This takes a long time to accumulate.

Of course, if Kaguya said that they were going to go to Necrozma collectively, Chaomeng would not refuse. With the help of Kaguya's Pokémon, they might not be able to defeat Necrozma.

It all depends on what Kaguya does!

"En! You can figure it out for yourself! If your hands are itchy, you can go to trouble with those extreme beasts! In fact, both are very important!" Hui Ye smiled awkwardly, he really almost organized Xiao to organize Things are forgotten (bbah), after all, he has not paid much attention to the organization.

In the earliest days, Luo Tianyi used the name of Mr. Lu Xun to publish various remarks on the Internet, and used these remarks to spread the masses, laying a solid foundation for the actions of Xiao's organization later.

Later, Chaomeng was developing the Xiao organization. The base camp of Xiaomeng was built by Chaomeng, and the personnel were recruited by Chaomeng.

As for Kaguya's identity, it should generally be regarded as a good hands-off shopkeeper!

Listening to Hui Ye's words, Chao Meng also rolled his eyes, expressing speechlessness about Hui Ye's behavior. He had never seen such a speechless man. If he was really his good friend, Chao Meng wanted to turn his face. Muyou(ノ`Д)ノ, what do you think of labor and capital?

However, Chaomeng was helpless in the face of Kaguya for a while, what else could it do?Of course, choose to help him!

Just as Kaguya was about to say something to touch this awkward atmosphere, a group of Pokémon looked in a distant direction again.

Even the two Dreams have a hint of respect when they look into the distance, and even Chaomeng's face has a trace of solemnity and respect, which is not the look that Chaomeng should have.

Under normal circumstances, it should be the attitude of Long Aotian! ╭(╯^╰)╮, he is strong and he is strong, Laozi, you are super lord!

"What's wrong?" Hui Ye's heart moved, but he still asked, and I'm afraid it's the only one who can make Dreams look like that!

It seems that he played a role in Dialga's fairy beans, and Arceus woke up!

"It woke up!" The dreamy face showed joy. Once Arceus woke up, it would be nothing to want to come to the ultimate alien beast!

They believe in the strength of Arceus.

Although the dream level of the tree of the beginning of the world has also reached the level of the creator god, and is theoretically enough to be tough enough to match the complete Necrozma, it is indeed not a battle-shaped Pokémon, even if it has strength, Not being able to exert all his strength, level is only one aspect.

If Chao Meng has the dreamlike potential, level and control of the law, then it is not Chao Meng, but Chao Ritian!No one will be its opponent, not even Arceus!Well, this is really not a possibility, after all, Arceus with complete slate is an unsolvable existence in the setting.

All the Pokémon skills have no effect on it, is there anything more buggy than this?

Although in the game, after the evolution of the mega, Arceus was surpassed by many Pokémon, but in the theatrical version and animation, it is still invincible! .

Text Chapter 959 Arceus Awakes

In fact, many of the Pokémon that came out in the later period were not in line with common sense, which also made many players who liked Pokémon and Pokemon very unhappy. For example, Hupa, in the theatrical version, Hoopa is simply too strong. All kinds of powerful legendary Pokémon can be summoned if they want.Even Dialga and Palkia are the best among the first-level gods, who does it think it is! ? Arceus? (ノ`Д)ノ!

Although Super Smash Bros. is good-looking, there is nothing wrong with it, but making those powerful legendary Pokémon a foil for a new Pokémon, Kaguya can only say that garbage companies ruined my childhood. ╭(╯^╰)╮ It was also from that time that Kaguya really had no love for Pokémon, and at most it was just playing games!

Think that those legendary Pokémon back then were all extremely powerful!When was it crushed by other Pokémon, like a dog~?

At least Kaguya feels that apart from Arceus, no one has the strength and qualifications to do so!The God of Creation is not the most powerful existence, say it - who believes it! !

"Arceus?" Kaguya said in a questioning tone, but she was very sure in her heart.

Only Arceus can make these Pokémon feel this way. It seems that in the system of Pokémon priesthood, only Arceus's level is above the dream of the tree of the beginning of the world.

Dream nodded again and again, but soon its brows were crowded again: "But it seems that it is very angry now!"

"Angry?" Kaguya's brows twitched slightly. Arceus is also right to be angry, right?After all, anyone would be very angry when someone else broke into their home while they were sleeping!

In the Pokémon world, Arceus is undoubtedly the one who has the deepest affection for this world. This world is created by him, and no one knows how much he has paid for and effort to create the Pokémon world.If you want to say that Pokemon is the least likely to hurt the Pokemon world, it is naturally Arceus!

Dream nodded again and again: "It once lent its power to humans, but those humans seem to have broken their promises!"

Like the dynamics of Arceus, all the legendary Pokémon are under attention. When the battle between Arceus and Necrozma spread to Midina, the place was barren, which made Arceus very worried. Guilt, and it happened that Arceus was about to fall asleep, so he lent the slate to the local humans.

I just didn't expect that the humans here did not return the slate to Arceus as agreed, but because the vitality on the slate coveted the power on the slate, they wanted to take the slate as their own and would never return it to Arceus. Zeus!

They even gave Arceus a fake slate, a fake slate.What kind of bullshit is this?And also control their Pokémon to attack Arceus.

I have never seen a human being killed like this. How can Arceus be able to deal with ordinary Pokémon?The entire Pokémon world was created by people!At that time, Arceus didn't do it directly, he just wanted to see what kind of behavior these human beings would do. Now that Arceus has come back to take revenge, he doesn't know how things will become like this again!

For such a thing, no one can forgive him, let alone a creator god like Arceus.The majesty of God cannot be provoked, let alone such things.

And now that Arceus is going to fight Necrozma, it also needs to recover its power so that it can fight with Necrozma with all its strength, otherwise it may not be Necrozma's opponent now, (" ﹁)~→!

"Hmph, ignorant humans!" Chaomeng snorted coldly, it is not just a Pokémon, it also has human thinking ability, which is unmatched by other legendary Pokémon!

This gives Mewtwo more opportunities to think like a human being. Mewtwo understands the sinister human heart better than any Pokémon, and understands this kind of calculation better.In a way, Kaguya felt that it would be nice to have Mewtwo as the leader of the Pokémon.

Chapter 959 Awakening of Arceus -->> (page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

This gives Mewtwo more opportunities to think like a human being. Mewtwo understands the sinister human heart better than any Pokémon, and understands this kind of calculation better.In a way, Kaguya felt that it would be nice to have Mewtwo as the leader of the Pokémon.

It may not be as powerful as those powerful legendary Pokémon, but it knows more.

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Instead of being aloof like those legendary Pokémon, relying on absolute strength to crush the past.

"Then let's go and have a look!" Kaguya looked at Chaomeng playfully. He now knows that Chaomeng seems to have the ability to help him quickly penetrate into the Shenao area, although he can't achieve the effect of teleportation. But the speed is too much faster than sitting on Lugia's back, sitting on Ladias' back.

Thinking about how I have been rushing around in various regions during this period of time, and even sitting on a Pokémon, I feel exhausted.If only I had remembered earlier that Mewtwo has such abilities!

As for Arceus, Kaguya is not particularly worried about it. Thinking that when he crossed into this world, Arceus also knew it, and even he let Palkia take care of himself, enough to see that Arceus still had a good impression on him. !


I haven't seen it do anything to itself.After all, he was a scumbag at the beginning, and Arceus could kill himself by just blowing his breath.

At that time, Arceus didn't do anything, let alone now, although he looks quite powerful now, but in front of Arceus, it doesn't seem to be anything.

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