Kaguya has been paying attention to the location of Necrozma, it is such a powerful existence, it is very difficult to ignore it...

In particular, Necrozma is very high-profile, and it accepts the fear of the world like an emperor in the Alola region.After defeating the patron saint of the Alola region, it has been absorbing Solgaleo's power, trying to make itself stronger.

Necrozma wouldn't move until he completely absorbed and digested Solgaleo's power.

As for where Lunayara is, Kaguya is also very concerned, even everyone is concerned, once Necrozma absorbs Lunayala, then Necrozma will return to its strongest In this state, it would be very difficult to bully Necrozma again.

Before Necrozma could absorb Solgaleo, Kaguya had already fought against it. At that time, Necrozma had to flee under the control of her absolute number. Kaguya even felt that at that time, she If it weren't for the scruples, if Reshiram was released, Necrozma might not die, but the situation was definitely not much better.

This can even change a lot of things. For example, Necrozma can't be what it is now. Unfortunately, there is no if, and it happens when it happens.

Everything has already happened, and Kaguya can only try to make up for it, and even Kaguya doesn't think that he can keep Necrozma there at that time. As the boss of all the ultimate beasts, Naik Lozma had no means of saving her life, and Kaguya wouldn't believe it.

And if what happened to Necrozma at the beginning, they should be suffering from a steady stream of ultimate alien beasts.This is not a good thing for Kaguya and the others.

Although Kaguya himself was not very afraid, these extreme beasts even gave him experience.

It's just that he still has sisters, not only around him, but also in the Shenao area and in the Hezhong area. Although they also have the protection of the legendary Pokémon, but in front of the endless stream of ultimate monsters, one or two legends. It seems that the Pokémon in the game can no longer play a decisive role! .

Text Chapter 946 Erha

Kaguya must be fully prepared. The strength of the ultimate alien beast is much stronger than he imagined. This does not refer to the individual strength of the ultimate alien beast. They are in addition to Necrozma's strength. No one else can cause enough trouble for Kaguya and the others.

Solgaleo or Lunayala are also very powerful. In terms of strength, they may not be inferior to ordinary first-level gods. They may be the most powerful ultimates except Necrozma. Alien beasts, but neither are they on the same front as Necrozma.

No one wants to die, let alone be swallowed up, no matter Solgaleo or Lunaara, they also have no way out!

None of the other Ultra Beasts are the opponents of Kaguya's Pokémon, but there are so many of them!Too many ants will kill the elephant!When a group of extreme alien beasts are not weak and the number is extremely large, even Kaguya will feel a tingling in the scalp!

Fortunately, Yew has the space key. In the last resort, he can bring the girls to his own small world. Otherwise, Kaguya is really worried about leaving them in the Hezhong area. Dakley Yi, the ungrown Chaomeng and the Three Divine Birds seem to be a bit unattractive!

When Kaguya and the others arrived in the Kanto region, it was already four hours later. Compared with the speed of Radiaos and Radias, they were much faster than Lugia. In the case of supersonic flight , they don't need to worry about their physical strength at all, just eat a fairy bean when they are tired!

It's just that the heart will feel tired, but both Ladias and Ladios know that such a thing is inevitable, they are tired for so long at most, once the matter of the ultimate alien is over. , they can get a long rest.

Like these legendary Pokémon, their physical strength and energy are extremely good, otherwise, if they were ordinary Pokémon, they would have been tired after so many battles!

And Hui Ye's Pokémon are not bad. In the small world, they can get the best rest. Not only do they not have to hurry, they can even enjoy various services!At a very early time, Hui Ye purchased very high-end massagers in the small world. They can not only sleep well, but also enjoy massage comfortably.

It's just that Hui Ye and the others don't have such treatment!

He and Arturia are better, they are both cultivated people, they don't look like normal human beings at all, like Miss Lila, who is obviously unable to support on the road, she is just a normal person Humanity.

Even Xiandou couldn't relieve her mental exhaustion. She fell asleep directly on Ladios' back. Fortunately, Arturia was supported by her back. Otherwise, Miss Lila would be doomed to tragedy!

This is a real world, and it can't be like in the animation, falling from a high altitude can't fall to death.

Xiao Zhi is also unable to jump dozens of meters, and he feels that it is not difficult to lift tons of things, and he will also be saddened by electric shocks!He is not a superman!


The tree of the beginning of the world, one of the most sacred places in the Pokémon world, is also one of the origins of the Pokémon world. Except for some special legendary Pokémon, most Pokémon are born from here, even human beings. is also like this.

No matter how violent the war is outside, the tree of the beginning of the world has never had a problem.

Humans can't help but feel awe when approaching the tree of the beginning of the world.

Chapter 946 Erha -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Humans can't help but feel awe when approaching the tree of the beginning of the world.

This is also the reason why Dream will go out before this. It believes that the tree of the beginning of the world will never be invaded by outsiders. Even if it is invaded, it will not have any effect on the tree of the beginning of the world. You must know that even if there is no dream, the world The defense of the original tree is not something that ordinary people can break through.

Whether it is the Three Holy Pillars or other powerful Pokémon, there are in the tree of the beginning of the world.

There are even a lot of extinct Pokémon here. In the Tree of World Beginning, this is a small ecosphere. Overlord-level Pokémon that cannot be seen outside are not uncommon in the Tree of World Beginning.

There are also a lot of Pokémon at the third-level god level. Maybe everyone knows that fantasy is not reliable! (Wonderful, ╮(╯▽╰)╭, why is everyone throwing the blame on me!)

But this time, the tree of the beginning of the world has been invaded, or it is from the invasion of the ultimate alien beast, this is an unprecedented thing!

Even judging from Xiao Meng's previous demeanor, this time the tree of the beginning of the world encountered more attacks than expected.

When Kaguya and the others came to the vicinity of Yuejian Mountain, they saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, and an ominous aura was converging in the direction of the tree of the beginning of the world.

From a distance, the fluctuations of continuous fighting can still be heard, and two extremely powerful superpower auras are constantly releasing their momentum and energy fluctuations outward.

It seemed that a fierce battle was taking place.

A little closer to Kaguya, I saw more extreme beasts and the corpses of some Pokémon. It seems that the battle is really fierce...

283 "Come out, Kurama!" Kaguya frowned slightly as he felt the ominous aura in the air. He didn't know where the Pokémon world came from so many ominous auras. The ominous breath that Yaluka got from there was even more.

This is a bit unscientific. Could it be that the ultimate cave was also opened near the tree of the beginning of the world before this. In addition to the invasion of a large number of extreme alien beasts, there was also a large amount of ominous aura pouring into the Pokémon world, otherwise Kaguya would not be at all. It is impossible to explain why there are so many ominous breaths wandering in the tree of the beginning of the world, and it is still more and more trending.

Does the ultimate alien beast want to pollute the dream, pollute the tree of the beginning of the world, pollute the super dream?

It seems that Necrozma and the others are not unprepared during the period of lurking in the Pokémon world. At least they know enough about the entire Pokémon world, otherwise they will not know that the tree of the beginning of the world has an impact on Pokémon. The importance of the world, this time the action is clearly targeted!

It's just a pity that this time, the plans of these extreme beasts are going to cost me and the Kurama!

Kaguya's eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel has long been opened, constantly absorbing the ominous breath, and in such an environment, Jiuwei is more like an Erha who has spread his legs, and wants to hop around happily. .

Text Chapter 947 Rescue

There is no doubt that the environment filled with black ominous atmosphere is indeed the most suitable environment for the Kurama. These black ominous atmospheres will not only prevent the Kurama from being affected and fall into darkness, but will be transformed into the energy of the nine tails. It provides a steady stream of power, and can even enhance the strength of the Kurama.

It's such a bullshit, I'm just asking if you're convinced?How could the Kurama not be excited in such an environment?

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