As for why he didn't appear in the battle with Ash, it was probably to objectively target Ash's lineup, right?

Every time Xiaomao's lineup will be modified for the opponent!

"Boom!" The two energies collided and rolled up thick smoke.

"Sunny day!" Suddenly Kaguya said playfully.

"What?" Xiaomao was startled when he heard the words. After the appearance of the sun god, the winged dragon, the sun has become more violent, okay? This looks like the effect of a sunny day, isn't it a sunny day now?

However, with the use of the sunny day, the scorching sun seems to be even hotter, and the sun in the sky is burning the earth!

The temperature at the scene has risen a lot again.

"What's the purpose of this?" Xiao Mao looked at Hui Ye solemnly, he couldn't understand Hui Ye's thoughts, so he had to watch carefully! .

Text Chapter 818 Curse

As the sun became more and more dazzling, it was just that this sunny day not only did not consume the physical strength of the Sun God's Winged Dragon, on the contrary, it was continuously recovering its physical strength. The Sun God is so willful!That's it!

Everyone can see that the wounds on the Winged Dragon of the Sun God are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This made most people stunned!

Is this possible?

Just basking in the sun can restore the injury, so what about physical strength?

Although this is very magical, it seems to be reasonable, and it is also in line with their common sense. After all, this is the sun god!Doing something with the sun seems like a no-brainer!

That's within its purview!

At the same time, many people cast a sympathetic look at Xiao Mao. After all, he spent so much energy on the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon before, and even Kuailong was almost suicidal before. The attack caused the Sun God's Wing Shenlong to have a little injury.

As a result, I didn't expect that after a sunny day, the injury will recover seven to eighty-eight. How can people live?

Can you still have fun?Roll rough!

"How is this possible?" Xiao Mao felt as if he had eaten shit right now. He thought he would be able to defeat the Sun God's Winged Divine Dragon very soon.

Even if he grows up to the strength of the Champion of Heaven, defeating the Winged Dragon of the Sun God this time will be the most brilliant experience in his life!

He can foresee that after this battle, the strength of the Sun God's Winged Dragon will increase rapidly.

After all, the Pokémon following Kaguya never seem to be bothered by their level!

The real hang-up is Kaguya is right!No one can match him in the speed of breeding Pokémon!

This is also Xiaomao's perception for a long time!

Not even him!

The gap between them will get bigger and bigger!It is true that he improved his strength later, but the upper limit of this sun god is higher and his strength is stronger, maybe this is the only chance he has to defeat this sun god!

After the sun god becomes more and more powerful and is recognized by everyone, then he can boast that he has defeated it!

What is the King of Champions?Is there a sun god hanging?

As a result, Hui Ye has brought such a bad news to himself. His previous attack turned out to be useless, and he thought it would be successful this time!

Even Xiaomao's mentality can't accept such a scene at this moment!

Asshole! !

"Xiao Mao, hurry up, or the Sun God Winged Dragon will recover all its strength and injuries. ¨!" Hui Ye said, looking at Xiao Mao teasingly.

He didn't have too many thoughts on Xiao Mao's thoughts, after all, many people were like this when they fought against legendary Pokémon.

In the animated version, there are many people who feel sorry for Xiaozhi who lost the competition before, and they scold Xiaozhi for a few stupid things in an instant, especially in the Carlos area, Xiaozhi won the runner-up, but he was scolded more. !

After all, it was such a pity to lose that time!How did you lose in the end, everyone is a little confused!

But the only time Xiaozhi didn't get sprayed was when he faced the beast man Dakdo!

Xiao Zhi was also the only player who defeated the legendary Pokémon in Dakto's hands in that competition. In the eyes of many people, Xiao Zhi was still honored even though he was defeated!

After all, people use divine beasts!Ash's defeat of Darkroy's Darkrai is already pretty good!

This time, Xiao Mao also had the same mentality when facing Kaguya's Sun God's Winged Dragon!

Chapter 818 Curse -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

This time, Xiao Mao also had the same mentality when facing Kaguya's Sun God's Winged Dragon!

I want to be defeated but still proud!

As a result, Kaguya opened a hook and shattered his sweet dream!

No matter how good Xiao Mao's mentality is, he can't bear it more or less!

"Nothing is impossible! Xiao Mao, if I were you, I should think about how to attack!" Hui Ye looked at Xiao Mao playfully, can this move destroy it?

Of course it is possible!

Kaguya alone thought of more than one way to crack it.

With absolute strength, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God has no chance to recover his stamina!

After all, although this kind of recovery speed is not bad and quite fast, it is not invincible!

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