!

It's just that he didn't think that he was sitting at home, the pot came from the sky, and that damn little bastard actually gave him such a huge pot!

Don't think I didn't know it wasn't a product of that experiment, girl!

We are allies after all!Is it really okay for you to pit me like this?

Why are you throwing all the pots at Lao Tzu!Damn little bastard!If you don't say it, I'm afraid many people will forget about it, and now, as long as Kaguya releases this strange nine-tailed, many people will react, oh!This is the nine tails that were killed by the Rockets!

This will only make many people remember the evil of the Rockets!

How difficult is the road to whitewashing!



Chapter 788 The pot came from the sky -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.


Kaguya didn't know that Sakagi was already scolding her mother at the moment!

What if you know!

Aren't allies like this used to take the blame! ?

Otherwise, what's the use of having such an ally? Sakagi helps him take the blame, and he helps him fulfill his ideals. Isn't this the most tacit partner?

As for whether the Rockets are whitewashed or not, that's a matter of the future. If they really need to be whitewashed, wait until they gain power, and then let Sakagi say that it was done by temporary workers!

What's more, isn't there such an experiment in the alliance?Do not!

The Alliance is not as glamorous as it seems!

At least Kaguya knows that many people in the alliance have a great relationship with major evil organizations. Without their help, these evil organizations would not be able to expand at all!

Even the chairman of the alliance, Damaranch, also has a great relationship with the notorious Pokémon hunter organization. His own son is also a high-level hunter organization. According to Kaguya, it should be the existence of the top three in actual rights.

However, when it comes to the Pokémon Hunter organization, it seems that the organization has not made a big move for a long time, right?

This makes Kaguya more or less worried, they will never be so quiet!

Maybe they are planning a big action right now!

And now is the calm before the storm!

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