In the sky, it seems to be raining lightly.

To start, just bit by bit.

Gradually, the rain became heavier and denser.

Before the people on the earth came back to their senses, the world was already shrouded in violence.

The icy rain was crazily washing away everything in this world.

The man standing on the beach stood in the middle of the market, looking at the direction where Master disappeared, speechless.

His eyes have been drained of tears.

His body, washed in the torrential rain. -Moving.

Zhi Ji not far in front of him stood there quietly, watching him, also letting the violence wash over her body.

Two drenched people. Standing on an empty beach, speechless for a long time.


"You stand here in the rain, aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Ding Yijiao's voice came not far away.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and saw someone walking with an umbrella in the market.

That's Professor Ding Yi and Freddy the Specter following behind him.

Seeing Professor Ding Yi,

"Professor... Master and the others seem to have failed."

Ding Yi's reaction to this was calmer than Lin Yuan imagined.

"Well, failed.

"Okay, needless to say, Ding Yifu nodded, and said slowly, the dead are dead. The living should be self-reliant. Come with me, I will take you out of Japan.

"During the time, don't come back, so as not to be retaliated by Tujiemen Suisan."

Professor Ding Yi's calm reaction made it difficult for Lin Yuan to accept.

"We.. ..are we leaving?"

Professor Ding Yi turned around and looked at him, "Maybe you want to change something?

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds and said,...Master and the others cannot have any record.or

"So are you going?" Ding Yi looked at Lin Yuanfei with a calm expression, "You have to think carefully."

"...Lin Yuanfei hesitated.

He looked at Orihime.

In the rainstorm, Zhi Ji just looked at him quietly and nodded, "I hope you go.

Zhi Ji's words were beyond Lin Yuan's expectation.

He couldn't believe it, "Weaving...

Zhi Ji looked at him calmly and said, "If you don't go this time, you will never let it go.

"It's better to do it now than to regret it in the future. Isn't the Lin Yuanfei I know all dragged down?"

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuanfei's eyes widen.

He stared blankly at the girl in the rainstorm, and fell silent for a while.

Then, Ku Lu laughed.

"Thank you, Orihime.

"This time, I'm sorry, you're sorry Yuki,


Lin Yuanfei slowly clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "I will definitely go!

in the rainstorm,

There is only firmness in his eyes.

The previous depression was swept away.

In the rainstorm, the professor shook his head, "Don't tell me, I'm not your wife.

After speaking, Ding Yi held up her umbrella and left straight away.

And Freddy behind Ding Yi shrugged and left.

But was dragged back by Lin Yuanfei.

Freddy was a little confused, "Eh? Takeshi, what the hell are you dragging me for?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled,

Freddy began to struggle desperately, "I don't want to part with you! Let me go! I want to learn physics from Professor Ding Yi!"

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