
"Dragon Wave!"


"Flame Fist!"

"Destruction of Death Light!"

"Spray flames!"


After a fierce battle against waves, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God still won, but this scene made Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao, who were watching the battle, a little unacceptable.

Although the former Xiaosheng felt that Kaguya might be very powerful, he would definitely not be his father's opponent. Although the champions of the Silver Conference and Quartz Conference were very good, if his father went, he could easily win... ....

But he never imagined that his father would be so powerless in front of Kaguya, the gap seems to be really big!

Even the King of Leave and the Tuck Dragon have little resistance in front of the Sun God's Winged Dragon. This is not Kaguya's strongest Pokémon, so how powerful is Kaguya?

Xiaoyao also looked at Kaguya with a complicated expression. She didn't like Pokémon battles, but she also heard that her father Qianli was an excellent Pokémon trainer, but it was the first time she watched her father's Pokémon battles. But it was crushed and beaten by Kaguya, which is somewhat different from what I remembered!

At this time, Kaguya did not wait for Qianli to release the next Pokmon, but pointed to Xiaosheng beside him and said: "The trainer you looked down on who was eliminated early in the Silver Conference has always been challenging The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, and has almost exhausted its physical strength several times, no matter how many times it loses, he is still trying hard to challenge."

Everyone present knew what had happened before, and knew that Kaguya was acting for Ash.Qianli standing in front of Kaguya looked at Xiao Zhi who was grinning in horror. As a trainer of the Heavenly King level, he understood the meaning of Kaguya's words better than anyone else.

Never admit defeat in 3.1, and constantly challenge powerful opponents, no matter what his Pokmon is, this kid already has the potential to become a strong player!

In addition, after hearing what Kaguya said, Xiao Zhi almost exhausted the physical strength of the Sun God's Wing Divine Dragon, which was enough to make him move. It is impossible for someone like Kaguya to do this to elevate the status of a friend too much. kind of lie.

Then Xiaozhi really has that kind of strength, even if it's 6v1, it can't help but face it seriously.

(Well, the quality of sleep has been getting worse and worse recently. The workload in the morning has to complete the update volume of this Pokémon, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, my brain hurts, and I want to go to sleep while I am still feeling dizzy Feeling dizzy, I really want to go out and play basketball!).

Chapter 856 Are all the kids these days so monstrous?

Xiao Zhi smirked and touched the back of his head. He didn't expect Kaguya to continue to help himself at this time. It was true that he almost exhausted the Sun God's Wing Shenlong several times before, but it was all right. It was a long time ago.

At that time, the level of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God was not as high as it is now. You, Xiao Mao, or Ye Yue could still fight the Winged Dragon of the Sun God to some extent. The power of the Wing Shenlong has also become more and more powerful, and now neither they nor Xiaomo Yeyue can exhaust the physical strength of the Wing Shenlong of the Sun God.

Although Hui Ye didn't explain it very clearly, this undoubtedly helped him blow a wave and made Xiao Zhi somewhat embarrassed, but he still accepted this kind of gaze, after all, he did it!

Moreover, Kaguya also helped him prove himself. With his character, he naturally won't be angry because of Xiao Sheng's words before, but he will be somewhat mindful. Is he weak?

Can't it?Although he lost to Xiaomao, Xiaozhi 12 felt that if he hadn't met Xiaomao, he would still have a good chance of meeting other opponents, except of course Kaguya.

Mr. Qianli sighed lightly, and then released his last Pokémon. In an instant, one head had a mane like an exploding head, and a pair of huge horns with yellow stripes on the horns. Daniel appeared in front of everyone, and it was the explosive-headed buffalo that was more common in the Hezhong area!

I didn't expect that Mr. Qianli's last Pokémon was this one.

But the Buffalo Buffalo is a pretty good Pokémon, and the best Pokémon trainer in the world using Buffalo Blast is the champion of the United States, Mr. Adek.

And few people know that the Buffalo with the explosive head is one of the twelve constellations of the United Constellation, representing the Taurus Palace of Kaguya's previous life.

The budding deer in January represents the house of Capricornus.

In February, the cold water ape represents the palace of Aquarius.

March Nanny Mambo represents the house of Pisces.

In April, the wind leprechaun represents the house of Aries.

In May, the explosive head buffalo represents the house of Taurus.

The June gear represents the twin uterus.

In July, the Crab in the Rock Palace represents the Cancer Palace.

In August, the warrior eagle represents the Lion Palace.

In September the Gothic Child represents the Palace of Virgos.

The ghost of lights in October represents Libra.

In November, the Centipede King represents the Scorpio Palace.

In December, the Axetooth Dragon represents the Palace of Centaurs.

This is also a cold knowledge of the Pokémon world, and it seems that only people in the Uzhong area are paying attention to this aspect.

However, Kaguya still has some understanding, after all, whether it is Yew, Mei and Touzi, they always study these things.

They will even compare each other's zodiac signs.

"Very good buffalo with an explosive head, but it's still not enough!" Kaguya said quietly, I'm afraid his challenge this time will cause an uproar, right?

He silently said sorry to Mr. Qianli in his heart. For his own plan, he can only use Mr. Qianli as a stepping stone. This will more or less have a certain impact on Mr. Qianli's reputation, but this should be all. Within the acceptable range of both parties, the strength of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God will only become stronger and stronger.

Chapter 856 Are Children Now Such Monsters? -->>(page 1/2), please click next page to continue reading.

He silently said sorry to Mr. Qianli in his heart. For his own plan, he can only use Mr. Qianli as a stepping stone. This will more or less have a certain impact on Mr. Qianli's reputation, but this should be all. Within the acceptable range of both parties, the strength of the Winged Dragon of the Sun God will only become stronger and stronger.

Mr. Qianli can shout: youyouup, noobb!

I just don't know what actions those people will make after seeing today's battle?The time left for those people is not enough. If the Sun God's Winged Divine Dragon is allowed to develop, they really have no chance!

As for why the level of the Sun God's Winged Dragon has risen so quickly, presumably few people would doubt him. They would only think that the Sun God's Winged Dragon itself is so powerful, but it has just recovered and its strength is not complete. recover.

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