Lin Yuanfei tried to say something, but Tang Yifu immediately stopped him.

"I know what you want to say. There are many people and there is great power. But your master is right, inheritance is the most important thing. You shoulder the future of Feitian Yujianliu. You can't take the future of yourself and the entire school.

"Us old guys will die when they die, but at least we can leave a legacy, then everything is enough.

"You don't think Qin Hao is young, but in fact he has a junior sister who is not weaker than him, otherwise I would be ashamed to ask his master for someone.

"And for us, this time to stop Kamido Toshizo, we just don't want the future of mankind to be destroyed by a selfish guy, and we don't want future generations to be trapped on the mother planet.

"But if we fail, that's okay.

"In a world where technology is backward and magic occupies a strong position, people like us are always on top. Our descendants can also live happily. We are the Brahmins of the new century.

"So for us, no matter whether we win or lose in this operation, we have nothing to lose.

"Take a step back, if we can't fight, we can still run. Do you think the strength of the three of us can't even run away? Then you look down on the strength of your master and old man too much."

"Well, of course, there is also this classmate Qin Ritian. His strength should not be underestimated.

Tang Yifu's words completely wiped out all Lin Yuanfei's excuses.

He was silent for a few seconds, and then looked at his master whose back was against Ruo Ruo.

Said, "Master... I have a few questions I want to ask you?"


"You said before that you built one for me... But Orihime told me that people from the Tuyumen family went to see it, and the tombstone on that tomb reads [Tomb of Dead Master Bigu Qingjuro ] Master, what is going on here?" The master turned his head and glanced at him.

With a look of indifference, "Is this question important?"

"That's good. You wait here, and I will tell you everything when the teacher comes back," the master said lightly, and left straight away.

She walked to the beach, flew directly over the sea, and landed on a speedboat not far away.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yifu patted Lin Yuanfei's shoulder with a smile, "Listen to your master. Be obedient and wait here, we will be back soon.

After speaking, he grabbed Qin Hao's arm, "Student Ritian, please take me for a ride.

Qin Hao was a little curious, "Master Tang, don't you have a treading water talisman?"

Tang Yifu rolled his eyes, "A fight is about to start, do you want me to waste my energy?"

As the voice fell, Qin Hao took Ruo across the sea and landed on a speedboat in the distance. In the end, only Lin Yuanfei was left standing on the beach.Lin Yuan was a little dazed as he watched the speedboat leave.

... and a little uneasy.He always felt that something was wrong.

Chapter 836 Of course he doesn't like you

When Lin Yuanfei came back, Freddy and Ding Yi were sitting under the eaves playing cards.Seeing Lin Yuan coming back, Ding Yi was not surprised either.

He smiled and nodded, "I'm back." Then Ding Yi shouted to Ruo's room, "Xiao Chuan, your sweetheart is back."Lin Yuanfei, who had just bid farewell to Master and was still a little depressed, froze for a moment.Xiaochuan? Who is this? Yi Xiaochuan.

He looked at the room in front of him a little passionately, only to hear a burst of hurried footsteps, and then a woman's body quickly ran out of the room.That's right, a woman's body.Because she has no head, but her headless body is curvy and graceful, wearing a youthful JK uniform.If you ignore the headless neck, you can score 100 points no matter if you look at it from the front or from the back.

But she has no head.

Seeing a headless woman rushing out of the room, Lin Yuanfei was startled.

"Damn it...Professor Ding, do you still keep zombies?" Lin Yuanfei's reaction of backing away in horror made the headless female corpse that ran out excitedly freeze.

Finally, she finally realized what was going on, and hurried back into the house.

With the sound of hurried footsteps, she left and came back again.

But when he reappeared, he held a birdcage in his arms.

Inside the cage is a human head.Lin Yuan was very familiar with this human head.

The moment he saw the other party, he subconsciously wanted to bow his head.

"Fuck? Gao Jiang? Why are you here?"

Freddy next to him snorted, "This is another clone of Fu Jiang, who was captured by Ji Yi and the guy surnamed Tang, and used Chinese magic to suppress the strange power in her body. The current one, and There is no difference between ordinary high school girls. Lin Yuanfei was a little surprised by what Freddy said. Indeed, he did not feel the fatal charm from this Gao Jiang just now. He raised his head tentatively and looked directly at the girl in front of him. Fu Jiang and Lin Yuanfei found that the other party really didn't have that fatal charm anymore.

Although it looks very beautiful, although it is very beautiful, it will not make people's heart beat faster just by looking at it.

, although this shape holding the head looks a little scary no matter how you look at it.Lin Yuanfei carefully looked at the human head in the cage, then at the headless body holding the human head, and felt a little speechless.I don't know what to say at all.Seeing that Lin Yuanfei had calmed down, Gao Jiang couldn't control the excitement in his heart anymore, and rushed over excitedly.

"My dear...the headless female corpse stretched out a hand to hug Lin Yuanfei. Lin Yuanfei was so frightened that he quickly avoided

"Calm down! Gao Jiang, can you calm down?" Lin Yuanfei said with black lines on his face, "Regarding the sadness of the people in the cage, "My dear, don't you like me?"

A cold sentence suddenly sounded.Everyone present was stunned for a moment and followed the voice to look over.

Orihime, who was wearing a blue kimono, stood there quietly, looking at the headless female corpse with a cold face.And Orihime held Yuki's hand.

Compared with Orihime's indifference, Yuki is much cuter.She looked at the headless woman curiously, her attention was all on the cage, she was probably wondering why she could survive with her head separated.When Gao Jiang in the cage saw the two uninvited guests, he immediately showed an angry expression.

"What does it matter to you if I talk to my dear?"

Zhi Ji looked at her indifferently, and said, "Lin Yuan is my man, what do you think? You are a vixen who wants to hook up with other men.

Zhi Ji's words seemed to have dealt a critical blow to Gao Jiang.

The expression of the head in the cage froze, and then he seemed to remember something, with a face of despair.

"Wow! Two dead old men! Two stinky old men! ...People have already cooked rice, and you still don't help me, woo woo woo.

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