After a vast expanse of paleness, Lin Yuanfei felt a strong sense of weightlessness, as if he was taking an elevator.

But in the next second, this sense of weightlessness disappeared.

They returned to the cabin.Lin Yuanfei and the others returned to the cabin of the fishing boat again as the sound of surging sea water beating against the hull came.Outside the glass porthole, there is surging sea water.

The exclamation of the sailors was heard from the deck outside the cabin.

"Wow! The fog cleared up!" Lin Yuanfei and Yuki exchanged glances, then walked out and opened the hatch.The cold moonlight fell on him again, and the group of familiar sailors returned to his eyes.

On the deck of the fishing boat, the sailors shouted with joy and cheered back under the stars.

And the white mist that originally enveloped the entire world has completely disappeared now.

They returned to the moonlight and the waters outside Raccoon City. The sailors were not surprised by Lin Yuanfei's appearance, and everything remained as it was.

It seemed that except for Lin Yuan and Yuki who were involved, no one on the fishing boat knew what Lin Yuanfei saw.

...Looking blankly at the scene of the sailors cheering, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, closed the hatch, and retreated back into the cabin.

Behind him is Yuki looking at him in surprise and bewilderment.

"Lin Yuan-kun, what's going on?" Yuki was still ignorant of the scene in front of him.

In other words, she who has lost her memory can't recognize the world of Xiyuan Temple at all, and naturally she can't think of the truth of all this before her eyes.Amidst the cheers of the sailors on the deck, he looked at Ruoyuki calmly, and said

"We should have been dragged to another space by the group of vengeful spirits from Wanxiong City, but these sailors are not residents of Raccoon City, so they still stay outside."

"Now that the group of wraiths have thrown us out, naturally they didn't continue to haunt these sailors, so the fog cleared and the fishing boat returned to the normal world.

"And the purpose of those wraiths pulling us in seems to be just to give us a warning.

"Well, it might not be accurate to say it's a warning, it should be a mockery.

"They seemed to foresee our death, so they came to mock us.

"After all, to the group of vengeful spirits, we seem to be some kind of villain who [abandoned them." Lin Yuanfei said with a long sigh, "Don't worry, Yuki, those vengeful spirits probably won't treat us. Do it.

"If they were going to make a move, they would have already done so. They won't wait until now." Shu Gu

After calming Yuki's restless emotions, Lin Yuanfei got up and left the cabin.And what they saw before was too shocking. Even if they did not enter Raccoon City together, the group of unjust souls on the bottom of the sea that they saw in the mist, and the people from the world of Xiyuan Temple who came on the waves on the sea Unjust souls are enough for them to brag for a lifetime.Everyone was excitedly discussing Ruo everything, discussing what happened to those innocent souls sleeping under the sea, and discussing what that pale and terrifying shadow of Ruo symbolized.After confirming that the fishing boat was normal as usual and that nothing unclean followed, he returned to the cabin again.Yuki in the cabin was already asleep.

What happened tonight was too terrifying for her.

Now as soon as I relax, I immediately fall asleep.Lin Yuanfei sat down in the corner with a blank face, and slowly closed his eyes.


Endless darkness.

In the dark space of consciousness, three chairs stood silently.On the chair on the left sat a horrible ghost with severe burns all over his body.On the chair on the right, sat a weird little girl in a purple skirt.

And the chair in the middle is empty, nothing.

Lin Yuanfei sat in the darkness, looked at the three chairs in front of him, and remained silent.

But the ghost on the chair noticed his presence, Freddy tilted his head to look at him and said.

"Samurai, what are you thinking?"

Lin Yuanfei's eyes were fixed on the weird little girl in the purple skirt, not moving at all.

Seeing this scene, Freddy laughed.

"What are you doing?"

Chapter 817

There was too much ferocity and obscenity in Freddy's laugh.

For this villain who likes to play with children, cruelly killing children and destroying their bodies and spirits seems to be an extremely enjoyable thing.But Hayashibara Hikaru didn't respond to Freddy's suggestion.

He just sat in the dark, staring blankly at the weird little girl in the purple skirt in front of him, without saying a word.There are a lot of words. He didn't tell Yuki.

In fact, it's not that the group of wraiths in Huanzhao City didn't attack them, it's just that their traps didn't work.But Lin Yuan did not recklessly enter that city at that time out of safety considerations, so the traps of those ghosts were ineffective.

In the end, the resentment from the world of Xiyuan Temple came out and made a mocking prophecy to Lin Yuanfei.

The unjust souls who died tragically in Raccoon City didn't want to kill Lin Yuanfei immediately, but because their attempts failed.And the warnings they issued lay across Lin Yuanfei's heart like a sharp fishbone.This group of resentful spirits didn't know what Lin Yuan was going to do, let alone Lin Yuan's purpose in this direction.

But the warnings they issued seemed to fit together with what Lin Yuanfei was going to do next.

They predicted Lin Yuan's death, and Lin Yuanfei was about to have a final decisive battle with Tsuchimikado Suizan.If it was just that, Lin Yuanfei wouldn't care too much.After experiencing so many things, he is no longer the Lin Yuanfei he was when he just crossed over.

The so-called threat of death has long been ignored by him.But the prophecy mentioned Yuki's death. If Yuki died because of him, this was something Lin Yuanfei couldn't accept.

He looked at the weird little girl in the purple skirt in front of him and asked.

"Are those Lingdui's prophecies credible?" Lin Yuan's inquiry made the little girl on the chair start.She grinned, revealing a terrifying and weird smile.

"Do you really care about this prophecy?" the demon chuckled and asked, "Hayashi Yuan, do you care about your own death? Or do you care about Yuki's death?"

"Of course it has something to do with it," said the devil, "Yuki is the daughter I gave birth to myself, and you are the man my daughter likes. You are very important to me, so of course it has something to do with me." La.

Freddy next to him said unhappily, "I have something to do with you! The man your daughter likes belongs to your daughter? Then I still like you, so you will become Uncle Freddy's little boy?" The girl suddenly turned her head, and looked at it coldly, "If you say one more nonsense, I will sew your mouth shut, do you believe it?"

Freddy raised his middle finger, and used the sharp claws on his middle finger to tear the corner of his mouth to the root of his ear.Then, amidst the blood splattering, it said fiercely with its bloody mouth wide open, "Come on! You little bitch! Uncle Freddie, take your little bitch [beep] off!" Then cook it into soup and feed it to you, believe it or not?" Lin Yuan Lu shook his head as he saw that the two ghosts were threatening each other.

"Brother Fo, calm down first, let me talk to this guy first. If Lin Yuanfei said this, he stopped the fight between the two ghosts. He looked at the extremely weird little girl and said, "So the group of soul-free people Is the prophecy credible?"

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