The second dark red engraving slowly disappeared on Tsuchimikado Toizan's hand.In the sky far away, the girl who had been silent for a long time with her feet on the green lotus finally let out a reluctant snort.Then, he opened a book in his hand.

"The mighty Qingming knows no bottom, and the sun and moon shine on Jinyintai!"

As the voice fell, the sword energy around her was all rendered with a strange golden light.But the girl didn't stop.She turned the pages of the book again and sang softly.

"Three mountains and half fall beyond the blue sky, and two waters divide Bailuzhou!"

The sword energy around her began to riot and reorganize, and quickly turned into two huge swords.Only then did the girl point her fingers together to form swords, and in an instant, the two terrifyingly huge sword qi turned into auroras, piercing the sky in an instant.

The icy sword intent surged in the void.Lin Yuanfei shook his wings vigorously in mid-air. In an instant, he was a thousand meters away.But he was wiped by this flash of sword energy every day.Scarlet blood gushes out in mid-air.Obviously, it was just a far-off wipe-down, but his shoulders were almost completely cut off, and even his body looked crooked.

In the void, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, and looked at Qinglian girl in the distance.Only then did he realize how scary this girl was.No wonder with the strength of Master and the three of them, they also ended up defeated.This is the last remaining servant. After Master Bo and the others have consumed so much magic power, they can still release such a powerful sword energy

Lin Yuanfei put away his disregard for the girl, and his expression became serious.But at the same time, facing a gigantic Snow Boy and a powerful follower strengthened by the Command Spell, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said.

"Fogo, it's your turn to help. In the space of consciousness, Freddy was startled suddenly, "Huh? Want my help? A battle of this level. Do you want me to come out as cannon fodder?"

Dark devilish energy surged around Lin Yuanfei's body.He was suspended in mid-air, sandwiched between Xuetongzi and Qinglian girl, sneered sneeringly.

"Of course I don't want you to be cannon fodder! It's to help you develop your talents!

"I have so much demon power in my body, it can be used as a battery for you! Accept my power! Let's destroy this bastard in front of us!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah

The unrestrained release of demon power almost exceeded the limit that this body could bear.

Lin Yuanfei's demon body began to have cracks visible to the naked eye.

One sound, another sound.Like cloth being torn, countless cracks appeared on Lin Yuan's skin.

These cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and finally the dark demonic power mixed with scarlet blood gushes out.

At the same time, there was also an incomparably huge evil shadow.Even if it can't compare with the Xuetongzi next to it, its height of more than ten meters can be called a colossus.In the storm, the moment the phantom of this evil ghost appeared, it opened its hands excitedly.

"Hahahaha...hahahaha..I feel it! I feel it! I feel it!

As if on drugs, the hideous ogre in a striped sweater let out a maniacal laugh of excitement.

"Power! Flows through me!"

In the next second, black devilish energy exploded violently.

The pitch-black wave, - submerged this side of the world in an instant.

The huge snow boy, the floating altar, the young girl on the green lotus... everything was submerged by the black mist.All the world fell into a brief darkness.But the darkness was only fleeting.

When the present moment comes, darkness legs away and light descends.

Everyone was standing on an ice field where the wind was howling, but the figure of the demon that was originally surrounded by the snow boy and the Qinglian girl had completely disappeared and could not be seen at all.But Tsuchimikado Toizan on the altar instantly locked in a certain direction, frowning.There, in front of a huge mountain of ice and snow shrouded in darkness, stood a huge fortress.

And on the top of the icy fortress made entirely of pale metal, stands a throne completely sealed by ice.

He was wearing exaggerated and evil plate armor.The originally long and narrow Sanriyue Zongjin also turned into a huge two-handed sword.

But evil Hu did not move.Because he was sitting there, blocked by the ice, and seemed to be one with the throne.But another terrifying phantom slowly emerged from the frozen throne.It grew bigger and bigger, and finally became comparable to Xuetongzi.

Dark magic power. Continuously pouring out from the Frozen Throne, linking the phantom of this evil spirit

Obviously, in this fictional dream world, Lin Yuanfei chose to use himself as a battery to help the evil spirit in his body to fight! Because only the evil spirit can truly exert the power of the dream world! Seeing this scene, Tu Yumen Suisan snorted coldly.

"Tips for carving bugs!"

He gave the order to Xuetongzi and Qinglian girl, "Kill them!" The huge snow knife with a length of hundreds of meters almost covered the sky and roared violently when it swung it! On the other side, Qinglian girl flipped rapidly Although the page in her hand does not have the terrifying power of Xiang Tongzi, every time she reads a line, the sword energy around her becomes even more terrifying.

"The wind blows thousands of miles to send autumn geese, so you can enjoy the tall buildings!"

"Wu Gong flowers and plants are buried in a secluded path. The clothes of the Jin Dynasty are like ancient hills!" The girl read the poem, and all the vicious sword energy around her began to split.Almost instantly, the sky behind the girl was densely filled with huge sword energy.

He raised his right hand high and coldly pointed to the Frozen Throne ahead.


"Difficult to travel? Many divergent roads! Is it safe now? There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave, and the clouds and sails will help the sea!" Countless huge sword lights, all flickering and flying towards the Frozen Throne above the fort.The huge Xiangzi also rushed there in the central step.

Its feet, whoever took a step, felt a violent earthquake.In this terrifying scene where the mountains are moving and the earth is cracking, facing the attacks of two enemies, the phantom of the evil spirit standing on the Frozen Throne laughs.Its body is deforming.The dark dragon wings spread out behind it.The huge dragon tail swings behind it.In almost an instant, the phantom of this evil ghost turned into a black bronze dragon.It crawled there, entrenched on top of the Icecrown Citadel, with hot magma flowing down the surface of the bronze armor.

"... is the embodiment of power!"

The roar of the giant dragon calls for the earth.On the icy snowfield in the north, the sound waves from the falling snowflakes were all dispersed by it.The terrifying aura almost covered the world.Facing the countless huge sword qi flying towards it, the huge black dragon roared angrily and waved its claws.

With just one blow, most of the sword energy was shattered.When the remaining sword energy fell on it, it was blocked by the bronze armor on its body, leaving only gaps of different shades.However, such a gap is completely irrelevant to the giant dragon.It raised its head, roared like Ruo, and opened its bloody mouth to the huge Xuezi rushing from below Ruo.

"Die son!"

The crimson dragon flames gushed out.The huge snow boy who was almost as tall as the Icecrown Fortress danced in the snow, and a blizzard blew in the sky.Where the big knife passed, the air froze and the flames solidified, creating a frozen force field out of thin air in front of him.

The flames sprayed by the black dragon were greatly weakened when they passed through the force field, and the flames were already extinguished when they fell on Xuezhangzi.And the Qinglian girl in the void has regrouped once again.She directly put the poem book in her hand on top of her head.The book of poems radiated a dazzling golden light in the void.

The girl stared at the giant dragon entrenched on the Frozen Throne, and kept chanting different poems aloud.

"Ten steps to kill a person! Do not stay behind for thousands of miles!"

"The sages and sages in ancient times are all lonely and wide, and the light boat has passed the ten thousand mountains!"

"The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying. Suddenly I heard the sound of singing on the shore!"

"I am born to be useful, not as good as Wang Lun gave me!" From a distance, even if the giant dragon entrenched on the Frozen Throne just saw the scene from a distance, he knew that Qinglian girl was preparing for a powerful kill. trick.

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