Ding Yi saw him leaving, curious, "Are you really going to take this muddy water?" After speaking, Lin Yuan returned to the small courtyard before.

Although I intend to help, I should at least say goodbye to the two girls in the house before leaving.When Lin Yuan flew in, Zhi Ji's shoulders trembled.

But her voice was calm, and Orihime turned her back to Wakabayashi Yuanfei, combing her hair quietly.

Lin Yuanfei sat by the bed, looked at Yuki who was still sound asleep on the bed, and was silent for a few seconds.

"Well, I'm planning to go and have a look. There are many people and strength.

Zhiji paused while combing her hair, and then said, "There is a knife in the trunk of the car for you. Don't refuse this time. After speaking, Zhiji got up slowly and walked into the bathroom.

In the valley room, there was the sound of water.After helping Yuki who was sleeping badly, he got up and said, "I'll be back soon.

This sentence was said to Orihime in Waka's bathroom.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan turned and left directly.Although there are many words to say goodbye, when it comes to the end, I find that nothing is very suitable.

In front of a girl like Orihime, sometimes it's just an ordinary conversation, and she can understand and support your decision.This kind of farewell, on the contrary, makes people feel more guilty than a girl crying and begging you not to go.

Ten minutes later, the beach outside the town.

A small speedboat docked at the seaside, Tang Yifu pointed to the speedboat and said, "Okay, this is our means of transportation.

Qin Hao beside him widened his eyes, "Master Tang...

Cut.. so you are ignorant, but this is my modified boat, which can run faster and farther.

Qin Hao was a little surprised, "Can this speedboat add more fuel? Is the fuel tank big?"

"Wrong! This speedboat doesn't have a fuel tank, so naturally it doesn't need fuel consumption. Tang Yifu patted Qin Hao's arm with a smile on his face and said, "This is a hand-cranked speedboat that I spent a lot of time remodeling... I used to ride in the park. That kind of pedal boat? This one is an enhanced version of it! As long as it is strong enough and shakes fast enough, this boat can definitely ride the wind and waves! Thousands of miles in a day!"

Tang Yifu smiled fondly and said, "You have such good physical strength, you can walk from the bottom of the sea to Hokkaido, it shouldn't be a problem to serve as the engine for our speedboat, right?"

The blond-haired sister Yu frowned, "What kind of man... If Qin Hao doesn't come, how can you drive this boat?" Tang Dufu coughed and said, "If you slipped my hand, I will If we cut it off, we will really die before we finish our mission."

The blond-haired sister Yu sneered, and withdrew the knife.

Chapter 835 The Covenant

After the blond-haired sister took back the broken knife, Tang Yifu quickly hid behind Qin Hao and said.

"Student Qin Hao, the safety of this old man depends on you. This crazy woman is unreasonable. If she hacks me to death, our plan this time will be in vain."

Qin Hao glanced at the blond lady Yu in front of him, hesitating a little.

Then...Master Tang, I may not be the opponent of Master Bigu.

"Ah? Haven't you already broken through?"

"But Master Bigu is still stronger than me... and she has a knife, so I brought my fists. Because of the plane security check, I didn't bring the Baji gun. I fought her with bare hands. The disadvantage Tang Yifu sighed." With a sound, he said, "In that case... Hey! Boy surnamed Lin, we are here!" Tang Yifu kept waving to Ruoyuan in a certain direction.

Hearing his words, the blond-haired sister Yu suddenly turned her head.

Sure enough, Lin Yuanfei was walking slowly from a distance.It looks like a samurai sword in hand.

Tang Yifu looked at it from a distance for a while, feeling a little strange, "Where did this kid get the knife?"

The blond-haired sister was silent for a few seconds, and said, "It should be given to him by Tsuchimikado Orihime.

"how do you know?"

"It is one of the five swords in the world, Mikami Tsukimune, a famous Japanese national treasure sword with a history of nearly a thousand years. It has been collected by the shoguns of all dynasties and has a high status in Japan.

"Okita Souji, do you know? Legend has it that Okita Souji has a chrysanthemum-monji nomune. But in fact, even a top swordsman like Okita Souji is not qualified to own a chrysanthemum-monji nomune.

"Looking at Japan, apart from the Tsuchimikado family, probably only the Shimada family has the ability to hide this sword."

"The little girl Orihime actually stole this precious weapon... Isn't she afraid that Tsuchimikado Suizan will go crazy?"

The blond-haired sister's exclamation made Tang Lifu laugh straight away.

"It seems that the dowry prepared by your disciple-in-law is very heavy.

After finishing speaking, Tang Yifu patted Qin Hao, "How is it? Student Ritian, are you envious?"

Qin Hao was puzzled, "Envious? I practice boxing, why should I be envious...I don't know how to use Japanese knives." 22 6 3 9 At this moment, Lin Yuanfei had already arrived in front of them.The master asked impatiently, "What are you doing here?

...Let's go together," Lin Yuanfei said, "More-persons, more-strength.The master looked at him indifferently, "I see that you have not only lost your memory, but also your brain is broken. Why do you think I am going? Why do you think Qin Hao is the only one coming to Bajimen? Do you think Tang Yifu has no apprentices? Why? Doesn't his apprentice come with him?"

"It's all for inheritance, idiot! Even if we die in battle, at least the fire of inheritance is still there, and then it's only us who die.

"No matter where the ending of human history turns, you can live in the new world... Do you want our flying sword to be broken in your hands?"

"What's more, you just established a relationship with those two girls. As a result, on the first day of your wedding, you ran to the battlefield to seek death. Have you considered the opinions of your two family members?"

. "As a man, can you stop being so irresponsible? Can you stop doing things for your own pleasure and think more about others?"

"Do you think you are very good? Do you think that if the three of us are going to die, one more you can change it?

"If the three of us couldn't die in the past. We could solve it ourselves, then what did you do in the past? Watch the fun?

"Don't take yourself too seriously, silly apprentice, the earth doesn't stop turning when it's gone, understand?"

Master - scolded relentlessly, scolding Lin Yuanfei so hard.

Tang Jiaofu on the side coughed dryly, walked over and patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder.

"Okay, young man, go back quickly. This old man is fully prepared for this operation. If you can't die, don't let your master and your beauties worry about it.

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