Regarding Sakagi's words, no one else has doubts. After all, Hui Ye has been doing things in the Chengdu area and the Kanto area during this time. Among them, the Rockets are the most affected. Not only many plans have been rejected by Hui Ye Even Mewtwo, who was destroyed by Ye, and even finally researched, escaped because of Kaguya's relationship, and now it seems to have become Kaguya's Pokémon!At least it appeared a few times to help Kaguya get through.

Even though the people here are the underworld giants in their respective regions, none of them have the slightest doubt in their hearts about Sakagi, and even any one of them may turn against the water, but Sakagi will not. kind. .

Chapter 858 News of Deoxys

Due to the particularity of Sakagi, Sakagi has also become the titular leader of their Anti-Kaguya Alliance. This leader has no other role. After all, the big guys here are also underworld giants in their respective regions, so how can they listen to them? command! ?

It is very good for Sakagi to have such a nominal status as the leader of the alliance. As for ordering them, Sakagi himself has never thought about it.

"That Sun God's Winged Dragon seems to be getting stronger and stronger. In less than a month, his progress is obvious to all!" The screen continued to play the Sun God's Winged Dragon and the last time at the Silver Conference. With the pictures of Xiao Mao's battle and the battle with Qianli this time, it is not difficult at all to get these battle videos with their abilities.

After all, the video of the challenger fighting with the gym trainer will be recorded by the alliance for research!

"It is indeed a lot stronger, but this sun god should have such strength originally, but it was unable to show it for some unknown reasons before, and now it is gradually recovering as time goes on!" Chi The sun shines brightly on the side.

Which one of the people who can get here is simple?Almost every one of them is like a peerless hero. As for the fighting ability of Pokémon, they are not weak at all, and the weakest will not be inferior to those champions of the alliance. Those heavenly kings and champions were besieged and suppressed.

In this world, having great strength is not everything, but without strength is absolutely impossible!

With their eyes, they can naturally see the difference between the two battles between the Winged Dragons of the Sun God.

"Indeed, the previous sun god may have lost his strength for some reason, and now he is recovering quickly!" Xiaozhi's father also echoed.

However, the eyes that looked at Hui Ye were full of complexity. It was true that he was almost killed by Hui Ye last time. When Xiao Zhi was in his early stage, he couldn't help but ignore it!

For his son, he and his father, Damaranch, are generally guilty of a lot, and let Xiaozhi live a life without a father since he was a child. Now some people are willing to stand up for Xiaozhi and prove Xiaozhi's in front of outsiders. Strength, he couldn't help but pay attention.

His mind is undoubtedly the most complicated.

"It seems that there is not much time left for us!" Fradali pointedly looked at the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team. These two teams have been fighting infighting until now. If it is given to the Sun God's Wing God The dragon continued to recover, and when the time came, they would have to deal with it, and it was too late to hide!

Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong glanced at each other silently, but they could see what they meant to each other, and they would not admit defeat or choose to compromise in some matters.

Once they choose to compromise, their dreams will be ruined!

Seeing the two of them look like this, the bosses present silently sighed, and there was a lot of room for relaxation among the other bosses present, and most of their ideals did not conflict.But Chiyanpine and Shuiwutong are different. One of them wants to turn the world into an ocean, and the other wants to turn the world into a land.

The two are completely hostile!

And other people are not easy to say anything, because they all know that their goals and dreams cannot be compromised. Once compromised, everything they do has no meaning to continue!

After hesitating for a while, Chi Yansong said: "We have found something, and we can start action immediately."

When Shui Wutong saw Chi Yansong speak, she didn't hesitate to say, "So do we!"

Chapter 858 News of Deoxys -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

When Shui Wutong saw Chi Yansong speak, she didn't hesitate to say, "So do we!"

"That's it, that's good!" Sakagi sighed softly, but he didn't insist too much, and then he said: "You should know about Deoxys, right?"

Several people couldn't help but (bjde) snorted coldly when they heard what Sakagi said. This is the legendary Pokémon owned by Sakagi. It is extremely powerful. Many people present participated in the attack on the Quartz Conference!

If it wasn't for the help of Deoxys, they couldn't have done it at first, and this may be the most glorious moment in their lives.

The Quartz Conference does not mean that it can be invaded by intrusion, but it has the best security facilities in the entire alliance.

Even the leader of the alliance, President Damaranch, was kidnapped by them!

Of course, Ash's father doesn't care about these things for a while...

The person who was kidnapped was his father...

"Deoxys is indeed extremely powerful, but it cannot be used arbitrarily, otherwise it would be bad to attract the one in the sky!" Sakagi pointed to the sky and said.

At the beginning, his Deoxys was almost smashed to slag by the empty seat. If the core of Deoxys was not picked up by them, he would help it heal its wounds, or it might really die!

"Cracking Seat!" Everyone always feels depressed when he mentions Crackling Seat. After all, the strength of the cracking seat is indeed very powerful. Even among the legendary Pokémon, the Kakure Seat is also considered to be extremely powerful.

They don't have the confidence to face such a split empty seat.

"Does the high-tech city of Larousse know?" Sakagi suddenly said again.

Chiyansong and Shuiwutong nodded slightly, this is a city in the Hoenn area, how could they not know?

"There seems to be traces of Deoxys there!" Sakagi said suddenly with some playfulness.

"What? It's impossible?" Now everyone is not calm, especially Xiao Zhi's father. When he was studying Deoxys, he deliberately studied Deoxys. There should be no real Deoxys in the world except Sakagi's Deoxy!

Except for his test items, of course!

"Sometimes you don't know that doesn't mean you don't! This is what my Deoxys told me!" Sakagi glanced at everyone present and said solemnly.

Everyone present couldn't help becoming silent, Deoxys!That's Deoxys!Although the strength of Deoxys may not be as good as those first-level gods, and even has a lot of experience of being bombarded and killed by the empty seats, their strength is beyond doubt, and they can even fight against the first-level gods for a short time.If you can get it, then...

Chapter 859 Actions of the Water Fleet

"Sakagi, can you tell us all the news?" Everyone present couldn't help but be moved, and it would be quite good to get Deoxys.

"I don't know the specifics, but there are indeed traces of Deoxys in Larousse City. It's up to you to find it!" Sakagi's face showed a playful smile.

Kaguya told him this news, and Sakagi did not doubt the authenticity of this matter, and even Kaguya told himself that there are definitely more than two Deoxyses on the Pokémon planet, but most of them are hidden Wake up, or haven't woken up~ Come on.

The impact of the Rift Seat on them before was too great. Almost all Deoxyses who entered the Pokémon planet were attacked by the Rift Seat, and all of them were seriously injured. Compared with other legendary magical In addition to the baby, this generation of Ochisis is undoubtedly even more exciting.

Sakagi is responsible for telling these people the news, as for how these people will act, it doesn't care about his Sakagi!

There is no doubt that these Deoxys are also the bait thrown by Kaguya, which makes Sakagi feel helpless. People are more popular than people, even when he encounters Kaguya like this There is no other way, that is, even Deoxys is no longer in their eyes now.

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