The melodious music sounded in the campus.

It's school time.

The originally quiet campus suddenly became noisy.

The sounds of students talking, walking, tables and chairs being pushed away... all the noises resounded in the campus.

Lin Yuanfei in the classroom was stunned.

The moment the get out of class bell rang, an indescribable chill crawled up his back and spread to every corner of his body without warning.

Lin Yuanfei felt chilly all over his body as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Depend on!This feeling……

Lin Yuanfei swallowed.

Isn't this a weird feeling only outside the school?

Although the cold and chilly feeling faded in an instant, Lin Yuanfei still sat there with a stiff expression.

The school's safe zone... has failed?

His heart sank suddenly, as if he had lost his backbone, he subconsciously clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

The noisy voice in the classroom suddenly seemed to be far away in another world.

Lin Yuanfei stood up in a daze, looking at the campus in front of him, his heart was full of uneasiness.

what is the problem……

Why did the safe zone disappear?

He stood up and looked around with a pale face.

In the end, he seemed to have thought of something, covered his eyes with his left hand, and then slowly opened his fingers.

At that moment, the world reappeared in his vision.

A cold and pale face was pressed against his nose, staring at him coldly.

Toshio Saeki...

Lin Yuanfei's body froze.

On the desk right in front of him, there stood a pale little boy with a blank expression on his face, staring at him close at hand.

The distance is so close, Lin Yuanfei seems to be able to feel the gloomy and cold malice on the opponent...



The cold gaze lasted for several seconds.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed with a stiff expression, and slowly took a step back.

When did this damn kid come in?

Lin Yuanfei's heart sank completely.

Has the safe zone really failed?

The school has been unable to stop those evil spirits?

Why?time limit?or something else?

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and looked at the classroom in front of him. The students were chatting in twos and threes, and the sound of laughter and ridicule came from afar.

There were even two girls passing by Lin Yuanfei.

However, no one noticed here.

No one noticed that there was a pale child with an indifferent expression standing on the third-to-last table in the row by the window.

Those pitch-black eyes, without any whites, were all of a strange, pitch-black color, which made one's heart shudder.

Even though he was in a noisy classroom, Lin Yuanfei seemed to be standing in a mass grave in the wilderness in the early morning, his whole body was cold and he couldn't feel any sense of security.

Looking back at the desk again, the pale little boy was still standing there staring at him coldly.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, the wooden knife in his hand clenched and then loosened, loosened and clenched again...hesitated several times, but finally failed to strike.

With this knife, whether he can beat the dead child or not, won't it also attract Kayako?

Lin Yuanfei took one last look at the dead child on the desk, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

I didn't even take the schoolbag from the desk.

Anyway, he didn't expect to enter any university or study hard...

Lin Yuanfei ran out of the classroom quickly, and ran directly to the corridor as if he had seen a ghost.

Then bumped into a girl who was also running.


The girl let out a mournful cry, and fell backwards as if hitting a big tree——Lin Yuanfei's physique is really fierce.

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