For these parents, this is a crime that must not be revealed. Once the police find out, all the parents involved will be in great trouble.

Under such circumstances, if Lin Yuanfei and the others rushed to ask Takagi teacher about the whereabouts of Freddy's body, they would only get denial or even hostility.

Even those Elm Street parents might regroup and burn them to death... that's quite possible.

So Lin Yuanfei's plan at the beginning was to follow Mr. Gao Mu. After school, the three of them followed Mr. Gao Mu to his home and visited him as students.

It would be best if Takagi-sensei would tell them the truth, but if he refuses to tell them the truth, then there is no other way.

Lin Yuanfei felt that although he might not be able to beat Freddy, Jiaye, Junxiong, etc., it was basically no problem to kidnap a middle-aged teacher with weak hands and feet.

This Takagi Heijiro is not Sasaki Kojiro, the two really fought, and Takagi Heijiro, an ordinary person, took his head to fight with him, a master swordsman...with the physical fitness.

Lin Yuanfei still has this confidence.

After the three agreed on the final plan, they returned to their respective classes to attend the afternoon class.

Japanese high schools only have two classes in the afternoon, which is very cool.

However, when Lin Yuanfei returned to the classroom, he found that Brother Cheng had a weird expression, the world was not beside him, and he didn't know where he went.

Lin Yuanfei didn't think much at first, and after sitting back in his seat, Brother Cheng suddenly called him.

"That... Lin Yuan... can you do me a favor?"

Lin Yuanfei turned around after hearing the voice, and found Brother Cheng with a hesitant expression on his face.

I couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? Brother Cheng, what do you want me to do for you?"

Brother Cheng looked around furtively, and then lowered his voice like an underground party, "Aren't you on good terms with my wife and classmate in class C? I want you to help me with her..."

"Confession?" Lin Yuanfei looked confused, "Damn it! Brother Cheng, you have a girlfriend! You haven't been with the world for long, why are you eyeing other girls?"

Brother Cheng looked at him helplessly, "Lin Yuan, why do you always say that...what is my image in your mind? How can I do something that is wrong to the world? I just want you to help me tell my wife The classmate apologized, and then asked her not to tell what she saw today..."

Lin Yuanfei was a little strange, "What did Yuki see?"

Brother Cheng coughed in embarrassment, and lowered his voice.

"Actually, I was resting with the world in the equipment room just now, um... that... the world was so cute at that time, I couldn't hold it back..."

"Okay, okay, I get it, don't talk about it," Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "There are so many people in the school, you really dare to mess around... I will ask Yuki to keep it a secret for you, but You should learn your lesson next time."

Hey... Brother Cheng, sooner or later he will die on his third leg.

Chapter 67 After School

In the classroom, Lin Yuanfei looked helpless.

Although it is normal for young people to be energetic, this is a school!Could you please pay attention to the impact a little bit?

And she was bumped into by Yuki... No wonder Yuki looked so angry on the rooftop, it turned out that she bumped into something blind in the equipment room.

Uh... wait, Yuki is the one who sent Yuki to the equipment room, right?I turned out to be a scapegoat again?

Depend on……

Lin Yuanfei felt a bit pained.

In the end, he stared at Brother Cheng helplessly, and Lin Yuanfei said, "Brother Cheng, brother Cheng, this world is really dangerous! Please don't mess with the world, don't always try to drill into some hidden and uninhabited place, Don't approach such places as abandoned buildings and haunted houses, I can't save you if something happens."

Brother Cheng smiled embarrassingly, "Don't worry, I know this."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes - you know what a fart!

Do you know how many monsters are guarding outside the school now?

This is an extremely dangerous world!One step at a time, there are big pits everywhere!It's over if you don't pay attention.

If you accidentally break into some cult worship site, alien hatching lair, etc., the whole corpse will not be left to you.

Lin Yuanfei sighed helplessly, and didn't want to continue talking.

Anyway, the school is considered a safe zone, and if Brother Cheng doesn't run around desperately, there will be no problems.

Now Lin Yuanfei is not in the mood to take care of Brother Cheng's affairs for the time being, he waits for the get out of class to finish so he can follow Mr. Gao Mu.

In this anxious and long wait, the time came to the end of the last class.

Seeing that get out of class was about to end, behind Lin Yuanfei, Brother Cheng suddenly poked him lightly on the back.

"Shall we go shopping together after school?" Brother Cheng asked in a low voice.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at the teacher on the podium, and then replied in a low voice, "No, I have something to do, let's wait another day."

Xiyuan Temple World laughed lowly, "Are you dating my wife's classmate?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "I'm going to save the world!"

Xiyuan Temple World chuckled, "I don't need Mr. Lin Yuan to save me, I just need to be sincere."

After finishing speaking, the two dogs and men looked at each other, and they were very affectionate.

Lin Yuanfei in the front row rolled his eyes and was too lazy to speak.

Time, it's time to finish class.

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