Even the Winged Dragon of the Sun God would be troubled by such an attack!

"Then you can wait and see!" There was a smile on Xiao Mao's mouth. It's true that Kuailong lost his fighting ability, but it didn't lose completely, especially the last one. The Winged Dragon of the Sun God caused a lot of damage, and that was enough!

"Oh?" Kaguya crossed his arms, quietly waiting for the battle to start, and at the same time mourned for Xiaomao! .

Chapter 817 Existence of Kaihang

Kaguya has always said that Xiaomao knows nothing about power. This is not what Kaguya said to pretend to be forceful, but it is the truth!Using physical strength to consume the physical strength of legendary Pokémon is not a problem in theory, especially for some gods, it is indeed effective!

Almost all third-level gods, or almost second-level gods, can do this, and have been consumed until their physical strength is exhausted, but some existences are exceptions, especially those divine beasts with duties!

Their abilities are not known to ordinary humans!

Listening to Kaguya's words, Xiao Mao remained silent, carefully observing the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, and wanted to see something different from it, but after looking at it for a long time, he found that there was no problem.

But only Kaguya knows that the aura of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God is slowly recovering, and the sun in the sky is slowly providing it with physical strength!

This is somewhat terrifying. As a sun god, it naturally has a certain effect on the sun in the Pokémon world, and the sun is indeed recovering its physical strength!

This is only based on the fact that the current level of the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon is not too high!

In the future, its level will be raised to 18, and it will be able to better grasp its duties, so its recovery speed will become even faster!

In fact, each sacred beast has its own characteristics. For example, Lugia can mobilize ocean currents and even use the power of the ocean. Celebi can use the power of the forest to fight, and at the same time make certain places full of life, such as Hui Celebi of the night is a fruit farmer in the small world, and he is still enjoying it!

As for other sacred beasts, they all have their own characteristics. The Winged Dragon of the Sun God can use sunlight to restore physical strength and restore injuries.

Although it may not be as strong as the gods who use the battle in terms of combat output, Kaguya sometimes speculates whether it will become a real perpetual motion machine with the power of the sun once it grows to the level of a first-level god. This is a little exciting to think about. what! 1

"Never mind!" Although Xiao Mao was a little uneasy because of Kaguya's words, he still forcibly suppressed his anxiety and released his fifth Pokémon - Gengar!

"Huh? Geng Ghost! Nice Pokémon!" Hui Ye glanced at Xiao Mao's Geng Ghost in surprise, which was also the Pokémon that Hui Ye once wanted to conquer.After all, this is also a very popular type of Pokémon!

There are even some fan fictions that use them as bodyguards to protect themselves, such as letting them sneak into their shadows!I have to say that these ideas are very good, once Hui Ye also wanted to subdue a Gengar like this and become a bodyguard for himself!

However, after learning some secrets, Kaguya gave up this idea. Geng Gui hiding in the shadows can indeed protect the trainers well! It's not wrong!But they also absorb the trainer's anger intentionally or unintentionally, which sounds very unscientific!

But if you look at Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum, you will know!She is five or six years younger than Dr. Damu!

But when the two walked together, they even looked like mother and son... Cross out!

Well, the mother and son are a bit exaggerated, the sister and brother are more than enough, there is no problem at all!

Anyway, mother-in-law Chrysanthemum looks much older than Dr. Damu!

That's the problem with too many ghost-type Pokémon!

It's not that the ghost-type Pokémon want to suck their anger, but involuntarily, without even noticing them themselves!

And each time the amount is not particularly large, only when you get along with ghost-type Pokémon for years and months will this happen!

People in this world can't perceive it at all, after all, they are just ordinary human beings!

Instead of coming into contact with Cultivation like Hui Ye, or Cultivation of Immortals.

Of course, these so-called influences are also dispensable for Kaguya today, but who wants to?

Therefore, even now, Kaguya has not conquered any ghost-type Pokémon. Although this has a great relationship with this attribute, of course, it is also because he has not found a suitable Gengar!

Up to now, there are very few Pokémon that Kaguya can fancy!

Chapter 817 Existence of cheating -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Up to now, there are very few Pokémon that Kaguya can fancy!

Unless he is really satisfied!

However, where did Xiaomao's Gengar come from, it is worth scrutinizing!

Kaguya subconsciously set her sights on Dr. Oki on the audience venue!

This should have a lot to do with him. After all, Geng Gui with outstanding talent is very hard to find, and even Hui Ye himself has never encountered such a thing!

However, Xiao Mao has a very talented Geng Gui!

This source is very questionable!

Well, you must know that Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum is the old lover of Dr. Damu!

Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum never married for the sake of Dr. Damu!

Now it seems that Mother-in-law Kikuzi still cares about Dr. Damu very much!

On the other hand, Dr. Damu looked blank. He was very depressed. Why did Kaguya suddenly look at him? There is something tricky about this precipice!

What is this guy thinking?

With what he knows about Kaguya, this guy is definitely going to do something!

However, Xiao Mao didn't say anything, instead he launched an attack on the Wing Divine Dragon of the Sun God!

"Geng Gui, use the shadow ball! Xiao Mao took the lead in giving the command Dao 327.

"Dragon's Breath!" Hui Ye could feel that this Geng Ghost's level was not as good as the previous Fast Dragon!But compared to the moon elf that Xiao Mao had been carefully cultivating before, it was not weaker at all!

Although I don't know why Xiaomao didn't let him play before, I didn't think too much about it. After all, Xiaomao's ability to cultivate Pokémon is quite good!

His Pokémon level is high, that's what it should be!

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