This is a very embarrassing thing.

Since you can't beat it, let's go and have a look. At most, it is to surrender to Arceus. Anyway, Du Laosi has already proved that surrender has a future, and it is beautiful!

"Okay!" Chao Meng's expression was erratic, and he nodded in agreement.

When he was created, Sakagi told it that it was the strongest Pokémon.At the beginning, Chao Meng also thought so, thinking that no Pokémon in the Pokémon world would be his opponent. Until now, Chao Meng has also recognized the reality, and there are indeed many Pokémon stronger than himself.

But now it also wants to see the strongest Pokémon - Arceus!

As for helping Midina?That is impossible!

(The plot of Chao Ke was changed by the author, in order to better match the plot of the author's own book, don't be surprised!).

Text Chapter 960 The Power of Arceus

Maybe the former Mijina was not bad, but now Mijina has fully felt the benefits that Life Treasure Jade brings to Mijina. It is strange to be able to hand it over. Human beings are selfish creatures!

The Jewel of Life is composed of five sources of life, namely ground, water, grass, lightning, and dragon. It also contains a lot of power from Arceus. Without this Jewel of Life, it would be difficult for it to defeat Nai as before. Crozma defeated the opponent again like that.

This is very embarrassing. At first, Arceus killed Necrozma, but now Necrozma is reborn, but Arceus cannot be reborn like Necrozma.

Both Arceus and Nei "July [-]" Crozma are actually the masters of the two worlds, but their identities are very different. Arceus is the creator of the world of Pokémon, and Necroz is the creator of the world of Pokémon. Ma is the product of the ultimate cave.

In terms of power level, it seems that Necrozma is not the opponent of Arceus, in fact, even the current Arceus is also above Necrozma in strength.

After all, Arceus, who had assembled the slate, was also not the most powerful. At the Pillar of Spears, Arceus created the three legendary Pokémon of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

This is also part of the power of Arceus. It can be said that the current Arceus is less than half of its strongest state, but even when it is necessary, Arceus cannot destroy Dialga and Palkia. , and the power of Giratina will be recovered again. Once Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are gone, the world will also be destroyed.

This is an unsolved problem. Fortunately, a lot of powerful legendary Pokémon have also been born in the Pokémon world, which is enough to make up for many problems in high-end combat power. Even in the high-end combat power, the Pokémon world still has many The absolute advantage, but the average strength of the ultimate alien beast is too strong.

It's like the third-level god is in the ultimate alien beast, but it is the simplest and most ordinary strength!It seems that any ultimate alien beast has the strength of an ordinary third-level god.

This is also the most terrifying place for the ultimate alien beasts, their average combat power is really terrifying!

If it was said that before, Kaguya still had a little bit of dread and fear of the ultimate monster, then now, Kaguya's mentality has become different, whether it is the Kurama or the goddess, it seems that the ultimate monster is very different. It has a certain restraint, especially the celestial beast, which can be said to be a one-shot existence when facing these extreme beasts.

In addition, Kaguya himself got an experience card of the creator of light, and he also has the confidence to fight against Necrozma!It's a big deal to let Arceus fight that little monster, keep Necrozma for himself, or let himself and Arceus have a beast or a beast. Thinking about it, there is still a little excitement!

He also wanted to know how much effect his Susanoo could play with Arceus!Should the alpaca become a fighting camel, or should it be directly transformed into let us learn to meow and meow together...

"Then I'll leave it to you! Chaomeng!" Kaguya said solemnly to Chaomeng, he no longer wanted to suffer from the feeling of rushing through the dust, and no one would be able to bear this feeling!

Didn't you see that Miss Lila's face had become extremely ugly?Don't doubt, it's not that Miss Lila doesn't want to see Arceus, it's that she feels too tired.

Chapter 960 The Power of Arceus-->>(page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Didn't you see that Miss Lila's face had become extremely ugly?Don't doubt, it's not that Miss Lila doesn't want to see Arceus, it's that she feels too tired.

After all, she's just a mortal, and she didn't know how many roads she had driven in the past two days, and followed Kaguya from here to there, even if she didn't participate much in the battle, it was not something she could bear. .

And during the only rest period, Kaguya actually did something indescribable and beneficial to the body and mind with the two girls, Yayi and Touzi. The two little girls screamed loudly, even if they were separated by a wall, Lila also said this. Everything was heard clearly, and it also made Lila feel it. She also solved it manually again and again, which was also a matter of great physical and energy consumption.

Even Kaguya is a little tired, the only one who is better among the three is Arturia, right?Her strength is not much weaker than that of Kaguya. At the same time, she has been involved in the military and fighting since she was a child, and she seems to have a common feeling about these journeys. It seems that according to her, when she was in Great Britain, she was often able to do It is unavoidable to sleep for several days in a row. At most, you can only rest for a while. How can there be such a good environment on the battlefield?

This really made Kaguya feel more distressed for her, which country's damn animation is this, to make a girl so sad...

"En!" Chao Meng nodded lightly, and it also had to perform mega evolution on itself before it could send so many people to the Shenao area.

"I want to remind you, try not to provoke it, its strength is not what you can imagine!" Dream remembered something and said to Kaguya, and it was worried that Kaguya couldn't bear the deaths of those humans, so it was with Arceus. When a conflict breaks out, the consequences are unimaginable.

If you have not been in contact with Arceus, you will not understand the power of Arceus.

Even with its current strength, I feel that I have a huge gap with Arceus, and if I encounter Arceus one-on-one, I will be completely defeated!

"Well, I'm not actually a bitch!" Kaguya chuckled, as if she was more cruel than these Pokémon in some ways.

It seems that in the strict sense of 2.8, these legendary Pokémon really have a heart of the Virgin.

Beings like dreams, they are sometimes very good at talking, when something happens, just coax them, and even just some food can please them, which is hard to imagine, but It is real again!

"En!" Dream nodded lightly, and then said to Chao Meng: "Come back quickly!"

As for Chaomeng and Kaguya, they went to Arceus, but there was not much worry about the dream, and the birth of Chaomeng was also doomed. Even without the approval of Arceus, Chaomeng would not be born.

And after getting along for so long, Dream also regards Chao Meng, an existence with its own cells, as his brother, well, yes, it is a brother! .

Chapter 961 That's Fake

With the mega evolution of Chaomeng again, something similar to the gate of time and space appeared in front of Kaguya and others, which made Kaguya feel unscientific for a while. These legendary Pokémon are really unscientific. The presence!

Chao Meng seemed to see Kaguya's thoughts, and said disdainfully: "This is actually just a derivative skill of teleportation, but ordinary super power Pokémon can't be used!" Then it paused and added: " Even me, if it weren't for this state, I couldn't do it!"

Is Super Dream Powerful?powerful!Although it is not the strongest Pokémon now, and the name is really too second, but even if Mewtwo is not the strongest Pokémon, it can't even rank in the top ten, at least the current Mewtwo is indeed. So, but it's definitely not a weak Pokémon.

Then it can only be said that this trick has high requirements for users, and it is not something that ordinary legendary Pokémon can afford.Kaguya's dream may also be learned, but Pokémon like Shanedo, Ladios, and Ladias, I'm afraid it really won't work!

"In such a place, can the human body withstand 11?" Kaguya asked worriedly while looking at the gate of space. After all, he is only a human. Even if he is a little stronger than a normal human, he may not be able to bear it. The crushing of the body by space distortion, in Hokage, it is very dangerous for Tsunade and the others to teleport long distances!If he died because of this, Kaguya would probably become the saddest protagonist in the Pokémon novels.

It's almost the end of the game, and he's about to be invincible again, but he died because of this. Fortunately, the sales of this book were not very good, otherwise he was destined to go to the UC shock department!

"Naturally there is no problem!" Chaomeng glanced at Kaguya speechlessly, wouldn't it know this simple truth?Is it really stupid to think it is super day?

"That's good!" Hui Ye also sighed in relief.

Then he walked into the gate of time under the leadership of Mewtwo. Arturia and Lila glanced at each other and immediately followed. After all, something like this is not common. If you miss this time, there will be no next time. Well, they may also be the only human beings who travel like this.


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