The invisible dragon is naturally not invincible!

In general, except for superpower-type Pokémon or Pokémon that can wave guide, when encountering a hidden dragon, you will feel nausea, but wait for the other party to attack first!

After confirming the opponent's location, you can defeat the Hidden Dragon!

And it's amazing how easy it is for Kaguya to find out the direction of the Hidden Dragon!

"Take advantage of it now, grab it with a rattan whip and beat it!" Two green rattan sticks appeared on the body of the chrysanthemum grass leaf, entangling the Hidden Dragon's feet, and at the same time threw it violently to the ground!

If it were a normal Pokémon, Kaguya wouldn't mind making the battle more engaging, but becoming a Hidden Dragon was different. Don't you think it's not disgusting to keep licking other Pokémon with your tongue?

Even if he is willing, his own chrysanthemum leaves will not be willing, right? !

"How do you see this?" Xiaozhi in the stands looked at the few people with a puzzled face. Now that he knows his own shortcomings, he must study hard!

Chapter 803 Kaguya's Special Ability-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"How do you see this?" Xiaozhi in the stands looked at the few people with a puzzled face. Now that he knows his own shortcomings, he must study hard!

He has also fought the Hidden Dragon, but it is definitely not an understatement like Kaguya's!

"Uh, maybe it's ability!" The corner of Xiao Mao's mouth twitched. Before, he thought that Xiao Zhi was the biggest cheater in the world, but he suddenly remembered that Kaguya was actually no worse than Xiao Zhi!

He is also a hooker!

Even more outrageous than anyone else!

Simply a freak!

At this time, Xiaomao couldn't help but want to doubt his life!

Why are the people around me all using plug-ins, but myself!

It's not fair!

"Ability?" Xiao Zhi looked puzzled, but when he saw several people, he didn't seem to explain, and he didn't ask any more questions!


"Come out! Flame Chicken!" Ye Yue took a deep breath when he saw that the hidden dragon was easily defeated by the chrysanthemum grass, and he never looked down on the opponent because he was just a chrysanthemum blade. A mighty Pokémon, not even weaker than his Flaming Chicken!

"The Yusan family in the Fengyuan area?" Kaguya's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly remembered who Ye Yue was, the one who defeated Xiao Zhi at the Silver Conference!I didn't expect to be met by myself!

However, with the current Xiao Zhi, if he meets Ye Yue, he should win, right?

After all, Xiaozhi's strength is many times stronger than in the original book!

Unless he runs out of luck, when he encounters an opponent who should be defeated, he will lose so much that even he himself feels inexplicable!

But now Ye Yue is indeed not Xiao Zhi's opponent!

Especially after seeing Ye Yue's Flaming Chicken, which could have fought a very exciting battle with the Fire-breathing Dragon in the Quartz Conference, and even narrowly defeated the Fire-breathing Dragon's Flaming Chicken because of luck, the breeding is indeed very good!

But it is no longer comparable to Xiao Zhi's fire-breathing dragon!

The mega-evolved fire-breathing dragon is enough to crush this flame chicken!

This somewhat disappointed Kaguya!

".Since it's a flame chicken, let's show you the three fire-type imperial families in other regions!" After speaking, Hui Ye took Ju(赵赵) grass leaves back.

This made many people stunned, after all, Kaguya really rarely replaced Pokémon in this competition!

However, more people are becoming more and more curious, what kind of Pokemon will Kaguya send out, is it the Yusan family in their Hezhong area?still……

Some people who know Kaguya Pokémon even more are looking forward to it, it should be that one!

"Come out! Fire-breathing dragon!" Kaguya's elf ball was thrown into the sky, and with an imposing roar, Kaguya's fire-breathing dragon appeared!

"It turned out to be a fire-breathing dragon?" Ye Yue's head was dripping with sweat the size of a bean. How could this fire-breathing dragon look so powerful!My own flame chicken is well cultivated, but it seems to have a huge gap compared with the fire-breathing dragon!

"Sure enough, the duel between the fire-breathing dragon and the flame chicken is the most suitable!" Hui Ye said seriously. .

Chapter 804 Terrifying Charizard

It's not that Hui Ye has any prejudice against Ye Yue, but the Silver Conference happened to be when Hui Ye was most obsessed with Pokémon animations in his previous life. At that time, Ash lost to Ye Yue and Fire-breathing Dragon lost to Flame Chicken. Made him miserable for a long time!

After all, in Kaguya's childhood, Ash's fire-breathing dragon is extremely powerful!

At that time, Kaguya, who was young and did not understand, even thought that Ash's fire-breathing dragon could be comparable to a divine beast!

In order to make up for the flaws of her childhood, Kaguya will fight the fire-breathing dragon and the flaming chicken!

As for whether he is provoking a regional war, or whether he is bullying people too much, does he care?

The fire family in the Fengyuan area and the fire family in the Kanto region, who is stronger, this is a matter of the benevolent see the benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

In the Hoenn area, the flame chicken is naturally very popular, and no matter how the flame chicken is their royal family!

But in the Kanto region, the fire-breathing dragon is even more famous!

Even in the world, the reputation of fire-breathing dragons is much higher than that of flaming chickens.

At least you can meet a lot of fire-breathing dragon trainers, and flaming chicken's...

Huiye remembers that there seemed to be some magical 703 baby popularity ranking in the previous life. The cutest yellow fat man was naturally ranked first, and the reputation of the fire-breathing dragon was also among the best. This is inseparable from Xiaozhi, but it also confirms its popularity. !

"I actually sent a fire-breathing dragon directly!" Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly when he saw Hui Ye release the fire-breathing dragon. Ye Yue was also his friend, so Ye Yue might be in trouble this time!

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