"Perhaps, you came to this world a long time ago. You just lost your memory in Raccoon City."

"You don't think your situation is very similar to Yuki after her memory was erased...

Zhi Ji's words silenced Lin Yuanfei.

He shook his head, "It's not very likely... this may just be a coincidence. If I had traveled here very early, then it is impossible for me not to know the story of Asakami Fujino and the others, let alone to be an envoy of justice." Got into a stalemate with Master. My character is not that kind."

"The previous personality of this body is undoubtedly another personality, completely different from mine. After Hayashi Yuan finished speaking, Orihime asked

"Perhaps there is such a...may...could...

She looked at Ruolin Yuanfei and said, "You traveled to this world a long time ago. But after you traveled, you lost your memory and were adopted by Lin Yuan's group. Later, by chance, you met Master Bigu and were accepted as an apprentice.

"Although you have amnesia, in fact, the memory in another world has not disappeared, but is hidden deep in your heart.

"When you met Yagi Shitahira Kiyoshi in Raccoon City, your soul was traumatized after fighting him. Then Yuki erased all the memories of this life.

"But because of this, you awakened when you lived in the last world

"That's why you mistakenly think that you have just traveled here, but in fact you have been in this world for many years.

"The evidence is that Master Hiko and that Asakami Fujino

"Although you lost your memory when you first came to this world, you can still remember some things and know your own name.

"Otherwise, you have traveled to another completely strange world. As a result, in this completely strange world, there is a person who looks like you and has the same name as you... Do you think this kind of coincidence exists? ?" Zhiji's deduction left Lin Yuanfei at a loss.

Although he also doubted this possibility, but

"Orihime is right. That's how it is.

In the gust of wind, another female voice suddenly sounded from the beach, interrupting Lin Yuanfei's meditation.He stood up in astonishment and surprise, and looked there.

On the beach not far away, a figure stood quietly.With a slender and tall row of height, it can be called a standout in any country.

Long golden hair tied up high.

The heroic blonde Yujie stood on the beach at this moment, watching Lin Yuanfei quietly.


"When I met you, you told me that you may come from another world. But you have almost forgotten all about your past. You only remember your name. There are some small things."

"You are indeed a person who came to this world a long time ago, not a soul snatcher who took over the magpie's nest.

"This body is your body, and you have been my apprentice from the very beginning.

"Lin Yuanfei is you, you are Lin Yuanfei."

"There has never been a second time traveler, you have always been my apprentice. Master's words shocked Lin Yuanfei.

And full of joy.

"Master!" He ran over in surprise and joy, "You succeeded?" However, Lin Yuanfei's body passed through the figure of Master.Lin Yuanfei on the beach froze.The icy wind blew, tearing Lin Yuanfei's body.Lin Yuan realized something.

He turned his head stiffly and slowly, and saw Master behind him standing on the beach, but the strong wind could not disturb her hair and clothes.

It seems that she is completely independent of another world.

...the void soul

Seeing Lin Yuan's shocked and dumbfounded expression, the master was very calm.

"Don't be sad, silly apprentice, this actually happened a long time ago." The master slowly opened the collar, revealing the horrible wound underneath.

A huge scar almost split Master's body in two.She stood there, looked at Ruobayashi Yuanfei, and said calmly.

"Didn't you ask me whose tomb really is?"

"Now Master has told you.

She smiled and said, "That tomb is indeed mine.

Chapter 839 Master

"That tomb is indeed mine. Master's words hit Lin Yuanfei like a bolt from the blue.

He just stayed there.

He stared blankly at Master getting dressed, feeling a little dazed, "The one who killed Master...

Well, it's you," the master said with a smile, "you are indeed excellent, and you did not disappoint the master.Your Tianxiang Dragon Flash is already ready to be a teacher.

"So in this world, you are the only one who is qualified to be named [Hiko Seijuro] in the future.

In the sea breeze, the blond-haired sister Yu smiled and said, "You must pass on our school well.

"But Master, you... you... why... Lin Yuanfei looked at the soul in front of him with a helpless face.

The master said calmly, "You want to ask me why I have been dead for so long, can I still come back to life?" She looked down at Ruo Lin Yuanfei and smiled helplessly.

"Because your silly apprentice is really reassuring

"You are going to save the world, Master has no objection. But you can't do things you are not sure about.

"Do you really think that you can fight against the entire magic world by yourself? The water in this world is far deeper than you think.

"Tsuchimikado Toshisan is not so easy to deal with."

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