And Hui Ye is only cooperating with Kurama. He knows that it is not so easy for Kurama to quickly improve his strength and level when he has reached the current level. This requires huge experience points to improve its level, and it also requires a lot of energy.

These black ominous breaths are harmful to ordinary Pokémon and even legendary Pokémon, but when it comes to Kurama, it's different!It wished that the more ominous breath the better, these ominous breaths would become the best source of energy.

The Kurama kept running on the land, and along with its running, the black ominous aura began to converge towards its location, not the previous tree of the beginning of the world!Looking at the efficiency of the Kurama, Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief. If the speed of the Kurama was too slow, he could only use the eternal kaleidoscope to absorb these ominous breaths, but it might be a little troublesome.

Even if the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye evolves into a reincarnation eye, the ominous breath will be more.

But even if Kaguya didn't take the initiative to absorb it, those ominous breaths would come to the door and be absorbed by it after feeling Kaguya's eyes.

But for a moment, the ominous atmosphere on the periphery was completely absorbed by Kaguya and Kurama, and then the two quickly flew towards the place where the tree of the beginning of the world was.

After absorbing a lot of ominous breath, Kaguya could feel that the size of the Kurama seemed to have grown a lot.From the originally somewhat stunted nine tails to the nine tails that eat and support, the nine tails that are excessively fat.

It's just that this body type is not comparable to the Kurama in the Naruto world. The nine tails in the Naruto world are as tall as a hill, but in the Pokémon world, it seems that under the influence of the world's will, the Kurama seems to be too. It can only grow so big!It's almost impossible to go further!

It is destined to be unable to grow into that kind of behemoth, but its strength will never fall.

Finally, the two came to the periphery of the tree of the beginning of the world, and saw a group of extreme beasts besieging Mewtwo and Dream.The battle situation was extremely tragic, and even Chaomeng and Dream were already exhausted and panting at the moment.

Their physical strength is extremely strong, and there is no fault even after a few days and nights. It's just that when facing these extreme beasts, Chaomeng and Mengmeng know that they must destroy these enemies as soon as possible. , otherwise, it would be really troublesome to let them enter the tree of the beginning of the world!

And once the tree of the beginning of the world is infected, not to mention what will happen to the dream, even the entire Pokémon world will have an unimaginable crisis!The Tree of World Beginning itself is a vital presence in the Pokémon world.It must not be allowed to go wrong.

Therefore, Chaomeng and Dream are full of firepower after entering the battle, and they have no spare energy to fight. Rao is that they are constantly attacking in such a battle, and now their physical strength is a bit too much!

Chapter 947 Rescue -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Therefore, Chaomeng and Dream are full of firepower after entering the battle, and they have no spare energy to fight. Rao is that they are constantly attacking in such a battle, and now their physical strength is a bit too much!

Dream is a little better, it can also recover some physical strength through the tree of the beginning of the world, but Mewtwo can't do it, and now it has even retreated from the state of mega evolution, and facing them are dozens of investigators. Extraordinary beast.

This really makes the scalp feel numb. If there are other legendary Pokémon in the tree of the beginning of the world, and those Pokémon that are comparable to divine beasts, otherwise, even Chaomeng and Dream would not be able to face such a strong enemy.

There are too many extreme beasts, but if you want to deal with so many extreme beasts next, even Chaomeng and Dream will make your scalp tingle.

"It seems that heroes always appear when they should appear most. Kurama uses the tailed beast jade! Come on a big guy~!" All were released, while shouting to the Kurama.

There is no doubt that Kurama is extremely powerful, but it is not invincible among Kaguya's Pokémon, but in such a situation, Kurama does not need to worry about his own consumption, it can continue to flow. This is also the place where Kaguya's Pokémon makes people dread, there is such a bug in Xiandou!

Seeing the arrival of Hui Ye, Chaomeng's face also showed a hint of joy. This situation does not seem to be too bad, and they still have a chance to defeat each other!

Chao Meng moved directly to Kaguya's side in an instant, and stretched out his palm. Although it didn't like to rely on external force, it had to do it at this time. These damned guys used their numerical advantage to consume them, Chao Meng. How can it continue to abide by its damn principles?

Defeating these extreme beasts is the most important thing.

Looking at Chaomeng's appearance, Kaguya took out a bag of immortal beans with understanding. He didn't have Yakilobe here. The bean reserve is sufficient, with fairy beans, Chaomeng and Dream no longer need to worry about the consumption of physical strength.

Moreover, those Pokémon who were injured in order to protect the tree of the beginning of the world should not die just like that. If (Zhao Zhaozhao) can save them, they will not be stingy with such a fairy bean overnight.

He has never been a stingy person, although he is not a Virgin, he is also a person who knows what is right and what is wrong.What's more, he still has a lot of things like fairy beans, at least he can afford this kind of consumption.

After this big event is over, Kaguya doesn't know what else the fairy beans are used for. The most I think is to save some Pokémon!At least Kaguya might not be able to use it anymore, so why not wait?

Seeing that Hui Ye gave him a large bag of fairy beans without hesitation, he nodded with satisfaction, at least these fairy beans were enough.

It took out a fairy bean and put it in its mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it. Chao Meng felt that his body was constantly full of power, and the originally exhausted physical strength was restored again! .

Text Chapter 948 Two Dreams

Chaomeng clenched his fist tightly, and it felt that its power was about to spew out. It glanced at the extreme beasts with sharp eyes, bastards, feel the anger of Chaomeng uncle!

If he loses one-on-one, Chaomeng will never be so angry, but the opponent uses the advantage of quantity to consume it and the dream, which is not something that Chaomeng can endure!Since they are despicable and shameless, Chaomeng will not hold back at all!

And now Mewtwo, after a brief period of confusion in the period of birth, also loves the world of Pokémon deeply, otherwise it would not have done so much for Akatsuki's organization.

Dreams are even more unique to Chaomeng. At first, Chaomeng hated dreams. After all, no one wants to be a copy of anyone else, but after knowing that he also has ethnic groups and is not a replica of dreams, Chaomeng. Dreams also have a unique feeling for dreams.

This kind of feeling is very strange, like a kind of mutual admiration, this kind of feeling is very strange, obviously the dream looks like a child's appearance and temperament, but Super Dream does have it, no matter how the two look. They all look like Chaomeng, both in appearance and personality.

Chaomeng really knows that although the dream looks like this, it is very likely to be its biological parents, and the source of his genes may also come from this dream, which is also what Kaguya's little dream told it.

With a flash of colorful light, Chao Meng once again entered the X state.

At the same time, Kurama's tailed beast jade is also ready to go. This time, in order to deal with those goddamn extreme beasts, it has prepared a tailed beast jade with a diameter of about ten meters. This is in Naruto World. Maybe nothing, but in the world of Pokémon, it's definitely a behemoth.

If it weren't for the ominous aura here that continuously replenished the energy of the Kurama, otherwise it would not be able to gather such a large tailed beast jade for a while.

With the huge energy pouring out, the huge tailed beast jade invaded at an extremely fast speed towards the location of the extreme beasts.The huge energy ball exploded between the extreme beasts and turned into a huge mushroom cloud.

"Boom!" The violent shock unfolded between the extreme beasts, and instantly countless extreme beasts were swept in.

Seeing this scene, many Pokémon and Ultra Beasts on the scene couldn't help swallowing. This kind of attack is a bit ferocious, although most of the super beasts can do such an attack in actual combat. , like a finishing touch after the evolution of the mega-crack, it can even blow through the entire mountain, but this is only a nine-tailed!That would be different!

Under such an attack, the ultimate alien beasts that are swept in will not be too good, even if they can't die, they will not be too good!

Seeing such an attack, Kaguya was not too complacent. He had seen Hokage in his previous life, knowing that such an attack was not all of the Nine Tails. During the Fourth Ninja World War, the Nine Tails and the others Almost all the existences that exploded the mountain and cracked the island, especially after the appearance of the ten tails, almost all the existences that destroyed the world.

Like the tailed beast jade used by the Kurama just now, drizzle!

The only thing that disappoints Kaguya is that her own nine tails will not evolve. It is only nine tails, and it cannot evolve into ten tails. If it can evolve into ten tails and then become the appearance of Datongmu Kaguya, it would be best. ! O(∩_∩)O~~

"Is Kurama alright?" Hui Ye glanced at Jiuwei and asked with concern. This is the first time that Jiuwei has used such a large tailed beast jade. In the past, Kurama only occasionally fired salutes. There is no comparison at all!

Chapter 948 Two Dreams-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Is Kurama alright?" Hui Ye glanced at Jiuwei and asked with concern. This is the first time that Jiuwei has used such a large tailed beast jade. In the past, Kurama only occasionally fired salutes. There is no comparison at all!

Which (bbeb) is afraid that in such an environment, Kaguya still needs to worry about it.

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