After speaking, Tang Yifu got up directly.

After taking the umbrella beside him, he walked into the rain with an umbrella.

"Let's go, Comrade Qin Ritian, let's go and save the world."

"Master Tang, my name is Qin Hao."

"It's all the same.

The two quickly disappeared into the rain.The blond-haired sister Yu, who was not far away, took a look at this side and stood up.She also learned the umbrella, holding a knife, and slowly followed.Freddy in the room felt a little strange when he saw this scene.

"Aren't you going?" Freddy asked.

Ding Yi smiled and shook her head, "I'm a helpless physicist. It's okay for me to calculate formulas. Let me fight... sorry. That's not my professional scope. And just as Master left In the room behind her, Lin Yuanfei slowly raised his head and looked outside. In the quiet cabin, there was a faint fragrance of clothing. Two girls were quietly sleeping on the big soft bed.

Ji and Orihime, but Yuki's sleeping posture is really a bit bad, like a sloth, the whole body is hugging Orihime.Even without lifting the quilt, Lin Yuanfei could guess the scene of the two hugging under the quilt.Lin Yuanfei sighed and did not speak.He reached out and grabbed a glass ball by the bed.

Inside the glass ball, there was a small figure flying around, constantly hitting the glass trying to get out.The figure has the wings and tail of a demon, and there are sharp horns on the head. It looks like the legendary succubus. But it is much more beautiful and cute than the hall.Noticing that Lin Yuanfei was looking at her, the little devil ran towards Ruo Lin Yuanfei angrily, but was quickly blocked by an invisible glass.She said something angrily, baring her teeth and claws, but Lin Yuan couldn't hear her.

Wen a devil. It's Yuki's mother.

According to Tang Yifu's request, last night Lin Yuan had a fierce battle with Zhi Ji on this big bed, and in the end the demon was forcibly pulled out and sealed in this big bed by the exorcism circle around the big bed.

As for Zhi Ji, she was too tired last night, and she still hasn't woken up yet.Although Yuki next to her is a half-demon, she has much more physical strength. But compared with Lin Yuanfei's inhuman body, she still can't bear it.

Not long after dawn, Yuki couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a coma.

In the end, only Lin Yuanfei was left sitting here, staring at the crystal ball in his hand in a daze.He doesn't think he is a good man, but Lin Yuanfei can guarantee that he has never thought about opening a harem.

Of course, it's not that he's not lustful, it's just that he finds it troublesome.Before time-traveling, Lin Yuan Lu was so obedient that he didn't even want to find a girlfriend.

For him, playing games and reading novels is much more interesting than falling in love.Although women can solve physical problems, the various troubles that follow are simply overwhelming.He doesn't even want to find a girlfriend, so you let him have a harem? It's just that sometimes, people have no choice when faced with things.

Although Lin Yuanfei felt that he already had Yuki, he really couldn't delay Orihime by recruiting.But Zhi Ji betrayed the family for him, and was even injured because of him, and lost her fertility in this life.As a girl, she almost gave Lin Yuanfei everything she could.Lin Yuan couldn't think of why he refused.

Of course, Yuki doesn't care about multiple individuals, this is one of the reasons why Lin Yuanfei can make up his mind

Although Lin Yuanfei has never experienced it, and does not know how to deal with this kind of relationship between one man and two women in the future.He looked at the two sleeping girls beside him, touched their faces gently, and helped them cut their hair.But when he was helping Yuki to cut her hair, it seemed that Hayashi Yuan's hands made Yuki's face a little itchy.

Yuki, who was in a coma, turned her head away, avoiding Hayashi Yuan's hand, then moaned and touched Liu Zhiji's face with her face. o 20

The harmony of the two sleeping beautiful girls hugging each other is like a beautiful picture scroll.He withdrew his hand. Stand up.wear clothes.

When he walked out of the gate with the crystal ball], he saw that the master had already left.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't care, he knew that Master had just left not long ago.Taking the crystal ball to the next yard, Lin Yuanfei saw a man and a ghost sitting under the eaves drinking tea.That person is Ding Yi. The ghost is Freddy in a striped sweater.

Seeing this scene where the real names were harmonious, Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless.

"...Fogg, what are you doing? You are the majestic Elm Street Ghost King! Sitting here so peacefully, are you planning to retire?" Freddy blew on the tea in his cup and sipped lightly He took a sip, and said lightly, "That's right, I'm tired of killing. From today onwards, I want to cultivate myself and learn physics from this professor Ding Yi. Lin Yuanfei glanced suspiciously at Ding Yi, then at Fu Leddy, you still want to study physics? You are afraid that you will be studied by physics.

Suddenly, he realized something and ran behind Freddy.

Sure enough, there was a paper symbol pasted behind Freddy...

Bother you.Lin Yuanfei was a little curious, "But this guy and I have a twin body and a soul link. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be too far away from me, right?" Ding Yi smiled and said, "It's okay, Mr. Freddy is willing to cut off that link on his own initiative.From now on, he will come to the lab with me and be my assistant. It just so happens that the ball lightning I study needs him. People like him are indeed cunning and cunning. Freddy didn’t even realize that he was tricked when he was recruited. These two The old man is really bad.Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei asked again, "But Professor Ding Yi, won't you go with me?"

Lin Yuanfei was referring to looking for Tu Yumen Suisan.

Ding Yi smiled and shook her head, "I'm just a physics researcher. I know what fighting is... I'm here to help Tang and the others figure out whether Tsuchimikado Suizan's plan will be successful. Other than that... I It’s just for watching a play.” Lin Yuanfei was a little curious, “Are you here to calculate? Don’t you study physics? Tsuchimikado Toshizo’s use of magic to distort the world has also involved your field?

Chapter 833 The Essence of Science

Facing Lin Yuanfei's question, Ding Yi nodded.

He glanced at Lin Yuanfei and asked, "If you want to block human technology, what method do you need to do it?"... Make a wish on the Holy Grail?"

Ding Yi smiled and shook her head, "The so-called Holy Grail is not omnipotent, at least Old Tang told me. The so-called Holy Grail in the magic world is just a collection of magic power. When you make a wish on the Holy Grail, you are actually consuming the magic power of the Holy Grail to get rid of it." do something.

"But magic is limited

"For example, if you wish to own a luxury car and mansion, or wish to destroy a certain city, these small wishes can basically be realized.

"But if you wish to blow up the sun, or wipe out the entire galaxy, the magic of a Holy Grail simply cannot do it.

"The technology that blocks humans is the same."

"This kind of wish that is too macroscopic and too large, the Holy Grail cannot realize-

"Take a step back, even if it can do it, and erase all human knowledge archives. But as long as the human race can continue, sooner or later, there will be a new Galo, a new Newton, New Einstein, human science will continue to develop day by day.

"No matter how powerful the power of Sheng Huai is, it can block human beings for a while, but it is impossible to block human beings forever, right?

"So, to block human technology, we need to find another way.

Ding Yi looked at the rainwater floating in the sky, and seemed to think of something, the smile on his face was a little nostalgic.

"And this path can only be found by people who really understand science and understand physics."

"And that man named Nid Hogg found this way through understanding technology.

"You may not believe it, that Ned Hogg is not only an ancient family in the magic world, a powerful magician, but also a Ph.D. in applied physics from Harvard University. I once gave a scientific seminar

"Standing at the top of two different leaders at the same time, such a genius is really amazing. Ding Yi glanced at Lin Yuanfei and smiled helplessly, "It's a pity that you killed him.Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, knowing that Ding Yi was referring to the gringo Gao Shangshan had been sand-sculpted by him.

Although he doesn't remember it at all.After Ding Yi recalled sighing, he continued, "Mr. Lin, what do you think is the essence of science?"


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