Purple long hair, in the wind and moon

big storm

In the Wang Fengzhong, he led back to the first room, full of murderous aura.

"Tudemen is three years old!"

"I'm coming to kill you!

Chapter 842 Nine-headed Dragon Flash

PS There was an error in publishing the last chapter, and the content of the chapter was published as chapter 842.If you find that the chapters are repeated, you can delete the book from the bookshelf and download it again (no need to spend money to resubscribe), so that you can see the normal chapters.Even the storm between heaven and earth has become smaller at this moment.It seems that everything in this world is passing by for the appearance of the devil.

In the void, the girl who stepped on the green lotus looked at the sudden appearance of the demon figure in front of her, with a face full of shock.

On the edge of the altar, Tsuchimikado Toizo who had turned around just now suddenly turned his head, showing a rare expression of surprise.

Yumen Suisan's calmness has finally shown some flaws at this moment.Because the demon under the storm is too weird and terrifying.With a body as high as three meters, Xieba was berserk.The huge bat wings spread out, almost covering - cut.Long purple hair, demon claws covered with magic lines, even the strong hoofed feet... If it wasn't for the face that was still Lin Yuanfei's, he could hardly recognize the figure of the demon in front of him.

In the void, there is an evil demonic energy.The terrifying and evil spirit that shouldn't exist in the world contains too much terror and despair, and it seems that it wants to completely erode this place and reduce it to a paradise for demons.

Looking at the demon in front of him, Tsuchimikado Toizo said slowly.He really deserves to go to hell.Do you want the future of the entire human race to be buried with you magicians who should have been swept into the pile of old papers?" Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at him indifferently, and said, "People are born with classes. "

"People cannot betray their own class.

"People like us are not born to belong to the world of ordinary people."

"If human technology continues to develop, the living space of our group will continue to be squeezed, and sooner or later it will disappear completely.

"That's right, if human science and technology is brilliant, and if it is allowed to continue to develop, mankind may have a brighter future.

"But what does that have to do with us magicians?"

"The more humanity develops, the more bleak the magician becomes.

"The wider the average person's living space, the narrower ours are.

"Under this situation, magicians with normal thinking should stand up and protect their own group, instead of being like you.

"Obviously a member of the extraordinary group, but has to work hard for a group of ordinary people who are constantly squeezing the living space of the same kind."

"You, Tang Peifu, Bigu Qingjulang, and that Qin Hao. One of you is one, and all of you are spies in our ethnic group who don't distinguish between good and bad, and betray class and group!"

"From the point of view of the entire group of magicians, you are the worst villains! You are the traitors that should be defeated!"

Tu Yumen Suisan's cold snort made Lin Yuanfei disdain.

"Holding the ancient glory and immersing yourself in the past years, but before the general trend of the entire human race, you are just ants about to be crushed to death under the wheel.

"If you are really superior, why do you fear ordinary people?"

"If you are really strong, then you can still be strong in the new world created by mankind!

"If you will be buried in the future of mankind, how can you claim that you are superior to others?"

"Guys who can't keep up with the trend of the times are doomed to be abandoned by the times!" He stood there indifferently, as always aloof.

"Throughout the ages, countless mob rebellions have disturbed the peace of this world.

"But a mob like you, even if you can occupy the general trend, is nothing but a monkey who succeeds for a while, and will fall into the dust and return to the position you should be in before long.

"The future of the country, the future of mankind, the only ones who can stand at the top will always be people like us

"Since you want to protect a group of irrelevant mortals and stop my general trend, then you should be wiped out here. Huge magic power surges behind Tsuchimikado Toizan.

One huge rune after another was activated on the land of this island.

Teng's magical power even distorted the space.

He raised his right hand, pointed coldly at Qin Hao in the storm, and said, "Xiangtongzi! Kill him!" The pale Xuetongzi slowly emerged from the void. But this time, Xiangtongzi was more unusual It is even bigger. Tsuchimikado Toshizo stepped on the entire ritual formation. Supported by the magic power of the six leylines, this shikigami became extremely huge.

Likewise, its power has been greatly enhanced.In the storm, this gigantic shikigami looking down at the earth is like a mythical titan.Its huge body almost covered the sky and the earth.When the huge snow knife swept over, the huge blade danced like a mountain range.It directly hit Lin Yuanfei below.


Amidst the earth-shattering loud noise, the figure of the demon dodged the terrifying blow.And Tuyumen Suizan snorted coldly, and stomped hard.He could only hear the continuous rumbling sound, and the ground under his feet began to rise continuously.The entire altar unexpectedly rose slowly from the island and broke away from the entire rock formation.

Gravel, dust, gravel, falling in the sky.The huge altar continued to rise into the sky, rising higher and higher.

In the storm, Lin Yuanfei looked up and saw Wakato Yumon Suizan standing on the edge of the altar flying higher and higher, and snorted coldly.The bat wings behind him shook violently, and the whole person disappeared from the spot.

The pitch-black devilish energy was raging in the wind and rain, and the berserk phantom turned into a black bolt of lightning, smashing towards the altar in mid-air. 6

"Nine-headed Dragon Flash!"

The black demonic energy surged in the void. It mixed with the sword energy and turned into nine violent sword energy towards the sky.Nine black sword qi, carrying a vicious and terrifying aura of eroding everything, slicing and slicing, drowning everything in sight!

Chapter 843 The Frozen Throne

PS: The new book "Girlfriends Are All Ghosts" has been uploaded, calling for everyone's support.Today, I will update all the remaining chapters of the book in one breath, and break out before the final end-wave!

[-]D update!

Please wait and see! In the void, the altar gathered by countless magic powers slowly rises to the sky.

The huge Xiangdouzi covered the sky and the earth, and tried to block Lin Yuanfei from seeing this scene by waving the huge Xuezao knife in his hand. Tuyumen Suisan snorted coldly.He raised his right hand.

"Kill him! caster!

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