"Hey, Komuro, right? I'm Lin Yuanfei," Lin Yuanfei said with a smile on his face, "I heard Miyamoto mention you before, you are Miyamoto's friend, right?"

Komuro raised his head indifferently, and was stunned for a second when Lin Yuanfei mentioned the name of his childhood sweetheart.

...and then became more indifferent.

"Ah, that's right," Komuro looked away indifferently, obviously not wanting to talk to Lin Yuanfei.

The perfunctory attitude is obvious.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, pretending not to see the look on this guy's face.

"I heard that Miyamoto Rei hasn't woken up after being attacked by a murderer, and she's still lying in the city hospital... Hey... She's such a kind and beautiful girl, why did God treat her so cruelly?"

Lin Yuanfei continued to tear Xiao Shixiao's scars.

This time, Takashi Komuro decided he couldn't bear it anymore.

He suddenly got up and said coldly, "Can you shut up?"

This shout instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the classroom.

The other students looked at this place in astonishment, thinking that there was going to be a fight here.

Brother Cheng who was not far away hurried over.

"Hey! Xiao, why are you so fierce?"

Brother Cheng walked up to Lin Yuanfei and glared at Komuro Takashi, "Lin Yuan also kindly cared about Miyamoto-san. Before Lin Yuan had no place to stay, Miyamoto-san introduced him to him, so Lin Yuan wanted to know about Miyamoto-san's life with you. Things, see what you can do to help... What are you doing so fiercely? Is your voice louder than anyone else?"

After finishing speaking, Brother Cheng glanced at Lin Yuanfei, "Is that Lin Yuan? Am I right?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled awkwardly—you have finished your lines, what else should I say?

This brother Cheng is stealing the show.

But in this way, I owe Brother Cheng another favor. This time, I really can't just sit back and watch Brother Cheng get his head chopped off.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and looked at Takashi Komuro, "Student Komuro, I just want to care about Miyamoto-san. I really don't mean any harm. Please believe me."

Xiaoshi Xiao glanced at Lin Yuanfei, and then at Brother Cheng who was beside him... Maybe he was trying to estimate whether he could beat 1 and 2?

After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and sat down - he seemed to think that 1vs2 had no chance of winning.

Takashi Komuro said, "I haven't paid attention to Li's affairs for a long time. If you want to ask anything, just ask directly, but I don't necessarily know."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "It's okay, it's great if Xiaoshi is willing to help."

Then Lin Yuanfei spoke.

"Actually, I want to ask about Miyamoto's previous attack. I heard that not only Miyamoto was attacked by a murderer, but a student from our school was also killed?"

Lin Yuanfei had a bright smile on his face, "That boy seems to be called... Nagai Hao, right? Does Xiaoshi know him?"

After Lin Yuanfei asked this sentence, Komuro Takashi's expression that had finally calmed down became gloomy again.

He was silent for a few seconds, looked at the smiling Lin Yuanfei in front of him, squirmed his lips, and said slowly, "Hao he..."

"Hello, is student Lin Yuanfei here?"

At the back door of the classroom, a girl's voice suddenly sounded.

Then everyone looked at Lin Yuanfei who was here.

Lin Yuanfei's smile was a bit awkward... Fuck!Yuki is you again?Why do you always pop up at such an unfortunate time?

He looked at Yuki at the back door, then at Takashi Komuro who was gloomy in front of him.

Komuro looked at him indifferently, "Someone is looking for you, didn't you hear?"

"Uh... let's talk about it later. Excuse me, student Xiaoshi," Lin Yuanfei sighed and walked out of the classroom helplessly.

Behind them, there were surprised whispers from the students.

"Isn't that my wife Yuki from Class C..."

"Lin Yuan actually knew her?"

"Looks like someone saw them walking together when they went to school..."


Wow your sister!You bastards, shut up, okay?Have you ever seen a beautiful girl?Be careful that her sister drags you all out and chops you up!

Lin Yuanfei felt mmp in his heart, and walked out of the classroom with a smile on his face.

Looking at Yuki in front of him, he sighed, "My wife and classmate, what can you do for me?"

What about meeting on the rooftop during the lunch break?You came here to dry your hair so early?

Yuki looked at him worriedly, "Lin Yuan-jun, I... I heard that you disappeared, are you alright?"

"Huh? I'm missing? What the hell is this? Why don't I know?" Lin Yuanfei asked with a confused expression.

Yuki sighed and said, "Yuno told me...she said that you were not in the classroom for the first two classes, and you couldn't be found in the school. I was a little worried, so I came to see if you are okay That would be great."

emmm... This sounds a little scary.

Isn't my wife Yuno going to class too?And how did she know that I wasn't in the classroom for the first two classes?And I can't be found at school... Fuck!She fucked me?

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