Obviously, Ren Tou also knew the blond-haired sister Yu.

When she saw the blonde Yujie, she was stunned.A few seconds later, a girl's cry came from the room.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I cook for you every day but you can't help me…hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmm

Chapter 831 Qin Hao

In the morning, it rained lightly.

Sitting under the bridge, Tang Yifu let out a long breath as he watched the wind and rain outside.

"I really miss it...

Ding Yi at the side glanced at him and asked, "What else did you think of?"

"I think of when I was young, I almost enjoyed the pleasure of bed... At that time, I was so stupid and happy," Tang Yifu sighed with nostalgia, as if recalling

Ding Yi smiled, "Do you think of the girl from Tu Yumen's family again?" Tang Yifu nodded, "If she is still alive, she is already an old lady, right? But when it comes to the little girl from Yumen's family...

Tang Yifu glanced at the courtyard next door, and said, "They've been listening to the night, haven't they stopped yet?"

Ding Yi was very curious, "How do you know they've been tossing all night?" Tang Yifu sighed and raised his left hand.

At this time, Tang Yifu was wearing a red string on his left hand, and the red string was shaking slightly.

Tang Yifu said, "This red rope is shaking, which means that the bed where I put the magic exorcising circle is also shaking... Lin Yuanfei is really a beast. After shaking all night, my hands are almost numb. Ding Yi was speechless, "Why does your red rope vibrate?

"Because the exorcism circle needs my support far beyond my true qi! Do you think I want Dai Ruo? After shaking for a whole night, my hands are really numb from the shock!"

Tang Yifu said with a sullen face, "If it wasn't for Vera guarding there, I really want to go kick the door and let that kid calm down. Is my strength so good?" Holding the sword, Ri Ruo Da sat silently outside the door of that room.Ding Yi smiled and said, "Although we can't hear the sound here, Vera is so close and has heard the sound all night. What do you think she is thinking now?"

Tang Yifu rolled his eyes, "Is it important what a seventy-eighty old woman thinks? It's nothing more than complaining about why Master didn't treat me like this when I was young, right?" Tang Yifu's nose flew over and plunged heavily into the pillar behind him.

Tang Yifu shut up instantly.

He looked up at the sky as if nothing had happened.

"...With such a heavy rain, do you think that guy Qin Hao can't find his way?"

Ding Yi held back her smile, and Tang Yifu, her coordinator, changed the subject, "Don't worry, that kid Qin Hao was a little taken aback, but he has a good sense of direction, so he shouldn't get lost.

"I hope he won't get lost," Tang Yifu said with a sigh, "Today is the best time. If that boy Qin Hao gets lost, we won't be able to take him with him in this operation. As soon as Tang Yifu finished speaking, he was far away." A tall figure came slowly in the rain curtain in the distance. Ding Yi laughed, "Look, isn't this coming as promised? I just said that the people of Bajii have been upright and keep their promises for generations. of.

Tang Yifu nodded and said, "It's true that generations are violent.

Soon, the tall figure passed through the rain curtain and came under the house letter.

He stood under the rain curtain, quietly looking at the two people under Ruowuxin.This is a tall and strong man, even if his height is not much higher than that of Lin Yuan's blond sister Yujie.

What's more, his explosive muscles made him full of pressure.

During the rainstorm, this man stood quietly in the small courtyard, letting the rain drench all over his body.

There is no umbrella in his hand.Before and after the two people came, the man directly clasped his fists in salute.

"Hello, gentlemen! Master asked me to say hello to Qin Hao - nodding with a serious face, "Master said that she has been a widow all her life. "Ding Yi laughed, "You have to be married to be a widow to be eligible... Your master is not married yet, who is the widow?"

Qin Hao said with a straight look, "Master said, my trip is extremely dangerous and I may die at any time. If I die, she will be a widow. Because she has no husband, Tang Yifu, who has known me all her life, touched her chin, "Old Ding, why do I feel that woman with breasts is scolding us for not being men?"

Ding Yi felt sorry for her, "You probably made fun of her when she came to Suhao. So why don't you help my apprentice scold you in advance? I was accidentally injured.

Tang Yifu snorted, then looked up at Qin Hao, "It's raining so much outside, why don't you take an umbrella?"

Qin Hao said seriously, before I went out, the master said that a real master would not be caught in the rain. "9620-Tang Yifu looked at Qin Hao again and gave a thumbs up.


Under the rain all over the sky, Qin Hao, who was standing in the rain curtain, did not touch a drop of water.When all the rainwater fell on his body, it was separated by an invisible force.The tall young man named Qin Jie did not get caught in the rain.

Seeing this scene, Ding Yi opened his eyes wide, "Is this the release of true energy...Qin Hao, when did you break through?"

Qin Hao said solemnly, "Breakthrough on the way here.

Tang Yifu was a little curious, "Didn't you come here by boat? Could it be that there was a storm when you came?"

Qin Hao shook his head, "I failed to get on the boat.

"Then how did you get here?" Tang Yifu asked.

"In order to save time, I didn't wait for rescue. I walked directly along Ruohai Sea."

"Wait a minute? You said you walked along the bottom of the sea?" Tang Yifu looked at him in astonishment, and asked, "You swam from the Pacific Ocean to Hokkaido?"

Qin Hao shook his head, "No, I walked here

Tang Yifu was a little emotional, "Then what do you rely on to breathe?

"The innate qi in the body."

"Aren't you afraid of the water pressure at the bottom of the ocean?"

"Stress can help me exercise, that's why I made a breakthrough." Tang Yifu looked at Ding Yi who was at the side, and said, "Old Ding, don't you like studying physics the most? Hurry up and drag this kid to have an autopsy .I feel that if you don't kill him, your patriarch Newton will be so angry that he will jump out of the coffin.

Ding Yi smiled wryly and shook her head, "Since I met you, are there not many things that can piss off Newton? I finally understand why Newton in the later period became obsessed with theology. With your group of outliers, it's no wonder that Newtonians will start I believe in the existence of almighty creatures, I guess I have encountered guys like you.

Chapter 832: The Lily Blooms

"Okay, since Qin Hao is here, let's go. Tang Yifu glanced at the blond Yujie in the distance, shrugged, "Vera will follow by herself. "

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