As for Mr. Okada's invitation to stay, Lin Yuanfei politely declined.

He said that recently he went to live in the house of Makoto Ito, a classmate, and Makoto welcomed him very much.

Teacher Okada thought about it, and there was indeed only one person in the class who would talk to Lin Yuanfei, so he believed Lin Yuanfei's words.

Before leaving, Mr. Okada said, "Hayashi Yuan, whenever you have time, go and see Miyamoto Rei."

Aunt Okada said and sighed, "That child, I have helped you before..."

Lin Yuanfei walked in the corridor and snorted coldly.

Don't worry, Mr. Okada, even if you don't tell me, I will go!it is good!sense!Thanks!Rei Miyamoto's classmate!

If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be entangled by Freddy!

The last surviving children on Elm Street, after all the children on Elm Street were killed, dare to introduce the empty house on Elm Street to the transfer students who just arrived in the same class?

And afterwards, Freddy actually went after Lin Yuanfei, a foreign resident, but didn't kill her, the last survivor of the Elm Street children?

Heh... If there is no problem here, Lin Yuanfei will write the name upside down!


Lin Yuanfei forcefully opened the door and walked in.

The teacher on the podium glanced at him, "Oh, Lin Yuan, please sit down."

The voice was indifferent.

Then the dead fish-eyed teacher continued to teach in a hypnotic manner.

It seems that he is a standard dawdling teacher.

The students in the classroom all looked sleepy and bored, similar to Lin Yuanfei's political class when he was studying.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei went straight to his seat and sat down.

Only Brother Cheng and Xiyuan Temple World greeted him in a low voice.

"Where have you been, Lin Yuan? Aunt Okada is looking for you everywhere," said Brother Cheng worriedly, "Go and meet her quickly, I really offended Aunt Okada, be careful that she will tear you alive."

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "I just came out of Mr. Okada's office..."

Brother Cheng expressed his amazement, "Wow! Then you can still get out of the body, amazing! No wonder you took your schoolbag back."

Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly, and said, "Stop talking about that now, Brother Cheng, let me ask you a question."

Lin Yuanfei's expression returned to seriousness, "Do you know Miyamoto Rei from Class A of the first year?"

"Oh, I know, you mean the girl who introduced you to Elm Street?" Brother Cheng said, "She seems to be the only survivor who survived the attack by a murderer? Tsk... I heard that now Lying unconscious in the city hospital, and her boyfriend died, it is really miserable."

Lin Yuanfei looked helpless, "Please, don't be so anxious to care about other girls' misfortune, you have a girlfriend, okay? Please don't just shift your attention to other girls... You know who in the school Are you familiar with Rei Miyamoto? Or does she have any good friends?"

"Hmm... this..." Brother Cheng tilted his head and thought for a while, pointing to a boy in the classroom and said, "Takashi Komuro seems to have a good relationship with Rei Miyamoto... By the way, why are you asking this?"

Lin Yuanfei's gaze had already shifted to the boy in the classroom.

Wow!Takashi Komuro...

Sure enough, is there really such a person in this school?

Then, is there any other Bujima-senpai, Takashiro Saya...

Chapter 63

Takashi Komuro, male, the protagonist of "School of the Dead".

Of course, here is brother Cheng and Lin Yuanfei's classmates.

Lin Yuanfei is too lazy to complain about this chaotic world view, at least the painting style of "Academic Apocalypse" and the Resident Evil Umbrella are quite compatible, right?

As for the children's shoes that you want to search for "School of the Dead", please prepare the Nutrition Express in advance.

Academy of the Dead, this is a survival animation that apparently fights zombies to survive the doomsday, but in fact also fights zombies to survive the doomsday. It is definitely not a butcher.

Lin Yuanfei, who has watched it once, can seriously assure that he is definitely going for the thrilling ups and downs of this episode... the plot!

In the original book, the school doctor Ju Chuan Shizuka with blond hair appeared, the male protagonist Takashi Komuro whose childhood sweetheart was defeated by the Tianxiang Department and whose childhood girlfriend was stolen by his friends, his girlfriend fell in love with other men in front of his dead body before his body was cold The sad reminder man Nagai Hao who sent the hug, the legendary woman Miyamoto Rei who confessed to the "murderer" who killed her boyfriend just before his boyfriend's body that his head exploded, and wanted them to be together forever, and the hero who had a crush on him but ended up with the author The incarnation of the fat man and the fat house, the tsundere double ponytail Saya Takashiro...

In conclusion, this is a really messy show in your circle.

But now it seems that these characters in this world have experienced some other plots.

Although Rei Miyamoto's boyfriend Go Nagai is still dead, but at least he was killed by Freddy, not by his good friend Takashi Komuro.

Congrats, congratulations, congratulations.

As for Takashi Komuro, who watched his childhood sweetheart fall into the arms of his friend, he has not yet lived a happy life of beating zombies while rubbing his daughter.

He was still sitting in the corner of the classroom, with a gloomy and gloomy face, like a resentful man who just lost his love.

——Although it’s true that I just fell out of love.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class. As soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, Lin Yuanfei walked over with a smile.

Sat down in front of Takashi Komuro.

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