Chapter 802 Dr. Oda Maki-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

As a result, I didn't expect this person to seem unable to understand his own words, but still respect his own challenges?Doesn't that mean to go all out?

Asshole! ?I don't want face! ?

It's a pity that these things are only what he thinks about in his heart!

"Come out! Chrysanthemum leaves!"

"Come on! Become a hidden dragon!"

After the two parties sent out their respective Pokémon, Ye Yue breathed a sigh of relief and surprised himself. It turned out to be just Jucaoye!It seems that Kaguya still gave Dr. Oda Maki a little face! He didn't release the kind of Pokémon that he couldn't beat at the beginning!

How strong can a chrysanthemum leaf be?

However, he didn't even notice that there was an immutable stone hanging from the neck of the chrysanthemum leaf, and Kaguya's chrysanthemum leaf might be the strongest chrysanthemum leaf in the world!

At least in terms of level, this chrysanthemum leaf is extremely high!

Seeing Hui Ye release the chrysanthemum leaves, the expressions of Xiaozhi and Xiao Mao who returned to the auditorium changed. Others don't know the power of this chrysanthemum leaves, but they all know it!

"Why is Kaguya's Pokémon so powerful even if it doesn't evolve! He keeps asking me to evolve Pokémon? Isn't his Chrysanthemum Leaf also not evolved?" I have a deep memory of this chrysanthemum leaf. When I was in the gym, it was like a little devil.

Even the bay leaf that has evolved into evolution is not a match for the chrysanthemum leaf!

This feeling...

"Idiot, can Kaguya's methods be comparable to us? Generally, if we cultivate Pokémon without letting it evolve, after a certain level, its strength will become extremely slow! But in Kaguya's place, there is no such thing as I can't see much trouble! Of course, it may be difficult, but it's not particularly troublesome for Kaguya!" Xiao Mao gave Xiao Zhi an angry look.

Now he is deeply 717 and understands the talent of Xiaozhi's Pokémon!

If it wasn't for Xiaozhi's delay in talent at the beginning, their level could not even be that little, and the loser might still be himself!

Now Xiaozhi has finally changed his mind, but he can't let him go wrong like before!

"Is that so!? Mysterious power is really enviable!" Xiao Zhi murmured.

If Pokémon can always maintain a cute appearance, and have a strong strength, it will be even better!

There is nothing wrong with the strength of the evolved Pokémon, but their looks... they are really not as cute as they were when they were young!


"Chrysanthemum leaves, in such a venue, we have to play well!" Kaguya said to the chrysanthemum leaves, he believed that maybe one day his chrysanthemum leaves might really grow into the most powerful chrysanthemum leaves. ...

When you think about it, this seems really good!

This is a rare evil of its own!

Kaguya is cultivating chrysanthemum leaves, why do you want to let it evolve?

In fact, he has more or less love for the Yusanjia in the Chengdu area, but unfortunately, during his travels in the Chengdu area, he did not find wild small saw crocodiles and fireball mice that met his requirements! .

Chapter 803 Kaguya's Special Ability

"How many dogs!" Chrysanthemum grass nodded excitedly at Kaguya. Originally, it thought that after telling Kaguya that he did not want to evolve, he would not be able to get a lot of fighting opportunities!After all, powerful Pokémon is what many trainers need!

Pokémon that do not evolve have always limited strength, and their growth rate is also very slow!Generally, few trainers are willing to train those Pokémon who are unwilling to evolve, just keep it as a pet and see!

But what Chrysanthemum Ye didn't expect was that Kaguya was willing to give herself a lot of fighting opportunities, to cultivate herself, and to respect her choice!

How can this make chrysanthemum leaves not moved?

You must know that Kaguya's Pokémon are all big guys!

Fight to the end for Kaguya!This is also the idea of ​​chrysanthemum leaves!

"Chrysanthemum Leaf uses the Flying Leaf Knife!" Kaguya immediately directed at Chrysanthemum Leaf.

"The Hidden Dragon uses stealth to evade!" Undoubtedly, Ye Yue took the lead in letting the Hidden Dragon choose stealth. This sudden change shocked Ju Caoye, and Feiye Kuai Dao hit a loneliness!

However, this attack also caused a lot of cuts on the ground!

"This kind of power, worthy of being Mr. Hui Ye?" Ye Yue looked at the marks on the ground that seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and his heart trembled, worthy of being Mr. Hui Ye!

Even chrysanthemum leaves have such strength!

He really can't imagine how powerful other Pokémon are!

"Chrysanthemum Leaf, follow my command next!" After discovering that the opponent was a hidden dragon, Kaguya gave up letting Chrysanthemum Leaf fight independently, and instead chose to use her superpower to connect Chrysanthemum Leaf and attack it. command!

Even if the Invisible Dragon can really be invisible, before his eyes that can see through everything, there is nothing to hide!

You don't even need to turn on the kaleidoscope to see through the hidden dragon!

The so-called invisibility in front of Kaguya is just a little trouble!

"A few dogs!" Ju Caoye absolutely believed in her trainer!He always has a variety of abilities that make people feel at ease!

"Use the Flying Leaf Knife at a [-]-degree angle in front of the left!" Kaguya directed towards Chrysanthemum Leaf through telepathy.

"What?" Ye Yue exclaimed when he saw Ju Cao Ye's sudden attack without Kaguya's command, what was going on?

And the location of the Flying Leaf Blade turned out to be...

Only heard a cry of pain, and the shape of the hidden dragon flickered several times when it was hit by the flying leaf knife.

It was seen through!How did he do that!

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