"Through his Taoism, I can return to this world and fight instead of you."

"Although the price is a bit high, Old Tang doesn't want to see the future of mankind buried by the selfishness of magicians.

"Even if there may not be people like us in that future...the figure of Master

The gradually fading figure has become translucent.

At this moment, she really seemed to be nothing but she still stood there, looked at Ruo Lin Yuanfei, and said with a smile.

Unfortunately, we still failed in the end.

"But it's okay, we still have you and you. You are the future and the fire of the new era.

"Even if the basic physics is now locked by their interference, sooner or later, human beings will find other paths and move towards a new future."

"We Feitian Yujianliu have never given up on human beings for generations.

w So...you have to take your place as a teacher and live well in that new era, silly apprentice.

"And those two girls next to you. They are very good people."

"They treat you so well, you can't let them down.

In the strong wind, Master's figure was smiling and gradually faded away.

That calm and gentle smile seemed to be an elegant beauty engraved in the ancient scrolls of history. -Frown-laugh, it makes... heart-piercing.Lin Yuanfei's hand was tightly held.With red and swollen eyes, he stared at the phantom in front of him, watching the master's figure disappear.

He obviously didn't have any memory or emotion, but at that moment, he felt a heart-piercing pain.

The huge incense sticks across the sky.The terrifying roar shook the sky.

However, the voice of the man roaring in the strong wind sounded so painful.

like a cuckoo crying blood


The rain washes over Tang Yifu's body.Sitting in the gravel against the twisted earthen wall, he seemed to have exhausted his last bit of strength and lowered his fingers dejectedly.And the dots of fluorescence lingering around his fingertips finally dissipated.This represents the last bit of that woman's soul leaving the world.

Seeing all this, he smiled miserably and lowered his head heavily.

Fresh blood overflowed from the wounds all over his body unstoppably, completely dyeing the white gravel under him into a glaring crimson.

However, this poor-mouthed Taoist couldn't joke anymore this time.

He sat there quietly, with his head bowed like a defeated general. The corners of his mouth, eyes, nasal cavity,...all the holes in his head were bleeding out.Even the voice became hoarse and weak.

"Vera oh Vera

The last bit of fluorescence on the viewer's fingertips dissipated, and he said dejectedly, you ominous old woman, I will die with you in the end.

"Sure enough, sister Mao is all ominous... He raised his head slowly and with difficulty, and what he saw was a broad back.

In front of him, the only figure still standing was blocking all attacks for him.

That strong man with a strong physique. The figure as tall as an iron tower is full of oppression.

However, who would have thought that this vicious-looking strong man was actually under 18 years old?

Looking at the back of the young man in front of him, Tang Yifu slowly shook his head and said in a hoarse voice.

"Let's go, fool, we lost. The huge sword energy came from a distance.

Roaring thunder, almost obscuring everything in sight

However, the strong man who stood in the center of the big explosion and resisted all the shock waves, even though his body was covered in blood, still clenched his teeth and roared angrily.

"How could you back down here! Master Tang! I sent you away, and then I came back and tore them up!" In front, the girl in white who stood proudly in the void shook her head.

Under her feet, she stepped like a huge green lotus.Surrounded by countless sword shadows.

She looked down at the brawny man in front of her like a god carrying out the punishment of heaven, and said.

"What a big boy, the three of you are not opponents, do you still want to deal with us by yourself? Listen to the old man behind you, it may be too late to run now."

Not far away, sitting on the edge of the altar, Tsuchimikado Toshisan was surrounded by gloomy magic power, and was slowly healing the injured man.And he just watched the enemy's dying struggle indifferently, without saying a word.Two servants are enough to deal with the current situation.

He needs to focus more on the ritual that is unfolding.

They had three servants left at the end, but Rider, who was theoretically the strongest, died in the battle just now.Now only berserker and caster are left with weak power. But enough.

Tsuchimikado Toizan slowly closed his eyes.

Not far away, Qin Hao roared at the two servants in front of him.

"People of Bajimen would rather stand as if they were dead! Never live on their knees!"

"Master Tang! You will not die here! I will never die here either! Neither of us will die!"

"We want to protect the future of mankind!"

Huge thunder and surging sword energy flooded in again.

However, this time the boy rushed straight out, as if the two servants in front of him had launched a powerful attack.In the storm, the charging violent figure is like a violent beast rushing out of the barbaric era.Frozen in the scroll of the moment!

"Bajiquan! The tiger climbs the mountain hard!"

Chapter 840 Thank you

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