Ding Yi shook her head, "That's right, that's not right."

He said, "The essence of science is actually basic physics. And the foundation of physics is mathematics...that's far away.

"In short, basic physics is the important cornerstone of today's scientific system. All the scientific theories and - all scientific products you see are based on the basic physics system of the current era.

"In a sense, the so-called magic and magical power can also be explained by physics. It's just that the mainstream scientific community has not yet discovered this field."

"The development of human science and technology requires breakthroughs in basic physics. Only when basic physics continues to make breakthroughs can the foundation be strong enough to support the development of the entire scientific system.

"In other words, if fundamental physics stagnates, human technology will never be able to move forward.

"For example, human spacecraft and various mechanical operations now rely on fuel.

"But spaceflight with fuel has its limits.

"Without researching a new power system and relying on fuel power, we will never be able to fly out of the solar system, and even explore other planets in the solar system.

"The resources on the earth are limited, and we human beings are constantly consuming the oil resources that the earth has stored in the past billions of years, so that we can have today's brilliant science.

"Do you know what it would mean if we human beings used up all the fuel resources on the planet before finding new sources to resupply them?"

Ding Yi's smile was a little weird.

Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "All the cars and planes turned into scrap metal?"

Ding Yi shook her head, "You think too simply, the existence of fuel resources is not just for powering cars and airplanes.

"Petroleum, which can be decomposed into different industrial products, is also an important cornerstone of the current industrial system.

"Once the fuel resources are exhausted, the industrial system on the earth will almost shut down, and everyone can only go back to burning coal... But when the coal is also exhausted, maybe at that time, we can only burn firewood

"Just like hundreds of years ago.

"In order to find new resources to replenish and break through the shackles of the vast space, we must abandon the current fuel propellers and develop new ones.

"That is the nuclear fusion engine of the mainstream theory.

"However, with the current level of technology of human beings, it may be difficult to touch the edge of nuclear fusion engines in another [-] years.

Ding Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Humanity's basic physics has actually not improved for decades.

"Although it seems that science and technology are developing rapidly now, and various electronic components are getting better and better. But in fact, we are using the same set of basic physics decades ago, and we are just laying the foundation decades ago. Floors are constantly being added.

"If there is no more advanced breakthrough in fundamental physics, human technology will probably stagnate in this era forever.

Ding Yi looked at Lin Yuanfei's compelled expression, and continued, "But it is very difficult to break through basic physics.

"Humans need to build large-scale particle colliders to accelerate the collision of different particles and study their characteristics in order to make breakthroughs in the current basic physics system.

"However, this kind of experiment is very difficult. Human beings still lack understanding of the particles in the microscopic world. And the high cost of building a large-scale particle collider is beyond the affordability of ordinary big countries.

"This is the scientific dilemma we humans face right now.

"Actually, if Shirato Mimon Toshizo and Nid Hogg don't expose the chaos, human beings may not be able to figure out the direction of the future.

"What's more, they plan to lock down the hope of the final development of mankind.

"If they do succeed, then there is really no hope for humanity.

"Even the entire population of the earth, in the next few billion years, has no hope of breaking through the planet, and can only stay on a planet with exhausted resources and be aboriginal.

Chapter 834 Tang Yifu's Modified Ship

"Even the entire population of the earth has no hope of breaking through the planet in the next few billion years, and can only stay on a planet with exhausted resources and be aboriginal.

After Ding Yi's words, Lin Yuanfei felt a little compelled.

"Ah? Is it that serious?"

Ding Yi glanced at him and said, "It's that serious.

"The current scientific system of mankind is developed by relying on the fuel system.

"Petroleum, coal, natural gas...these things have been stored by the earth for billions of years before they are gradually produced in the natural evolution.

"Once it's exhausted, at least in [billion] years in the future, there won't be enough fuel resources on Earth.

"If human technology is really locked and human beings are trapped on the earth, then in the long years to come, the entire earth population will have no hope of breaking through the planet.

"It's not just human beings. No matter how the civilizations develop after the extinction of human beings, they can only reach the scientific level before the first industrial revolution.

"But after billions of years, maybe the earth will no longer exist.

"It may be destroyed by the impact of an asteroid, it may die from a solar helium flash, or it may be affected by a supernova explosion that does not know how many light-years away. There are too many dangers in the universe, and no one has it." Ding Yi said with a smile, "And Nidhogg's method is to rely on enough magic power to create out of thin air—partially fictional particles that wander within the scope of the earth.This will interfere with every experiment of large particles on children's machines, making it impossible to break through the basic physics that is already difficult to break through.

It's a diabolical approach, but a useful one, and only someone who has studied the fundamental physics well enough to plan it in detail.

"To put it bluntly, people like Nid Hogg are more frightening than the group of classical Chinese who think highly of themselves in the magic world.

"At least in my opinion, if you find the right direction, the development of magic will be smoother than that of science. If applied basic physics has entered a bottleneck that cannot be broken through, it may be possible to seek a new breakthrough direction by turning to research in the direction of magic. .

"The corruption masters who are obsessed with bloodlines and personal power are not qualified to carry the direction of the entire human history.

Ding Yi's explanation made Lin Yuanfei feel embarrassed.

"Although I don't understand it very well, at least I understand one thing. Sure enough, I am not afraid that the hooligans will fight, but I am afraid that the hooligans will be educated... This Ned Hogg is really bad.

Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei stood up, ready to leave.

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