As the fog dissipated, the street scene of Raccoon City reappeared before Lin Yuan's eyes.The fishing boat they were on stood abruptly in the middle of the city street. It was as strange as an alien from outside.And that strange, pale figure floated in mid-air, and as the sun illuminated everything, it seemed that even the gloomy aura on it had diminished.

It floats there, look at Wakabayashi Yuanfei. Said

"This is our home, our Chito, and our [root] that we can never leave.

"We are all born here, born here, and rested here. And we will be here forever.'

"Lin Yuan, Cheng, you are all members of Raccoon City. Although you are separated from the collective now, sooner or later you will

after you die.

The corner of Li Gui's mouth curled up in a strange way, "And for you, Lin Yuan, this day seems to be getting closer... We have already seen that your life is about to disappear like a candle in the wind."

"The shadow of death completely covers you. You can't see a shred of light in your way forward.

"Your breathing is getting colder and colder.

"Your soul, the combination with the body is no longer stable, and will jump out from time to time, which is why you came here.

Li Gui looked Ruo Lin Yuanfei up and down, smiled and said, "Lin Yuan, your life is not long." Lin Yuanfei raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Can you even tell how long I can live? I've become a ghost Can you tell fortunes?" The ghosts in the world of Xiyuan Temple shook their heads again and again.

"Only dying people will feel the call of Raccoon City.

"You are not dead, but you are not far from death, so you are pulled in by it when you are close to Raccoon City. It mistakenly thinks that you are one of the people who are going home."

"Otherwise, why are you two the only ones here on this borrowed fishing boat?" said the ghost of Xiyuan Temple, "Because you are the residents of Raccoon City, and only you are eligible to come here.

"You are one of us. We will reunite sooner or later. It's just that there is a little accident now. When the ghosts in the world of Xiyuan Temple laughed, their pale papery faces looked extremely terrifying," but Falling leaves will return to their roots sooner or later, no matter how long you have been away, Raccoon City will always be your 1 [root], you will come back sooner or later.

"Everyone who left Raccoon City will come back, this is your fate. The words of Xiyuan Temple World made Lin Yuanfei silent for a few seconds.

Then he glanced at Yuki beside him, and said, "Then Yuki will die soon?" Lin Yuanfei knew that the life span of his body was about to run out, so he was not very suspicious of the words from the world of Xiyuan Temple.

But Yuki should live for a long time, why did he come in with him?

At this point, Xiyuan Temple World opened its mouth and slowly spit out a mouthful of pale mist.It smiled lowly and secretly, laughing like a ghost in the shadows, extremely sinister.

"You are all about to die. It stared straight at the two people on the deck, and said with a snickering smile, "The shadow of death hangs over you at the same time.

"I don't know what will happen to you, but you all have the same fate. It seems that in the near future, you will witness the coming of death with your own eyes and taste the sweetness of death for yourself.

The words of Xiyuan Temple World made Lin Yuan silent.

If there is anything that will cause him and Yuki to die at the same time in the future, it seems that the only thing he will do next is related to Tsuchimikado Toshizo.

Will he and Yuki die at the hands of Toshizo Kamigodo?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the ghost in front of him expressionlessly, and said, "Why should I believe that what you said is true? Wan-you are scaremongering?" Xiyuan Temple World tore it hard.

Holding the white skin in its hand, it raised its head, and blood began to ooze from its dark eyes.

Under the resentful gaze like a ghost, those bleeding eyes stared at Lin Yuanfei, but it smiled happily and crazily.

"I didn't ask you to believe me, I just told you in advance that we are all here waiting for you!"

"That day is getting closer, we are all waiting for you, waiting for your return."

"Lin Yuan, we are all waiting for you!"

keep everyone waiting

During the Chinese New Year period, the interruption time is a little longer.

The main reason is that the later a book is written, the easier it will be aesthetic fatigue, and the worse the state will be.

Since three months ago, my state has actually begun to decline. It is difficult to maintain the state of full-hearted writing, and it is also impossible to maintain sufficient updates.

Just taking advantage of this period of Chinese New Year, spending time to go out for a walk and stroll around, it can be regarded as calming down and getting back to the state.

It's finally back today, and starting tomorrow, normal updates resume.

Well, I mean normal updates.

Chapter 816 What Are You Doing?

"I didn't ask you to believe me, I just told you in advance that we are all here waiting for you!"

"That day is getting closer, we are all waiting for you, if you come back.

Lin Yuan, we are all waiting for you!" He stood there, looking at the ghost floating in mid-air in front of him, speechless for a while. On the contrary, Yuki widened his eyes and said, "I will not die! Lin Yuan-jun won't die either!"

She grabbed Ruobayashi Yuanfei's sleeve, as if relying on this action to gain courage, and then shouted loudly at the ugly ghost in front of her.Yuki's unashamed yell made Li Gui laugh out loud.

"But I'm already dead!"

It seemed to be very happy, showing its black teeth with a smile, "I'm dead, just like all the other residents of this Raccoon City, we have no place to die

And you, were supposed to be with us.But now Si Yan is dying, this is really unbalanced

"We died so tragically, but you abandoned us and lived so happily in the world, it's really infuriating!"

"But fortunately, you will be back soon." Li Gui laughed. His figure gradually disappeared.And at the same moment that Li Gui disappeared, white mist suddenly surged out from all directions.

The fog came so abruptly and violently that it was impossible for anyone to react.

Almost instantly, the white mist filled the whole world, blocking Lin Yuanfei and their vision.

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