When it completely revives its former power, it will definitely be an existence that destroys the world.

Such existence is more worthy of these organizations at all costs.

So are they excited?

The strength of the explosive-headed buffalo is quite good. Although the strength is not as good as the previous leave king, it is also slightly stronger than the previous bag dragon. After the intense and exciting battle, the explosive-headed buffalo also completely lost the fighting ability.

"You are really strong, even stronger than I thought, maybe the world will change greatly because of you! This is the Libra badge! Now it's yours!" Qianli saw the explosion after losing the ability to fight The head buffalo did not feel lost in the slightest, but smiled. He felt very honored to be able to fight against such a god.

As for the three-on-one being destroyed by Kaguya, this is not an unacceptable thing. There is probably no number of people in this world who can defeat such a Kaguya, right?

Unless there is another person with several legendary Pokémon in their hands, and the ones with quite powerful levels and strengths, before Kaguya, they had never heard of any supernatural beasts that would follow the trainer to travel. of.

Ordinary divine beast trainers can at most subdue some third-level gods!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Libra badge and getting a chance to win the advanced lottery!"

Are there only premium sweepstakes opportunities?You are getting more and more stingy, System Master!

But he didn't show too many expressions on his face, which was nothing to Kaguya, even if it was a god-level lottery chance, he wouldn't have too many mood swings at 130!

After all, if you do something for a long time, you will feel bored in your heart.

"Well, you are also very good!" Hui Ye nodded slightly to Mr. Qianli, which made the corner of Qianli's mouth twitch wildly, not bad?

This kind of evaluation is what he usually said to those challengers who came to challenge. How could he think that one day he would be said such a thing, is it not bad?

Ha ha!

"Xiao Zhi, did you see anything?" Kaguya suddenly turned her head and asked Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Qianli's strength is indeed very strong, and the few Pokémon I have now are not his opponents. I will challenge other gyms after I have finished!"

Although the previous battle of Qianli was crushed by Kaguya all the way, it also depends on the opponent. At least Xiaozhi faces the current Qianli, and he has little chance of winning. Not very likely.

But Xiaozhi believes that sooner or later, he will reverse this ratio, he is nine thousand miles one!

Listening to Xiaozhi's words, Qianli felt helpless, are all the young people these days so evil?Looking at her two children again, Qianli regretted not shooting them on the wall! .

Text Chapter 857 Giant meeting

Other people's children are so outstanding, especially Kaguya. I heard that he was an orphan since he was a child. If he hadn't been adopted by Dr. Yew, he would have starved to death in some wilderness. Adopted by the doctor, the treatment received is estimated to be similar to Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao.

Kaguya's current Pokémon are almost all obtained with his strength, even the Ibrahimovic he took with him when he went on a trip was rewarded when Kaguya and Dr. Yew published an academic article together.

I heard that Kaguya helped Dr. Yew to complete the dissertation when she was a teenager!It is also favored by many regional doctors.

But what about your own children?Xiaoyao doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in Pokémon battles, and even has little knowledge of Pokémon. Growing up, it seems that today is the first time Xiaoyao has come to watch his own Pokémon battle.

On the other hand, Xiaosheng really likes Pokémon, but he is still too young, and his temperament is a bit lacking. Now he has become a little liar, and he must be educated well.There's nothing wrong with what Hui Ye said before, don't take it for granted, he really lacked discipline towards Xiao Sheng before!It's not right to lie, even if there is a reason to want to see a Pokémon.

Moreover, Xiao Sheng's words of mocking Xiao Zhi before were too much. Not to mention Xiao Zhi's strength, no matter how ordinary a Pokémon trainer is, they shouldn't mock each other.Especially a child like Xiaosheng who doesn't even have a Pokémon, this is indeed not a good position for himself!

Becoming a great Pokémon trainer isn't easy!Even he has suffered countless hardships and suffered countless failures on the road to success.With a mentality like Xiaosheng's, it's hard to become an excellent Pokémon trainer, especially after growing up and suffering, some accidents will inevitably happen, and even have a huge impact on Xiaosheng's entire life.

Hey, why is there such a big gap between people?

"Hui Ye, are you planning to leave~?" Xiaozhi suddenly asked Hui Ye again.

Hui Ye was stunned for a moment and then said: "Yeah, I'm leaving, after all, the trip is still going on, and a trip like mine is accompanied by too many risks, and it's not suitable for you, then Xiaozhi, you have to continue to work hard. , I look forward to our next meeting, you can become stronger!" Kaguya's words meant something, Xiao Zhi might not understand it, but Mr. Qianli on the side did.

Rao is a character like Mr. Qianli. After guessing Kaguya's intentions, his heart froze. Today's young people are really scary!He even took risks with himself and the legendary Pokémon, and at the same time used their seniors as stepping stones.

Such domineering might not even be found in the young Dr. Ogi and Mr. Damaranch, as expected of Kaguya!

Thinking of this, Qianli looked at his daughter and son with even more disgust.

"Well, I still need to wait for Xiaogang in Chenghua City, then we have a chance to meet again!" Xiaozhi didn't know that Hui Ye's words had other meanings, for Hui Ye likes to travel by himself and does not travel with them. , Xiaozhi has long been used to it, so he didn't force it, anyway, we will meet sooner or later.


On the other side, in a secret conference room in the Hoenn area, a group of bigwigs are holding a meeting here at the moment.

Chapter 857 Giant Meeting -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

On the other side, in a secret conference room in the Hoenn area, a group of bigwigs are holding a meeting here at the moment.

Among them are Sakagi, Shuiwutong, Chiyansong, Chiri, Vladali, and the masked man that Kaguya met in the last Kyogre and Gulaton incidents, which is Damaranch. The son, Ash's father, also appeared here.

"It seems that everyone in the Hezhong area is here!" Sakagi said in a low tone, this time it was really a collection of villains in the world, but he put more attention on Xiaozhi's father. Does this mean the league should also get involved?

On the side, Xiao Zhi's father said coldly: "According to the information of the Pokémon Hunters Guild, the plasma team in the United States has already mastered the legendary Pokémon Zekrom in the United States! They do not have too many. It is necessary to deal with that person. After all, he is not Reshiram's trainer!"

As someone who had seen Kaguya and that Reshiram appear at the same time, he naturally wouldn't doubt his gaze, the two were definitely not the same person!

A sneer appeared on Sakagi's face on the side. Although he didn't know how Kaguya caused the two to appear at the same time, it was true that Kaguya was Reshiram's trainer, and only he knew that. .

It is impossible for him to betray Kaguya at this time. There is no doubt that Reshiram is indeed the best hidden card of Kaguya.

And if it is exposed, then Kaguya's enemy is bound to increase by one, and Zekrom is not so easy to deal with!

The battle between the two is fate!

No one can control it or change it.

"." It's different with the legendary Pokémon! Akahi on the side also looked at Sakagi with a complicated expression, and among all the people present, only Sakagi was the trainer of the legendary Pokémon.

"You don't have to look at me that way. Deoxys is still a bit behind Mewtwo in terms of strength. If it weren't for that guy, Mewtwo wouldn't have run away!" Speaking of Kaguya, Sakagi's face was also He showed a disgusted look (Wang Wanghao): "This company even destroyed our rocket team's plan to capture Celebi and Rogia some time ago! Many outstanding cadres died in the in his hands!"

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